DEMAX51, on 22 September 2014 - 10:26 AM, said:
I have to agree with Lucy. I play comp, and run Lights in 100% of the comp matches I play; the Lights in use in comp play are the 6ML Jenner-F, the 4ML/4MG Ember, occasionally the 2ERLL Raven-3L, and recently I've seen a smattering of Kitfoxes (either 2ERLL, or 4SSRM4/6). Occasionally you'll see ERLL Spiders and Light-Hunter Jenner-Ds, and Oxides (either 4xSRM4 or 4xSSRM2, but streaks are rarer nowadays). I can't, for the life of me, remember anyone, ever, bringing a PPC Light into comp play.
That may not be a ton of variety, but it's a lot more viability than just one build like the OP makes it out to be.
And I'll tell you the same I said to Lucy, only 3 days ago in Chat I was told that my 1ERLL light build was "Lame" because I wasn't loaded for bear. Turned out over 200 dmg with it, but that apparently is irrelevant.
Now above, you list out what 6 chassis and maybe 3 builds? 3 chassis you mention are all 2ERLL builds. That's not variety to me.
And before you go off,
I'm not saying that no mech should be able to carry the same loadout as another mech, but just that, as I said in an earlier post, I'd like to see something that brings up the "bads" and lowers the "goods" so that all mechs are viable and you don't see so much repetition. To me, the mechs I'm driving have flavor as I build them to be different, the mechs I meet in battle, not so much.
And I must be in ELO hell as I still see some of these builds that you and Lucy never see any more. And here I though I was a decent player.