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[Guide] The Ultimate Dire Wolf Guide

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#41 n r g


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Posted 24 September 2014 - 02:29 PM

OK and just to sum it up, there are (2) "god mode" builds for the Dire wolf at the moment. It's not a SECRET and anyone with a 60IQ can figure it out.

ALSO, delete that intial post of the thread where the OP posted that LRM10 /AC20 direwolf build (vomits).

It's the 2largepulse3mediumlaser2gauss (there is a 4mediumlaser2largelaser varition of this) build that KineticX posted:

And the 2large pulse4UAC5 (there are some variations of this with medium lasers, you can add/drop ammo, or just drop the lasers and go 5 uac/5):

there you go, //end thread. no point for 1 page of information, or pointless fodder. just those (2) builds if you want to win/dogood/maximize kills+minimize deaths.

​ITS REALLY THAT SIMPLE PEOPLE!!!! (now you can go forward and work on your bad aim, or really bad map awareness since you don't have to worry about a direwolf build.... ;P)

Edited by E N E R G Y, 24 September 2014 - 02:33 PM.

#42 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 24 September 2014 - 02:41 PM

View PostE N E R G Y, on 24 September 2014 - 02:24 PM, said:

Anyone who doesn't use the absolute META as I personally declare it is a MORON and a BAD PLAYER

Suffice it to say that there are reasons you are on my ignore list.

Quote me again and I am reporting you.
Just like last time.

I am not reporting you this time, only because it has been so long.

Edit: rephrased the quote to be slightly more accurate and far more polite.

Edited by Shar Wolf, 24 September 2014 - 02:43 PM.

#43 Kain Demos


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Posted 24 September 2014 - 02:57 PM

I'm going to give this a shot when I get home tonight:


Clearly heat is going to be somethign that limits my rate of fire but the Gauss will back me up nicely.

I hate to have to lose the "A" arm and its actuator though. Think I'll run Gauss cooldown reduction module and CERML range module so it synergies with the LPL and Gauss optimum range better. Other two modules I'll just keep Radar Deprivation and Advanced Zoom. I thought about trying to make room for at least a TC and CAP like I do on most of my builds but with no missiles I guess I don't see the advantage here and a MK1 wouldn't really do much for the range and the crit% won't matter because if the armor is off that group with all the lasers is just destroying htat part anyway. I will miss being able to pick up ECM mechs when they are close though.


This is something I was messing around with hoping it would be feasible but it would just be too ammo limited.

Too bad I couldn't remove all of the heat sinks.

Edited by Kain Thul, 24 September 2014 - 03:25 PM.

#44 L Y N X


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Posted 24 September 2014 - 03:24 PM

PGI really needs a forum for really good teams and player to chest thump. Really, I understand the need to vent when really elite players read sub-optimal guides.

In my profession as a Ski instructor, we would never take a new skier and put them in race gear and then put them in expert terrain. It would only make them never come back.

Rather than tear down people and their work OUTSIDE of the competition, why not help build them up. Help them improve their guides, not insult them. The fact that folks admit they know they are being jerks and still being jerks in unapologetic ways should be reason enough to have them moderated. PERIOD.

There is a time for competition (hint: in the match) and a time for community building (hint: forums) The sooner we all learn this the better off the community will be for it.

Also their is no need for elite player to crap on veteran players good intention in the new players help forums. Its for New Players not elite players, I teach never evers to ski, not olympics racers. I would not tolerate olympic racers coming to my ski school to crap on my methods of ski teaching. So I do not expect that behavior here either.

#45 Clit Beastwood


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Posted 24 September 2014 - 03:29 PM

View PostShar Wolf, on 24 September 2014 - 02:41 PM, said:

Suffice it to say that there are reasons you are on my ignore list.

Quote me again and I am reporting you.
Just like last time.

I am not reporting you this time, only because it has been so long.

Edit: rephrased the quote to be slightly more accurate and far more polite.

Reporting him for quoting you? There must be more going on than it first appears. MWO gets people so worked up :D

#46 On1m


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Posted 24 September 2014 - 04:02 PM

Then I'll report him. I feel that he has been using this forum as a bully pulpit anyway.

I can of course get away from this by just not reading the forums or his post but I don't feel that I should have to.

Edited by On1m, 24 September 2014 - 04:06 PM.

#47 Clit Beastwood


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Posted 24 September 2014 - 04:07 PM

bark bark bark bark bark bark bark

#48 Kin3ticX


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Posted 24 September 2014 - 04:21 PM

View Post7ynx, on 24 September 2014 - 03:24 PM, said:

PGI really needs a forum for really good teams and player to chest thump. Really, I understand the need to vent when really elite players read sub-optimal guides.

In my profession as a Ski instructor, we would never take a new skier and put them in race gear and then put them in expert terrain. It would only make them never come back.

Rather than tear down people and their work OUTSIDE of the competition, why not help build them up. Help them improve their guides, not insult them. The fact that folks admit they know they are being jerks and still being jerks in unapologetic ways should be reason enough to have them moderated. PERIOD.

There is a time for competition (hint: in the match) and a time for community building (hint: forums) The sooner we all learn this the better off the community will be for it.

Also their is no need for elite player to crap on veteran players good intention in the new players help forums. Its for New Players not elite players, I teach never evers to ski, not olympics racers. I would not tolerate olympic racers coming to my ski school to crap on my methods of ski teaching. So I do not expect that behavior here either.

I somewhat agree. However, I do not like to hide information from new players. For example, the OP could have introduced some decent sub-optimal builds but also later pointed out that these other builds, while harder to use, are generally accepted as the best in the game at this time.


Build 1: Beginner (some splashy LBX10 boat anyone can drive that has no ghost heat, ex: 4xLB10-X, 4xERML)
Build 2: Skill Climb#1 Something goes here
Build 3: Skill Climb#2 (4xUACs, 2 LPL)
Build 4: Pug God (2xGauss, 2xLPL, 3xERML) because new players find Gauss charge-up very daunting, and remove them, believe it or not) but they should still know its very very dangerous if they see one.

Rather than say to potential new players such as but not limited to

View PostHelmstif, on 22 September 2014 - 07:50 PM, said:

(other than my burning hatred toward anything that does more than 30 pinpoint damage. Scums.).

This way, you can ease them into the game, but not give them unnecessary negative baggage or misconceptions with that information.

Likewise, if the build is a bit off course its a given some really experienced players will facepalm hard regarding the suggestions.

In all, I think its great he wants to help new players interested in DWs, but I think the OPs off the mark with the builds which he include LRMs or VanillaAC/LBX-2s. The OP is not doing any favors hiding the metabuilds entirely from new players. I think this is a fair critique and would be tickled to death to see the OP continue to refine his post.


Edited by Kin3ticX, 24 September 2014 - 04:33 PM.

#49 Scandinavian Jawbreaker


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Posted 24 September 2014 - 04:29 PM

Here's the 3 c-ER ML / 5 c-UAC/5 build I personally prefer. More DPS, more dmg overall. No point having 5 uac5's WITHOUT lasers, because the DW can easily handle the heat and extra tonnage.


However there is certain advantage to equip LPL.

And of course the Gauss vomit is very efficient build because you can put 70+ focused damage to an enemy mech in one alpha. This will take out alot of lighter mechs with one shot and probably leg an Atlas with one alpha too (just alpha the other leg next shot).

Instead of HoL member(s) coming to the forums boasting with their huge competitive ballsacks swinging, new players would appreciate if you explain why those builds are better than proposed in OP. While it is true that bringing some weaker builds to a match practically gimps your team because enemy brought the FOTM anyways, one's gotta start learning from somewhere.

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Posted 24 September 2014 - 05:46 PM

View Post7ynx, on 24 September 2014 - 03:24 PM, said:

PGI really needs a forum for really good teams and player to chest thump. Really, I understand the need to vent when really elite players read sub-optimal guides.

In my profession as a Ski instructor, we would never take a new skier and put them in race gear and then put them in expert terrain. It would only make them never come back.

Rather than tear down people and their work OUTSIDE of the competition, why not help build them up. Help them improve their guides, not insult them. The fact that folks admit they know they are being jerks and still being jerks in unapologetic ways should be reason enough to have them moderated. PERIOD.

There is a time for competition (hint: in the match) and a time for community building (hint: forums) The sooner we all learn this the better off the community will be for it.

Also their is no need for elite player to crap on veteran players good intention in the new players help forums. Its for New Players not elite players, I teach never evers to ski, not olympics racers. I would not tolerate olympic racers coming to my ski school to crap on my methods of ski teaching. So I do not expect that behavior here either.

Good point. However, walk with me for a moment... if the ski school is called "THE ULTIMATE SKI SCHOOL" as in similar fashion to the thread title, it sets a standard. If it draws those "olympic level" people, one shouldn't be surprised if those people see it and then suggest that it isn't.

Perhaps if it was titled "A beginners guide," or "My first few matches in the Dire Wolf/ideas" then no one would have questioned it or suggested otherwise.

Edited by 00ohDstruct, 24 September 2014 - 05:47 PM.

#51 Kain Demos


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Posted 24 September 2014 - 05:49 PM

Damn, this 2 x LPL 6 x CERML 2 x Gauss is so strong but on the hotter maps you can't fire all the lasers at once more than once without shutting down.

I guess dropping two of the mediums and replacing them with heat sinks is more reasonable but 95 point hits are nice.

Edited by Kain Thul, 24 September 2014 - 08:57 PM.

#52 FearNotDeath


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Posted 24 September 2014 - 06:29 PM

View PostE N E R G Y, on 24 September 2014 - 02:29 PM, said:

It's the 2largepulse3mediumlaser2gauss (there is a 4mediumlaser2largelaser varition of this) build that KineticX posted:

Just switch the rt to a prime rt and it's perfect.

#53 Kin3ticX


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Posted 24 September 2014 - 07:09 PM

View PostFearNotDeath, on 24 September 2014 - 06:29 PM, said:

Just switch the rt to a prime rt and it's perfect.


#54 Túatha Dé Danann


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Posted 25 September 2014 - 01:31 AM

Well, in order to level a DW, you need 3 of them. If you buy them with C-Bills, thats about 50.000.000 C-Bills so I guess, no new player can buy it "out of the pocket". So we can go right to the next step and say, its for players who know this game for at least a couple of months. So just disregard the whole "new to the game in a DW" circle, as this is not going to happen.

Energy posted, that for the most part every player play to win. This is true for this game, as there are no other options than to win or to lose. You can't make a strategical step a la CIV, nor can you stall an enemy by retreating in your dropship, you cannot start faints or use tactical warfare like the Romulans in Star Trek do. Its just dropping in, killing stuff and going out with some C-Bills and XP.

Still, some people try to have fun, as this is a game. There are people out there fighting in stock-mechs vs. stock-mechs for role-play-lore stuff and there are people who just troll around with flamers and MGs. All these things are by no means competitive, but still valid as the players choice to play the game. There is even a (german) CW-module out there, that has a fully supported "fight over the Inner Sphere" concept that is working and where about ~600 or so players participate. Its not in-game, but well organized, like Teamspeak as a derivate for missing in-game voicecomm. There, we play with puretech IS vs. puretech Clan. Its another game, you don't play to win every match, but to have the best K/D ratio in team vs. team matches. It does not matter if you win 12-11 or lose 11-12, but it matters, if you win by 12-0 or lose by 0-12.

Of course, this is still competitive - but invokes a lot more fun via both the gameplay and the consequences your win/loss has, as there is no arcade-like "win and forget" mode anymore. You actions have consequences.

Back to topic, the above examples show, that there can be more done with this game than just a simple CS-style click&kill shooter. And this is what this game tries to be, but lacks behind. With every iteration, its going farer away from the simulation and goes more towards the causal or shooter-like gameplay, which is bad for a rich mechanic like ruleset like battletech.

So yeah, it may not change the aspect of good or bad loadouts for the DW, but it should if we had a more complex background for the universe.
(Like fighting in open space and having the need for laser-heatsinks, attacking/defending with dropships, aerospace-fighters and having more maps like in MW:LL, tanks, hovercrafts, VTOLs, infrantry... you know the drill)

Suddenly, you might change your DW to another configuration that is not purely build for mech-vs-mech combat but for example on destroying dropships, turrets and maybe aerospace-fighters. This is what the game lacks right now and to be honest: I expected to be in the game right now, but at least for CW.

#55 MisterPlanetarian


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Posted 25 September 2014 - 07:03 AM

View PostE N E R G Y, on 24 September 2014 - 02:29 PM, said:

And the 2large pulse4UAC5 (there are some variations of this with medium lasers, you can add/drop ammo, or just drop the lasers and go 5 uac/5):

there you go, //end thread. no point for 1 page of information, or pointless fodder. just those (2) builds if you want to win/dogood/maximize kills+minimize deaths.

​ITS REALLY THAT SIMPLE PEOPLE!!!! (now you can go forward and work on your bad aim, or really bad map awareness since you don't have to worry about a direwolf build.... ;P)


#56 Hex Pallett


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Posted 25 September 2014 - 12:53 PM

I'll just leave it here...

I'll leave the question of whether to boat ACs open but I hereby declare LRM as a must.

EDIT: Not even a particularly good match, first I went for their dual-Gauss DWF without even reading the readout and ate two slugs in the face, second in the end there I was so desperately trying to get that Shadow Hawk's LT instead of focusing fire on the Timber. Still managed to get 900+ damage somehow.

Although I really kind of like that Banshee in the end....

Edited by Helmstif, 25 September 2014 - 01:01 PM.

#57 FearNotDeath


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Posted 27 September 2014 - 03:50 AM

I'd have to declare them a waste of pod space. With 4 uac5/2lpl I got around 20+ 1k games last night with a handful reaching 1400+. I feel I didn't do enough if I don't get at least 1k.

#58 n r g


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Posted 27 September 2014 - 03:58 AM

LRMs on a dire wolf a must? Hold on, I'm laughing too hard at the moment.

Sure, if you want to play pug matches all your life and define your skill based off of killing 12 random players in the solo que, yeah sure, run LRMs...

NOW, those looking to eventually play 12v12's on a team competitively (if MWO even makes it that far), might want to seek other aforementioned options other than wasting tons on LRMs in a dire wolf.....

#59 Kain Demos


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Posted 27 September 2014 - 01:58 PM

Well it seems for me that my best build is now the 2 x CLPL 6 x CERML 2 x CGauss. 95 point alpha strikes are just awesome but you really have to watch the heat which isn't too bad since dual gauss is pretty damn good as a "fallback".

#60 n r g


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Posted 27 September 2014 - 02:04 PM

View PostKain Thul, on 27 September 2014 - 01:58 PM, said:

Well it seems for me that my best build is now the 2 x CLPL 6 x CERML 2 x CGauss. 95 point alpha strikes are just awesome but you really have to watch the heat which isn't too bad since dual gauss is pretty damn good as a "fallback".

Yeah buddy, I suggested that on page 1 already....

also, 6 is stupid man, sorry to put it bluntly.

We ran 4/5 medium lasers with the 2gauss 2largepulse PRE-clan weapon nerf, but now even most of us only run 3 Medium lasers, I could see 4 doable but with lower DPS due to heat that's not worth 1 medium laser IMO and also 6 is just absurd, was pre-patch, post patch that's just funny.

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