King Crab - Bringing Back Phoenix Or Founders
Posted 20 September 2014 - 04:16 AM
Dervish - Davion
Grasshopper/Guillotine - Marik
Zeus - Steiner(quote)
I picked the same mechs, except I chose the Black Knight, forgot about the Grasshopper! .
Posted 20 September 2014 - 04:47 AM
I was moved to post simply because this appears to be a very constructive thread concerning player involvement and support for the game. The easiest option to implement would be to take 4 existing mechs and make them attractive in a package that will get players to invest in the game with cash to be able to get the King Crab.
Raven 3L
Hunchback 4SP
Cataphract 3D
Awesome 9M
30% Cbill bonus applied to each of those variants...make 'em Heroic so to speak.
60 days Premium Time
4 Free Mech Bays
1 Permanently owned Camo Pattern per mech in this package, chosen by the player, applicable to all related variants owned by the player.
4 NEW, IS oriented War Horns(the only aspect of this package that would appear to need any work).
Most players would buy that package for $80.00 and PGI could deliver that easily before the end of the year. This is an option that I would purchase regardless of the King Crab as I already qualify for that mech. For me, it would be an opportunity to make 4 great mechs even better.
Hopefully this option will get some consideration.
Posted 20 September 2014 - 05:32 AM
gh0s7m3rc, on 20 September 2014 - 04:54 AM, said:
On Dec 16th, the King Crab reward will be a standard variant with the Hero Bonus (like the Founders, or the Phoenix, or the Prime Invasion Omnis). On the same day, that variant and the other two will be available for MC, without the bonus. Guess people don't want to wait for who knows how long for the inevitable King Crab Hero (unique loadout and paintjob).
Also, it wouldn't surprise me if PGI had the King Crab Hero unable to take 2xAC/20, probably just 1 of them, with a smaller AC or a completely different Weapon Hardpoint(s) on the other arm...
Come to think of it, what would be the odds of PGI having the King Crab (true) Hero up for sale during November? They used this tactic with other mechs previously, having the Hero available before the standard variants...
OK, now I follow. I feel for people that 'missed the boat' on this one, but I still think opening up packages sold as 'limited time only' is shady.
If people really really want a king crab with a 30% Cbill bonus, they can grab the inevitable hero version, buy the $240 clan pack, or if PGI is really nice maybe they'll let people who don't quality spend $80 on MC between now and then to get the king crab.
Posted 20 September 2014 - 06:12 AM
One thought, possibly. How about an Inner Sphere Heroes pack? New hero variants of existing IS 'Mechs to ease the development costs. The King Crab being a bonus attached to purchasing the top-grade pack.
Potential candidates from canon include:
Dragon DRG-2Y Yoriyoshi - Has a unique hardpoint spread, with an full energy+missile focus the Dragons lack, but the timeline appearance is the Third Succession War, which might be a wee bit too old if you want to do the "Clanbuster" theme. Also, another hero dragon might not be interesting to some as we already have two.
Dragon DRG-2N "Puffing Dragon" - Basically an upgraded DRG-1N. Not canon anymore, unfortunately, and the weapons loadout does little to distinguish it from the standard variants. This one, I think, would be better suited as a loyalty-bonus gift, essentially a Hero re-skin of the -1N. Again, yet another Dragon variant.
Thunderbolt TDR-5S-T Tallman - Pure energy Thunderbolt. Third Succession War era is a bit iffy, again, but the design is unique.
Cataphract CTF-2X George - Timeline-wise it makes sense, but the new weapons loadout is snore-inducing.
Victor Li - Fascinating variant mounting basically pure energy (ten medium lasers) minus a single LRM-15. Timeline makes sense (4th succession war), and it's an extremely unique variant. Would love to see this.
Awesome AWS-9Ma - This one would be perfect for the era, Adam Steiner's personal machine he used while fighting with the 1st Somerset Strikers. Though it would need to have some slight modifications to deal with unused equipment (such as the two tons of Communications Gear and old Command Console) this could be a very interesting design, especially with ECM capability.
Edited by Mattiator, 20 September 2014 - 06:34 AM.
Posted 20 September 2014 - 06:24 AM
Russ Bullock, on 18 September 2014 - 09:38 PM, said:
lol - I can take another stab at HG but probably not

Maybe a fan signed petition to go along with your stabbing attempt? After all, unless HG want to be hypocrites (which, they might) then it's all about the fans. I'm sure there's some free and cheap petition software out there somewhere.....
Posted 20 September 2014 - 06:43 AM
JORMUNGANDR MIDGARDSORMR, on 20 September 2014 - 04:47 AM, said:
I was moved to post simply because this appears to be a very constructive thread concerning player involvement and support for the game. The easiest option to implement would be to take 4 existing mechs and make them attractive in a package that will get players to invest in the game with cash to be able to get the King Crab.
Raven 3L
Hunchback 4SP
Cataphract 3D
Awesome 9M
30% Cbill bonus applied to each of those variants...make 'em Heroic so to speak.
60 days Premium Time
4 Free Mech Bays
1 Permanently owned Camo Pattern per mech in this package, chosen by the player, applicable to all related variants owned by the player.
4 NEW, IS oriented War Horns(the only aspect of this package that would appear to need any work).
Most players would buy that package for $80.00 and PGI could deliver that easily before the end of the year. This is an option that I would purchase regardless of the King Crab as I already qualify for that mech. For me, it would be an opportunity to make 4 great mechs even better.
Hopefully this option will get some consideration.
It's not really any different to buying that stuff yourself (apart from the warhorns).
Part of the allure of the packs is how damned cheap it is - halfprice or better. At only a 10-20% saving? I'm not so sure.
Now, a Hero + Champion + Variant of L/M/H/A, with the 12 Mechbays + the Premium Time + Cockpit Items I could see people more going for.
I maybe I'm overestimating how much thought people put into this.
Posted 20 September 2014 - 06:51 AM
Posted 20 September 2014 - 06:57 AM
cdlord, on 20 September 2014 - 06:24 AM, said:
A fan signed petition might work, but it might also backfire. Assuming that HG is willing to share their license (they're not going to just sell it, or let PGI use it for free) they're going to want money for that. If they see too many signatures they might not see it as supporting their brand, but competing with it, so they might put an excessively high price on sharing the license.
If this ever would work I'd expect the price to be much higher than the Phoenix pack, possibly even higher than the price per mech for the Clan mechs.
Posted 20 September 2014 - 07:05 AM
Lightdragon, on 20 September 2014 - 06:51 AM, said:
Fyi... Original Founders was a pure leap of faith and had Zero to do with the knowledgr of company history that Phoenix ot Clan package buyers knew of..... Thus if anything your arguements are more valid when NOT using the founders as a reference point...
Honestly, one thing I do think PGI can do and still not lose face... I say don't re-release but how about allowing an upgrade? If say you bought founders elite tier, you could qualify for a one time upgrade. Same with Phoenix or Clan....
I do not want to see the packs re-release but an Upgrade may be doable from my perspective.... thoughts? (fyi this upgrade is me being nice... usually I think you should NEVET get to change things in hindsight for your benefit)
Posted 20 September 2014 - 07:28 AM
Creovex, on 20 September 2014 - 07:05 AM, said:
Honestly, one thing I do think PGI can do and still not lose face... I say don't re-release but how about allowing an upgrade? If say you bought founders elite tier, you could qualify for a one time upgrade. Same with Phoenix or Clan....
I do not want to see the packs re-release but an Upgrade may be doable from my perspective.... thoughts? (fyi this upgrade is me being nice... usually I think you should NEVET get to change things in hindsight for your benefit)
i dont hate that thought... however at this point it would be useless as this game has already been ruined beyond repair and abandoned for some crappy space shooter
Posted 20 September 2014 - 07:33 AM
Few good reasons.....HOLLOWEEN MONSTER THEME...timing ...Godzilla vs Monster Crab.... If the King Crab shows up turns out to be a upset..........its going to hurt Annihilator sales. But if you release both at the same time......its because they are wiping each other out.

Posted 20 September 2014 - 07:40 AM
Posted 20 September 2014 - 08:05 AM
Posted 20 September 2014 - 08:22 AM
Posted 20 September 2014 - 09:10 AM
1. Phoenix pack? Tempting, but only wanted the SHD and Battlemaster.
2. Clan pack? $30 per chassis is a lot, especially when out of the first 4 'mechs, all I wanted was the Nova and the Dire Wolf.
3. Clan 2? Two free months of premium time is nice, but the Mist Lynx is awful, and the only 'mech I want is the Hellbringer.
If the new IS pack is $20 per 'mech set, with some free premium time and a hero King Crab? I think I will finally have to give PGI some more money.
Finally spent my last 3300 MC on 22 'mech bays, because I've always considered 'mech bays to be reasonably priced, made better with 50% off and using my Founder's MC.
I'd been avoiding MWO after PGI's handling of modules, but well, free hero 'mechs are nice.
Edited by Pale Jackal, 20 September 2014 - 09:12 AM.
Posted 20 September 2014 - 09:17 AM
Russ Bullock, on 18 September 2014 - 08:14 PM, said:
Here are a few hard stops as I see it:
Although there were many ways we could have gone about the Customer appreciation program and the criteria we set for each of the various rewards. The fact is we launched it under the requirements that we did and many people have already made significant buying decisions based on that information so I don't think it would be fair to adjust that criteria at this point.
Next on to the Foundes and Phoenix programs, I have read the threads and although there is some support in both cases there is also I believe enough players that are against the prospect that it would be unfair of Piranha to bring those programs back.
Trust me bringing back the Founders or Phoenix program would be by far the easiest option for Piranha to provide, however I don't feel we have the complete support we would need to do so. Which means that IF we were to provide a new IS package it would need to be a NEW program.
If we look at the price points of the four qualifying packages they go from 120, 80, 240 and 120. Therefore the lowest price point was the Phoenix Overlord package and with that in mind I think any new program would at least need to match the 80$ package level. Also Piranha has never charged for one of these programs at these dollar amounts unless the value of the packages were high and the biggest part of that value was in the fact the chassis were all new.
So I think if we were to offer a package for IS players to get in order to qualify for the King Crab I think it would need to be a new 80$ package with new IS chassis.
I want to hear your thoughts now on this, because it takes significant resources to develop one of these packages and we would need to have some idea on what the support level would be, how many would be interested?
I have one problem with this; Clan players can not access the special version of the Mad Dog without buying 2 top tier clan packages some $360!!
Yet the suggestion is to allow IS players to pick up the free King Crab for $120 (ish)
That is totally unfair; if that were to be the case the Mad Dog should be offered to people who buy the second $120 clan pack without needing the Masakari.
Alternatively create a new faction pack 3 IS mechs for IS including the King Crab or 3 Clan Mechs including the Mad Dog.
For example the clan pack could be Shadow Cat; Mad Dog (I) and the Executioner and just implement them without Masc.
The Clans need more mechs that are available to them.
The Inner Sphere ones would follow suit adding the King Crab as the 3rd mech
Edited by DV McKenna, 20 September 2014 - 09:20 AM.
Posted 20 September 2014 - 09:21 AM
Lightdragon, on 20 September 2014 - 07:28 AM, said:
Then why are you even here posting, what if anything is constructive about your post, what alternatives do you bring to the table?
Posted 20 September 2014 - 09:28 AM
I'm sure the King Crab would be well recived. We have fans of the other Clan Buster mechs, too.
Posted 20 September 2014 - 09:34 AM
Jason1138, on 20 September 2014 - 08:45 AM, said:
I'm still waiting on those cool loyalty points for the faction stores i was promised with my Phoenix pack, and instead PGI is spending their time selling you guys something brand new so you can get a "free" reward, which they were offering because a few of you finally figured out this game is a scam, and you're asking for 2nds and 3rds.
If you just want to throw money at them so bad, please just paypal it to them, so they can spend their time working on the stuff they sold me over a year ago and have never delivered, to go with the stuff they promised me when i pledged founder's that they never delivered either. Thanks
There are plenty of other threads to complain about Loyalty points - this isn't one of them. Loyalty points require CW, which is coming later this year. This thread is about people who want a new IS pack, if you don't want one don't buy it.
DV McKenna, on 20 September 2014 - 09:17 AM, said:
Yet the suggestion is to allow IS players to pick up the free King Crab for $120 (ish)
That is totally unfair; if that were to be the case the Mad Dog should be offered to people who buy the second $120 clan pack without needing the Masakari.
The King Crab is available to anyone who bought one of the following:
Legendary Founder - $120
Phoenix Overlord - $80
Masakari - $240
Man-O-War - $120.
Notice that there hasn't been an IS mech pack for a nearly year - selling a new IS mech pack isn't unfair in any way and has nothing to do with the Mad Dog. A new IS mech pack allows people who missed the first two opportunities and don't want to buy Clan mechs to get the Top Tier Reward (King Crab) which only takes one Top Tier Purchase. That's it.
Mad Dog takes Two Top Tier purchases - and that is an entirely different discussion that also belongs in a different thread.
Edited by EgoSlayer, 20 September 2014 - 09:36 AM.
Posted 20 September 2014 - 09:37 AM
I was late with my Maskari package and didn't get the Kerensky hologram or hanging Clan symbol both of which I'd like VERY much but I recognize these things as exclusive to the time (please tell me they'll eventually be up for purchase). Some things you just miss out on in life. That being said it would be well received by the Inner Smear purists and I'd love PGI to make more cash especially in light of getting rid of IGP. It also might bring the Inner Smear cry baby Clan rage down a notch or two. jk jk! It totally wouldn't.
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