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King Crab - Bringing Back Phoenix Or Founders

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#701 ShadowbaneX


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Posted 05 October 2014 - 06:47 PM

View PostR Razor, on 05 October 2014 - 06:35 PM, said:

Not wasting my time reading 36 pages of arguing, but it seems to me that perhaps a simple solution that is fair to both sides is to offer any member that was NOT a member when OVERLORD was released a limited window opportunity to purchase it. If you were a member and did not purchase OVERLORD (or FOUNDERS) when it was available then that is on you. This gives folks the same chance to get the freebie stuff that weren't around before.

For folks that had a chance to buy the package(s) and chose not to, although my personal opinion is "tough *****", maybe PGI could tack on a surcharge and make a buck or two and give those that will whine and cry if not given a chance to buy now the opportunity to do so.

To your "tough ****" I ask, well, why then can those that bought A La Carte upgrade their packages, but those that bought Guardian, Storm or Talon cannot?

#702 Vassago Rain


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Posted 05 October 2014 - 06:51 PM

View PostShadowbaneX, on 05 October 2014 - 06:47 PM, said:

To your "tough ****" I ask, well, why then can those that bought A La Carte upgrade their packages, but those that bought Guardian, Storm or Talon cannot?

Because those were over a year ago. Please just stop.

You can c-bill the king crab two weeks after they release it as a freebie, and MC it on the same exact day.

#703 Powder Puff Pew Pew


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Posted 05 October 2014 - 06:53 PM

View PostShadowbaneX, on 05 October 2014 - 06:47 PM, said:

To your "tough ****" I ask, well, why then can those that bought A La Carte upgrade their packages, but those that bought Guardian, Storm or Talon cannot?

Like I said to seniority and people who bought the packages when it was avialable rather than ***** and whine about it and not buy it. Its all about merits and boasting, showin off. People want that kinda **** believe it or not or where would the fun be in wearing tags or emblems? There wouldnt be thats the point.

#704 ShadowbaneX


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 03:28 AM

Funny, you notice that there's no tag under my ID, but yet, I did buy a Storm Package. I could throw it on, but honestly I don't care, so no, it's not all about wearing tags, emblems or showing off. If it's really that important to some however, fine, how about it's done like this: people get to keep their level of whatever they bought, they get the extra mechs for whatever tiers their buying (including the King Crab), but that's it.

No titles, no badges, no 'seniority', no other crap that you claim is so important, and they get the King Crab with the 30% bonus c-bills, which is something that cannot be purchased for MC or C-bills.

(yeah, I'm not trying to claim this idea as my own either, it's something that's been posted in the past, but it seems to be largely forgotten/ignored).

View PostVassago Rain, on 05 October 2014 - 06:51 PM, said:

Because those were over a year ago. Please just stop.

You can c-bill the king crab two weeks after they release it as a freebie, and MC it on the same exact day.

If someone comes up with a reasonable answer, I'd be happy to stop. Thing is I've not seen one. So, no, I won't stop. Also, as mentioned above, the King Crab that's being offered is a special variant with a bonus that will not be available for MC nor c-bills.

Edited by ShadowbaneX, 06 October 2014 - 03:28 AM.

#705 keith


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 05:21 AM

View PostShadowbaneX, on 06 October 2014 - 03:28 AM, said:

If someone comes up with a reasonable answer, I'd be happy to stop. Thing is I've not seen one. So, no, I won't stop. Also, as mentioned above, the King Crab that's being offered is a special variant with a bonus that will not be available for MC nor c-bills.

i for 1 think its crap. pgi should have done the teiring different. pre order get atlas, spent money get AH. spent over 80 bucks on anything get king crab. but i don't make up the rules *shurg* that would have made alot of ppl happier. then ppl could have went and bought some random MC and got their crabby.

#706 Zerberus


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 10:18 AM

View PostShadowbaneX, on 06 October 2014 - 03:28 AM, said:

If someone comes up with a reasonable answer, I'd be happy to stop. Thing is I've not seen one. So, no, I won't stop. Also, as mentioned above, the King Crab that's being offered is a special variant with a bonus that will not be available for MC nor c-bills.

You hopefully ARE aware that the EXACT same variant will be available, on teh same day for MC, right? Just without the "Hey, thanks" cbill bonus and camo... that`s the only thing special about it, but oyu seem to be attemppting to imply more.....

Again, he only things unique to the "freebie"are the c-bill bonus and paintjob, and maybe small details in the geometry. Same deal as with the Clan Primes, Same with the Phoenix variants. Expecting anything else is lying to yourself and disregarding precedent at the same time. If it were an actual hero mech as you seem to be implying, it would most certainly be available at a later date for MC, more likely sooner than later, otherwise the P2W whining would be deafening, completely regardless of how good the mech itself actually is. Unique hardpoints only for Money, ok. That`s a hero mech. Unique hardpoints, only for money spent on previous purchases and never to be available again? That`s a PR Nightmare.

And the limited offers we spent money on were therefore, very specifically, 3 Mechs per tier, one of them with a unique geometry, a 30% c-bill bonus, and a special paint job, and 3 mewchbays per tier. The entire rest was fluff, and with very few exceptions (loyalty medallions, LTD modules) can be purchased "normally" today or in the near future . The ONLY things not available today are the 30% cbill bonus on those specific chassis (but you can get 50% with premium time, which is cheaper anyway), special paint job, and "unique geometry" (Locust window rollcage, anyone?)

THE MECHS THEMSELVES were the limited time offer. Or rather, the c-bill boost on a "prime" variant of mech X. You can still buy the exact same mech today, just not with a c-bill boost.

And that`s why there will be no phoenix upgrade, because at that point EVERONE that purchased a phoenix pack IMMEDIATELY becomes legally entitled to a full refund as a direct result of willful false advertising. The same holds true for Founders.

The ONLY reason the clans can still be upgraded is because those are still for sale absolutely normally, just without the preorder bonuses. If I go to mcDonalds and order a Big Mac, I can always upgrade to a value meal, as long as they still sell them.

You on the other hand standing at the drive in window asking why you can` have a free refill on the coffee you bought yesterday, using current customers standing in the store paying for their coffee NOW and getting a refill as some form of twisted rationalization as to why you should get something free, too.

People like that generally don`t care about someone else losing hundreds of thousands of dollars due to what would be a really damn idiotic business decision, as long as they get their own personal rocks off. Just like they don`t care about tens of thousands of other players maybe feeling like they were lied to, again, as long as they get their own personal rocks off.

We`ve already accepted that likely the only answer you`ll willingly consider is "YES, ALL PACKS EVER MADE, available now and for forever, or at least until the king crab release." , just so you can avoid purchasing a current top tier package (why is entirely irrelevant, the fact is there is one currently offered and you absolutely refuse to buy it for entirely personal reasons that nobody is obligated to care about whatsoever ) and still get the top tier purchase bonus.

It all boills down to "I want the King Crab, but absolutely refuse to spend more than 40 bucks and /or purchase clan mechs, so the only thing I`ll accept is being able to retroactively upgrade my Storm to Overlord, even if x thousand other people get pissed off by it and demand a refund. So release a new pack or I won`t stop whining" To be frank about it, I would demand a refund, repurchase the non boosted mechs with c-bills, and would be guaranteed to never spend another cent if people were allowed to upgrade Phoenix packages a year after the sale ended.

Now, consider also that I purchased Masakari, Overlord, and all but the last 3 or 4 IS hero mechs, buy premium time in 180 day chunks, and own close to 100 filled mechbays, each mech having it`s own distinct paint scheme.. Compared JUST to that, your storm package, any hero mechs you own, and most if not all of your mechbays and their contents are worth, well, basically nothing. I have shown PGI that I either have a bigger wallet than you do, or am at least willing to spend significantly more, and more regularly. And I know a few dozen who have as much or more, and there are probably a few hundred if not thousand more of them, many also owning founders and a gold mech or even 2.

So if you really think that you`re more important than thousands of "me", with all due respect I think you may be completely dissociated from the realities of life in a capitalist society. This is not Soviet Russia, where everyone gets the same regardless of what they give.

Therefore ANYTHING that PGI offers you or anyone else that missed out on these for whatever reason should be viewed as the kindest possible gesture they can make, and jumped at. They are in no way onbligated to make it retroactively possible for anyone to get free stuff, and the possibility to qualify is still in place as I type this. They are going out of their way specifically to appease the whiners on this one if they do anything at all.

And if they do, maybe show a bit of gratitude instead of acting like they and teh rest of the world owe you something, because neither is the case.

Edited by Zerberus, 06 October 2014 - 11:00 AM.

#707 ShadowbaneX


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 11:00 AM

View PostZerberus, on 06 October 2014 - 10:18 AM, said:

You hopefully ARE aware that the EXACT same variant will be available, on teh same day for MC, right? Just without the "Hey, thanks" cbill bonus and camo... that`s the only thing special about it, but oyu seem to be attemppting to imply more.....

Oh, I'm very much aware.

Also, please leave out your interpretation of my comments. I know what I'm saying, you, however, do not. I've stated why I did not purchase the Overlord package previously, for reference, it was not due to indecision. I would consider dropping $80 on the new IS package...if I actually had any interest in any of the Cyclops or the Zeus. Again, for reference I don't. Even if the Grasshopper or the Black Knight (or other mechs) were of interest, it wouldn't matter because they don't qualify for this and as such, don't pertain to the discussion.

I would have interest in upgrading my Phoenix package. I'm already Mastered Battlemasters, I have a Thunderbolt (rarely played, but it's not the greatest mech) and the King Crab with the increase in c-bills, much like the (P) variant mechs is of interest, but not the others.

Thing is, again, it's the thing that I'm waiting for an answer on: why can people upgrade the Clan packs, but the Phoenix pack cannot? Please provide a concise, non-self aggrandizing, answer that doesn't essentially become an ad-hominine attack please.

Also, an additional question that you just asked: why do you think you're better than me? Actually, forget that, a better question, why do you think it even matters? Other than your ego, of course.

#708 Zerberus


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 11:17 AM

View PostShadowbaneX, on 06 October 2014 - 11:00 AM, said:

Thing is, again, it's the thing that I'm waiting for an answer on: why can people upgrade the Clan packs, but the Phoenix pack cannot? Please provide a concise, non-self aggrandizing, answer that doesn't essentially become an ad-hominine attack please.

Because, as clearly stated and obviously not read, the clan packs are still for sale normally.


The ONLY reason the clans can still be upgraded is because those are still for sale absolutely normally, just without the preorder bonuses. If I go to mcDonalds and order a Big Mac, I can always upgrade to a value meal, as long as they still sell them.

I repeat again, the sale of the original clan packs has not ended, nor has an end been announced.


This is not a breach of the original terms of sale that instantly entitles everyone to full refunds, as phoenix retroactive upgrades would very explicitly be,but it is still the original sale that has simply not ended yet. When McDonalds sells Big Tastys, I can oirder one. When they don`t, I can`t. It really is that simple.

"One time only" and "limited offer" are very specific terms and part of the original, binding terms of sale that PGI and the players agreed to every time someone bought something from teh packs. Including you btw, you also agreed that it would be a limited offer, available one time only. Meaning if any phonix mech goes on sale without being radically different from the original phoenix variants (in which case it`s essentiallly a new pack, anyway), it is a breach of thousands of contracts, knowingly, which immediately entitles all purchasers to a full refund in just about every western country.

You cannot order a 1957 Chevy Bel Air new from the factory because they don`t sell them anymore (they could easily make one if they wanted, just like PGI could easily reactivate any sale ever if they wanted to). But they DO still sell 2014 corvettes, and you can still upgrade them when you buy them. This is the exact same thing, with the difference that ther is no contract with 1957 Chevy Bel Air owners that Chevrolet will never make them again. They actually COULD if they wanted to without getting hit by a class action lawsuit.


Also, an additional question that you just asked: why do you think you're better than me? Actually, forget that, a better question, why do you think it even matters? Other than your ego, of course.

I don`t, but neither are you, and that`s the entire point I was making. However, for PGI we are both wallets, and as far as PGI knows mine is apparently the larger one. Which means that, viewed radically, your opinions matter EVEN LESS THAN MINE ALREADY DON`T as far as PGI is concerned. ;)

PGI has already caved to the whining and will be offering an IS pack for all of those poor, unfortunate souls that missed out for whatever reasons (BTW, newsflash: What they are or were still does not matter to anyone). BUt instead of approaching the subject like a rational adult presented with 2 viable choices (3 if not getting a king crab counts for you), you continue to complain that the choice that YOU want, the choice that would cause a financial disaster and piss off or at least annoy THOUSANDS who`s wallets spoke when the time called. The thousands that paid for parts of the game that you you didn`t, on more than one occasion. The thousands that PGI should be listening to if they want to stay in business ;)

Edited by Zerberus, 06 October 2014 - 11:42 AM.

#709 Soul Tribunal


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 11:37 AM

View PostZerberus, on 06 October 2014 - 11:17 AM, said:

Because, as clearly stated and obviously not read, the clan packs are still for sale normally. I repeat, the sale of the original clan packs has not ended, nor has an end been announced.


This is not a breach of the original terms of sale that instantly entitles everyone to full refunds, as phoenix retroactive upgrades would very explicitly be,but it is still the original sale that has simply not ended yet. When McDonalds sells Big Tastys, I can oirder one. When they don`t, I can`t. It really is that simple.

"One time only" and "limited offer" are very specific terms and part of the original, binding terms of sale that PGI and the players agreed to every time someone bought something. Including you, you also agreed that it would be a limited offer, available one time only. Meaniung if any phonix mech goes on sale without being radically different from teh original ophoenix vareriants, it is a breach of thousands of conrtracts, knowingly, which immediately entitles all purchasers to a full refund in just about every western country.

You cannot order a 1957 Chevy Bel Air new from the factory because they don`t sell them anymore (they could easily make one if they wanted, just like PGI could easily reactivate any sale ever if they wanted to). But they DO still sell 2014 corvettes, and you can still upgrade them when you buy them. This is the exact same thing, with the difference that ther is no contract with 1957 Chevy Bel Air owners that Chevrolet will never make them again. They actually COULD if they wanted to without getting hit by a class action lawsuit.

I don`t, but neither are you, and that`s the entire point I was making. However, for PGI we are both wallets, and as far as PGI knows mine is apparently the larger one. Which means that, viewed radically, your opinions matter EVEN LESS THAN MINE DO as far as PGI is concerned. ;)

PGI has already caved to the whining and will be offering an IS pack for all of those poor, unfortunate souls that missed out for whatever reasons (BTW, newsflash: What they are or were still does not matter to anyone). BUt instead of approaching the subject like a rational adult presented with 2 viable choices (3 if not getting a king crab counts for you), you continue to complain that the choice that YOU want, the choice that would cause a financial disaster and piss off or at least annoy THOUSANDS who`s wallets spoke when the time called. The thousands that paid for parts of the game that you you didn`t, on more than one occasion. The thousands that PGI should be listening to if they want to stay in business ;)

FYI, I am staying out of all the other things but note one thing...no matter the spend, so long as someone is a customer they do not vary in degrees. All customers are equal in business.

So just because you and I may spend more than other people does not make other people less important in any regard.
This is the most simple and crucial business rule.


#710 Pendraco


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 11:43 AM


Posted Image

Edited by Pendraco, 06 October 2014 - 11:46 AM.

#711 Alek Ituin


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 11:43 AM

View PostSoul Tribunal, on 06 October 2014 - 11:37 AM, said:

FYI, I am staying out of all the other things but note one thing...no matter the spend, so long as someone is a customer they do not vary in degrees. All customers are equal in business.

So just because you and I may spend more than other people does not make other people less important in any regard.
This is the most simple and crucial business rule.


That's not quite right.

A business will give an exponentially higher amount of preference to the opinions of a high-end investor, than they would some person who bought a candy bar from their store once. Losing the confidence (and thus, money) of a high-end investor is an utterly gigantic threat as compared to losing the business of somebody who has only spent a few dollars.

Obviously this applies in a slightly different manner here, but the point remains the same.

Just saying.

Edited by Alek Ituin, 06 October 2014 - 11:45 AM.

#712 Zerberus


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 11:48 AM

View PostSoul Tribunal, on 06 October 2014 - 11:37 AM, said:

FYI, I am staying out of all the other things but note one thing...no matter the spend, so long as someone is a customer they do not vary in degrees. All customers are equal in business.

So just because you and I may spend more than other people does not make other people less important in any regard.
This is the most simple and crucial business rule.


In pure theoretical principle, yes.

But in reality:
We both walk into a Chevy dealership that we`ve never been to before.

You buy a set of tires and rims, a keychain, a hands-free headset, a license plate holder, a set of snow chains, a ski rack, a bobblehead, a beaded seat cover, new brake pads, an 8 ball gearshifter, and a coffee mug.

I buy a silverado with with the offroad package in a custom color with a 2000$ stereo system.

Now, which one of us is getting a car DVD player and A/C for free, and maybe even be invited to the country club for a round of golf? ;)

*edit* Alek hit it on tehhead. Or to put it in F2P terms, one whale that keeps paying douple and triple digit sums for packs and ingame items on a regular basis does a lot more towards keeping the servers running and paying for pizza for the support team than the guy who buys a few hero mechs and bays once or twice, and maybe small packs mostly for the early -bird cockpit items and premium time. That`s not to say he isn`t helping too, and isn`t also a valuable customer. But if you have to pick one to keep and one to lose, from a financial standpoint the choice is stupidly obvious.

Edited by Zerberus, 06 October 2014 - 12:00 PM.

#713 Pendraco


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 11:55 AM

View PostZerberus, on 06 October 2014 - 11:48 AM, said:

In pure theoretical principle, yes.

But in reality:
We both walk into a Chevy dealership that we`ve never been to before.

You buy a set of tires and rims, a keychain, a hands-free headset, a license plate holder, a set of snow chains, a ski rack, a bobblehead, a beaded seat cover, new brake pads, an 8 ball gearshifter, and a coffee mug.

I buy a silverado with with the offroad package in a custom color with a 2000$ stereo system.

Now, which one of us is getting a car DVD player and A/C for free, and maybe even be invited to the country club for a round of golf? ;)

In this instance the guy that bought the "Special" Silverado, that nobody has driven yet.....no idea what engine it has. Is it 4 wheel drive? But here's a picture, a T-shirt showing you support Chevy and a cool mug.

Probably the same guy that bought the "special" Impala during last years fund raising efforts...

#714 Soul Tribunal


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 12:11 PM

View PostAlek Ituin, on 06 October 2014 - 11:43 AM, said:

That's not quite right.

A business will give an exponentially higher amount of preference to the opinions of a high-end investor, than they would some person who bought a candy bar from their store once. Losing the confidence (and thus, money) of a high-end investor is an utterly gigantic threat as compared to losing the business of somebody who has only spent a few dollars.

Obviously this applies in a slightly different manner here, but the point remains the same.

Just saying.

Sorry but that model doesn't work.
An Investor and a customer are mutually seperate from each other.
Someone who invests is a person Whom expects a ROI from that venture. A Customer is a person whom is forfeiting their cash for a service/item. And, should said person be happy will return to make continually purchases at later dates.(I.e. we are not giving PGI money, and then at a later date getting More Money back, or nothing to show for what we give)
None of us are investors in PGI in that traditional sense. We are customers, and as such are treated on equal footing regardless of our spend.
(That is unless you have actual Stock on PGI, but they you are in a different catagory).


Edited by Soul Tribunal, 06 October 2014 - 12:12 PM.

#715 Soul Tribunal


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 12:16 PM

View PostZerberus, on 06 October 2014 - 11:48 AM, said:

In pure theoretical principle, yes.

But in reality:
We both walk into a Chevy dealership that we`ve never been to before.

You buy a set of tires and rims, a keychain, a hands-free headset, a license plate holder, a set of snow chains, a ski rack, a bobblehead, a beaded seat cover, new brake pads, an 8 ball gearshifter, and a coffee mug.

I buy a silverado with with the offroad package in a custom color with a 2000$ stereo system.

Now, which one of us is getting a car DVD player and A/C for free, and maybe even be invited to the country club for a round of golf? ;)

*edit* Alek hit it on tehhead. Or to put it in F2P terms, one whale that keeps paying douple and triple digit sums for packs and ingame items on a regular basis does a lot more towards keeping the servers running and paying for pizza for the support team than the guy who buys a few hero mechs and bays once or twice, and maybe small packs mostly for the early -bird cockpit items and premium time. That`s not to say he isn`t helping too, and isn`t also a valuable customer. But if you have to pick one to keep and one to lose, from a financial standpoint the choice is stupidly obvious.

Your example is a bit flawed since the business model of a dealership is to sell cars, not accessories as its primary source of income. And how would a person getting all those accessories get A/C for free anyways?

Good example.
My Wifes car is a Kia Sorento.
Mine is a Kia Rio.

There is oh of the top of my head about $25K seperating the cars. Purchased from different dealerships, on different dates.

We both got free Swiss Army Kia Watches and a dozen other acccessories.

SO yeah, we supported the primary business model of the company and were both compensated equally.
When we go get our oil changes done, we both get the same care package as a result.

i.e. your model doesnt' work correctly there.


Edited by Soul Tribunal, 06 October 2014 - 12:18 PM.

#716 Alek Ituin


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 12:27 PM

View PostSoul Tribunal, on 06 October 2014 - 12:11 PM, said:

Sorry but that model doesn't work.
An Investor and a customer are mutually seperate from each other.
Someone who invests is a person Whom expects a ROI from that venture. A Customer is a person whom is forfeiting their cash for a service/item. And, should said person be happy will return to make continually purchases at later dates.(I.e. we are not giving PGI money, and then at a later date getting More Money back, or nothing to show for what we give)
None of us are investors in PGI in that traditional sense. We are customers, and as such are treated on equal footing regardless of our spend.
(That is unless you have actual Stock on PGI, but they you are in a different catagory).


Perhaps investor wasn't the right choice of wording, true.

That said, customers who repeatedly spend large amounts of money are intrinsically more valuable than customers who repeatedly spend small amounts of money. Losing the customer spending less money is going to be less of a hit to income than losing the customer spending more.

Also, I have no idea where this went. What do and why.

#717 Scryed


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 12:50 PM

All founders should get King Crabs not just those that bought the most expensive package, cause if that was the case I would have bought the larger package....this honestly makes me not want to put anymore money into this game at all seeing how they treat customers :P

#718 Scryed


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 12:57 PM

View PostScryed, on 06 October 2014 - 12:50 PM, said:

All founders should get King Crabs not just those that bought the most expensive package, cause if that was the case I would have bought the larger package....this honestly makes me not want to put anymore money into this game at all seeing how they treat customers :P

And to be honest anyone who bought any type of pack should get something because they put money towards something, bought the lowest package you get one mech, bought the largets package you get all the variants, I would say that is pretty fair as well as it would encourage more people to SPEND MONEY.

#719 Pendraco


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 01:22 PM

View PostScryed, on 06 October 2014 - 12:57 PM, said:

All founders should get King Crabs not just those that bought the most expensive package, cause if that was the case I would have bought the larger package....this honestly makes me not want to put anymore money into this game at all seeing how they treat customers :P

And to be honest anyone who bought any type of pack should get something because they put money towards something, bought the lowest package you get one mech, bought the largets package you get all the variants, I would say that is pretty fair as well as it would encourage more people to SPEND MONEY.

Like this you mean? http://mwomercs.com/...iation-program/

As far as I can tell EVERYONE that at least plays the damn game is getting or already received something.....Your talking about everyone getting everything?


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Players with less than 100 matches still have the potential to earn this reward, as you have until Sept 23rd at 10:00 am PDT to hit the mark! The Active Player Reward will be injected into eligible accounts on September 23rd.

MechWarrior Credits Reward
This reward is for anyone who has ever purchased MechWarrior Credits. Eligible players will receive an exclusive new Centurion variant - the CN9-AH - decked out with a custom paint job, along with a 30% C-bill Bonus and a free Mechbay. This custom CN9-AH variant will only be available through our MechWarrior Credits Reward program and will be injected into eligible accounts on October 21st. You have until Sept 23rd at 10:00 am PDT to earn the MechWarrior Credits Reward. Founders packages that included MechWarrior Credits qualify for this reward. Standard versions of this new variant will be available for C-Bills at a future date to be determined.

Pre-Sale Reward
This reward is for players who have purchased any pre-sale program package. This includes any level of Founders, Phoenix, Clan Invasion Wave1 and 2 packages, or a la carte mechs. Eligible players will receive an exclusive new Atlas variant - the AS7-S - decked out with a custom paint job, along with a 30% C-bill Bonus and a free Mechbay. This custom AS7-S variant will only be available through our Pre-Sale Reward program and will be injected into eligible accounts on October 21st. You have until Sept 23rd at 10:00 am PDT to earn the Pre-Sale Reward. Standard versions of this new variant will be available for C-Bills at a future date to be determined.

Top Tier Reward
This reward is for anyone who purchased a Top Tier Package in any of our pre-order programs. Eligible players will receive an exclusive new King Crab Assault Mech decked out with a custom paint job, along with a 30% C-bill Bonus and a free Mechbay. This custom King Crab variant will only be available through our Top Tier Reward program and will be injected into eligible accounts on December 16th. You have until December 16th at 10:00 am PDT to earn the Top Tier Reward. All Standard variants of this chassis will be available for MC December 16th and C-bills January 20th.

...This has all started because some people qualified for everything EXCEPT the King Crab....

Edited by Pendraco, 06 October 2014 - 01:25 PM.

#720 Belorion


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 02:00 PM

I think Pendraco has the truth of it. The complaint isn't so much that they aren't getting something for free... its that they aren't getting what they want for free...

Well sometimes you just don't get everything you want. The King Crab will be out for cbills at some point. Heck it may even be out for c-bills around the time its injected for free, so really at that point the only thing it will take is time.

Seriously... just because someone wants something doesn't mean they should be able to get it for 0 effort.

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