TLBFestus, on 24 September 2014 - 10:49 AM, said:
You sir, have just made one of the most entitled, embarrassing posts on the behalf of organized teams that I have ever read.
Organized, competitive players that read this must be embarrassed reading this.
No one is saying that large groups are inherently "bad". What is being said is that exposing new, inexperienced players to that level of competition is not good for the GAME.
It;'s not good for the organized groups because you aren't getting the level of competition you want to make the game challenging and "fun".
(However, i assume from your attitude you just revel is lording you "skill" in a video game over those not as talented while you rack up easy kills to feed your KDR and seriously fragile ego).
It's no good for new players and small casual groups because they get rolled over by douche-weasels like yourself that think;
The above is s direct quote of your post that could be easily turned on it's head and directed at you and your dumbarse attitude.
It's no good FOR ANYONE because it hurts the progress of the game and it's ability to thrive long-term. Without Player retention this game will slip away long before its time, and that is a fact that doesn't discriminate between skill levels.
The competitive scene is just fine, nothing wrong with it, except for the douche-weasel minority such as yourself that is included within it, that gets its kicks out of garnering easy wins and feeling good about it.
Your own post amply explains the level of entitlement you feel, regardless of anyone else. I sincerely hop[e you aren't that big a **** in real life.
And, here we go again...
I have NO desire to trolololol easy wins. You come here and think
"Oh man, this guy wants to constantly crush scrubs all day long, hes EVIL"
No, I do not. I dont think they should be in the Q with us honestly, and I have stated that multiple times in this thread.
Playerbase is a PROBLEM. New players DO NOT need to be in Q with me (unless they want to, then they are welcome to join comms with me, im OK with that ad have invited other posters already to come drop with me).
My biggest isue is people coming here and MOANING about us big groups (or comp teams in general) when they want to casually play and not get teamed up againt us. It isnt our fault, we didnt ask to be matched up against you either.
A 12-0 stomp is a waste of BOTH teams time. it really sucks for the 0 side as well.
But, somehow that is our fault? we shouldnt be allowed to play how we want to but you should? THAT is what it boils down to.
You all come here attacking US because you dont want to play against us. You want US to go do something else and have "your" q back.
I am sorry, its the entitled logic of the outcries against big groups that annoys me.
We have a SMALL COMMUNITY it sucks, it really does. This problem wouldnt exist with a larger playerbase. But we have what we have. We all want to play one way, but I dotn start threads asking all of the small groups to be banished from the group q, but the small groups start up threads telling us to GTFO.
As for new players:
I do honestly feel bad for them. I was new once, it was not fun. But I love this IP and worked to better myself. But thats just me, I know not everyone wants to, some jsut want to stompy robot smash. And thats fine.
All I ask is stop trying to make your way to play the only way anyone can play.