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About That Dropship Mode We All Been Waiting For

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#281 Mechwarrior Buddah


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 11:56 AM

View PostSirLANsalot, on 25 September 2014 - 05:32 PM, said:

Either way, it should be 4 mechs or 200 tons, whichever comes first when building your drop deck. None of this 1 of everything crap.

Then youre looking at ppl spamming their favorite light build

but in theory I agree

View PostLyoto Machida, on 25 September 2014 - 05:37 PM, said:

PGI will probably give surviving defenders full ammo and armor/structure. You know...for balance, and all.

theyre called repair bays

Cant say ill ever be playing this mode as lights make me motion sick

Edited by Mechwarrior Buddah, 29 September 2014 - 12:00 PM.

#282 Wintersdark


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 12:01 PM

View PostMechwarrior Buddah, on 29 September 2014 - 11:56 AM, said:

Then youre looking at ppl spamming their favorite light build

but in theory I agree

People bringing 4 of their favourite light build is not a problem.

There are few light pilots, and quite frankly if a player is that comfortable in lights that they feel they can contribute to the battle more by bringing four lights, I'd rather they do that than bring 3 lights and an Atlas/Direwolf because people who are bad at assaults are really not useful at all in them.

#283 Mechwarrior Buddah


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 12:08 PM

View PostWintersdark, on 29 September 2014 - 12:01 PM, said:

People bringing 4 of their favourite light build is not a problem.

There are few light pilots, and quite frankly if a player is that comfortable in lights that they feel they can contribute to the battle more by bringing four lights, I'd rather they do that than bring 3 lights and an Atlas/Direwolf because people who are bad at assaults are really not useful at all in them.

Funny how its not a problem for ppl bringing 4 lights but its a gamebreaking necessity that something be done to prevent assauly/heavy players from playing their chosen mechs in the same game

or ppl like me who get motion sick in lighter mechs but not heavier, sturdier ones

Edited by Mechwarrior Buddah, 29 September 2014 - 12:11 PM.

#284 Threat Doc


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 12:12 PM

View PostZyllos, on 29 September 2014 - 10:11 AM, said:


It was updated to explain that they are now allowing any size of groups (even solo) to join in CW, due to feedback.

Edit: Well, now I am confused about your question. You say "Individuals will not be dropping alone in CW, they will be added" but your confused why solo and small group players can join? You just answered it yourself, in that solo and small group players can drop in CW.
We'd better get some clarification on this. I don't believe Paul is talking at all about PUGs being put into the CW queue, but rather small units in CW will be combined. I've read what you're talking about and, though that is one possible interpretation, I disagree that's what he meant.

#285 Bilbo


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 12:22 PM

View PostKay Wolf, on 29 September 2014 - 12:12 PM, said:

We'd better get some clarification on this. I don't believe Paul is talking at all about PUGs being put into the CW queue, but rather small units in CW will be combined. I've read what you're talking about and, though that is one possible interpretation, I disagree that's what he meant.

This is the relevant bit:
"How it plays out for the defending Force players (IS players):
* A call to arms message is read about a Clan force attacking Balsta.
* IS players (either solo or in Unit groups) click Balsta and see a planetary information screen"

#286 Coolant


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 01:07 PM

all i care is that there is finally some kind of respawn mode. The vast majority of servers in MW4:Mercs were unlimited respawn. At least this limited respawn in MWO is a step in the right direction...

#287 Johnny Z


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 01:07 PM

The 1/1/1/1 dropship mode allows all players to pilot their favourite mechs and also perfectly balances the weight classes for both teams and all players in a match.

The only real question that seems unanswered at this time is if there will be a dropship total weight limit. That a dropship would have a cargo limit makes sense.

Would a large dropship have a higher cargo limit at some point in the future? IE Overlord dropship class vrs Leopard? How would this effect the situation or should it?

Dropships being such a large part of Mechwarrior I am interested where they could go with them in future updates.

Also I hope Mechwarrior gets a new mechbay for the dropship hangar. Yet another reason why 1/1/1/1 makes sense.

Edited by Johnny Z, 29 September 2014 - 01:12 PM.

#288 Zyllos


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 01:39 PM

View PostHoax415, on 29 September 2014 - 10:27 AM, said:

No it is not easy. If CW was forcing everyone to form a 12-man team outside of the MM before hitting drop it would be relatively easy because in the group screen you could figure out shared tonnage. But CW does have pick up groups formed from solo players and sub-12 player groups. That means tonnage sharing becomes a lot more problematic.

Think about the order of procedures:
-MM makes the attacking 12 man team.
-Attackers ??? and end up with a legal tonnage team.
-MM sends out defense call, builds a 12 man defending team.
-Now while attackers sit there and wait the defending team needs to build a tonnage legal team.
-Once defenders have finished the match can finally get under way?

Well, technically, the mechs and shared tonnage in a group is made long before a match is ever created for joining.

Right now, when you join a group, the group has to setup how they want to drop before actually launching the match. The same goes for CW. When in a group for CW, before dropping to defend or attack, the group is setup for what mechs and shared tonnage they are doing.

And since drops are FIFO, the group that gets their mechs situated first gets into the drop first.

But lets assume the worse case scenario, where the attacker has already declared the invasion and a notification comes up to defend to all defenders of that planet.

One of two situations will happen:
  • A group of players already knew before hand on how they are going to be outfitted if this planet goes under attack. So when the call goes out, they knew these players will take X amount of tonnage while others will take Y amount. The match will start pretty quickly.
  • A group of players did not know how they want their loadout. They spend some X amount of time setting up how they want their drop to look.
Situation 1 will not be an issue. So there is no point talking about that, plus, I think will be the vast minority of the drops.

Situation 2 will take some amount of time to establish what players want to drop. But, since the group all know each other (or else, why are they in a group?), the group can easily establish values for their drop. This is also ignoring any already selected mechs for the drop ship for each player, which makes modifying the drop even easier.

Each group is self contained within each other, thus there is no need to worry about who else is joining along with you to worry about what tonnage they are sharing (as it doesn't share across groups). Single players are basically a group, just with a single member.


You can't set time limits because what do you do if the limit expires? Through everyone back into queue and start this all over again? Count it as a loss for that faction (horrible idea).

The issue about timer limits are already existing by PGI. If an attacker does not have a responding defender after a certain amount of time, then the attack is considered a win. Paul's post does leave out details about how long this timer will be, and what is gained by the "win" of a undefended attack, but a timer is already in place that defenders has to met.

What about situations where an attacker does an attack but there is nobody on the other side? They just sit in the queue indefinitely? If that is true, then defenders could just ignore responding to an attack and the attacker never gains token for attempting to take over a planet.


You should be able to see the massive problems with such a system. Players getting disconnected or being afk or refusing to not horde a lot of tons would result in matches hanging without starting. Players would want to leave some groups because they don't feel they are being given enough tonnage which means the MM needs to ...? Remake the entire match? Have the ability to pull another person in from the queue?

Sharing tonnage without forcing 12-man teams is a big ask. Anyone who has ever played LoL or Dota can tell you what its like when its a ffa in a pug to pick roles. Far from easy. And giving shared tonnage ability to 12-mans would just result in 12-mans stomping pugs even harder in CW which is probably going to make a lot more people unhappy than its benefit even though shared tonnage makes great sense and adds even more team building options to 12-mans.

What reasons would there be for a player to leave a group if they are not getting enough tonnage? They joined the group to play CW with those individuals, so they already reasonably expect how the group will work. And since each group is self contained, other groups joining in your game has no effect on what available shared tonnage is given to your group.

The only time where this would be an issue is if groups was placed together before the sharing of tonnage happens. My suggestion is have the sharing of tonnage be done on a group basis, each player giving an equal amount of tonnage to the group for sharing.

Edit: Players don't group up then hit attack then after everyone gets queued together, THEN they select mechs. Instead, groups set up their mechs before a match happens, following the rules. Then they click the drop once everything looks good.

Players don't hit the CW Faction tab and then click drop and then people gets placed into a group on a FIFO basis. Instead, they group up long before anything happens and setup their drop loadouts within the CW Faction tab (which is different than the normal PUG play group).

If they decide to do an attack, they would pick the planet and then hit attack, placing them into the searching queue. The queue will then fill them up with other players they need to fill out a 12 man, following the same above.

Defenders will work just like attackers. The group in CW Faction tab will setup their mechs long before a call goes out. If they want to modify their group loadout due to not expecting to defend this specific planet, then they will have to modify.

This makes groups independent of each other. So there is no bickering between other groups and solo players. The benefit does go to larger groups, I will say that. They have options of allowing more shared tonnage to those who like to play specific roles where as a single player will only have that base tonnage to play with.

Edited by Zyllos, 29 September 2014 - 01:46 PM.

#289 Wintersdark


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 02:10 PM

View PostMechwarrior Buddah, on 29 September 2014 - 12:08 PM, said:

Funny how its not a problem for ppl bringing 4 lights but its a gamebreaking necessity that something be done to prevent assauly/heavy players from playing their chosen mechs in the same game

or ppl like me who get motion sick in lighter mechs but not heavier, sturdier ones

Why? You can play your heavier mechs. More than youbcould with 1/1/1/1, in fact. You can bring an assault, 2 heavies and a medium even. Or all sorts of otger combinations. Under the 240t limit at least.

Hell, I hate lights personally.

As to why its a problem? Because they don't want the game to just be Heavies and Assaults, with the odd light and medium. So few people play lights that allowing a player to take 4 doesn't in any way endanger overall balance, while there are too many heavies and assaults currently. Mostly, because practically nobody _wants_ to take 4 lights.

Keep in mind, we're discussing 1/1/1/1 v. 240t/4 mechs. In the former, you _must_ take a light, in the later its very easy to avoid it. Don't tell me motion sickness is an issue in mediums.

And while currently mediums are a risky proposition, that's specifically because there are so damn many heavies and assaults in the queue - you ARE going to be going toe to toe with lots. In a 240/4 game, mediums and heavies are going to be the most common mechs by a landslide, allowing mediums to not feel so incredibly fragile.

#290 Wintersdark


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 02:15 PM

View PostJohnny Z, on 29 September 2014 - 01:07 PM, said:

The 1/1/1/1 dropship mode allows all players to pilot their favourite mechs and also perfectly balances the weight classes for both teams and all players in a match.

The only real question that seems unanswered at this time is if there will be a dropship total weight limit. That a dropship would have a cargo limit makes sense.

Would a large dropship have a higher cargo limit at some point in the future? IE Overlord dropship class vrs Leopard? How would this effect the situation or should it?

Dropships being such a large part of Mechwarrior I am interested where they could go with them in future updates.

Also I hope Mechwarrior gets a new mechbay for the dropship hangar. Yet another reason why 1/1/1/1 makes sense.
240t allows everyone to pilot their favourite mechs too, and with more flexibility. 1/1/1/1 doesn't _really_ do what you say, though. You CAN bring a Dragon, but you'll be matching against a Timberwolf.

1/1/1/1 continues the same problem we have right now where men's in the lower end of a weight class are marginalized. Why take a QuickDraw, when you could take a Griffon or Shadowhawk with the same hardpoints? In matched classes, the 55t medium is top in its class, while the QKD is at the bottom, shorting your team a potential 15 tons (and those tons matter).

#291 Davegt27


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 02:21 PM

Here is a crazy idea
How about we let the game designers be the game designers

If you really want CW you’re going to have to suck it up leave them alone so they can finish it

Big whoop if its 200 tons or 4 types

#292 EgoSlayer


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 02:37 PM

View PostKay Wolf, on 29 September 2014 - 12:12 PM, said:

We'd better get some clarification on this. I don't believe Paul is talking at all about PUGs being put into the CW queue, but rather small units in CW will be combined. I've read what you're talking about and, though that is one possible interpretation, I disagree that's what he meant.

It's been clarified by Russ in a post in another thread that I didn't have any luck finding (a response in a CW thread), but it's also clearly identified in Paul's post. There are only two queues in CW for a planetary conquest, the Attackers queue, and the Defenders queue, there is no other separation. The 12 man groups are created from what ever players are in that queue, solo, or groups.


How it plays out for the attacking Force players (Clan players):
* Clan players (either solo or in Unit groups) click Balsta and see a planetary information screen appear.
* On this screen, players can see the contract issued by Clan Jade Falcon (as an example).



How it plays out for the defending Force players (IS players):
* A call to arms message is read about a Clan force attacking Balsta.
* IS players (either solo or in Unit groups) click Balsta and see a planetary information screen appear.
* The solo player is put into the Defender's queue for planet Balsta.
* The team builder for match making adds the solo player to the 11-man team for a team of 12.
* A successful 12-player defending team has been built.

Solos are used to fill any empty slots that can't be filled by groups. I suspect they will frequently be the 12th man to an 11 made up by groups, but time will tell.

Edit: Thanks Dave27:
Russ' post: http://mwomercs.com/...53#entry3765653

Edited by EgoSlayer, 29 September 2014 - 04:11 PM.

#293 Threat Doc


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 02:43 PM

View PostBilbo, on 29 September 2014 - 12:22 PM, said:

This is the relevant bit:
"How it plays out for the defending Force players (IS players):
* A call to arms message is read about a Clan force attacking Balsta.
* IS players (either solo or in Unit groups) click Balsta and see a planetary information screen"
Okay. No worries. Not one of you understands the difference, there is no difference to your mind, so okay. I'll just let it go, as well as this now highly convoluted discussion. There is very basic, general, tacit agreement, nothing more, which means bloody few people can agree on any one way to do things. So, I will agree with the poster, above, and say "just let the game designers be game designers"; whatever.

#294 Hoax415


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 02:44 PM

View PostMechwarrior Buddah, on 29 September 2014 - 12:08 PM, said:

Funny how its not a problem for ppl bringing 4 lights but its a gamebreaking necessity that something be done to prevent assauly/heavy players from playing their chosen mechs in the same game

or ppl like me who get motion sick in lighter mechs but not heavier, sturdier ones

Are you really this dense? Its not gamebreaking if someone brings 4 lights because they are bringing 4 lights. The only reason 3/3/3/3 exists is because games were literally launching where it was 8 assaults vs 8 assaults. Unlimited tonnage favors the heaviest mechs, that's how Battletech works. Light mechs are not meant to be as strong as assaults.

As to your ridiculous motion sickness complaint. You can bring 4 x 60 ton mechs if you want to which are hardly fast and bobbing chassis. Which should alleviate your "concern".

View PostKay Wolf, on 29 September 2014 - 12:12 PM, said:

We'd better get some clarification on this. I don't believe Paul is talking at all about PUGs being put into the CW queue, but rather small units in CW will be combined. I've read what you're talking about and, though that is one possible interpretation, I disagree that's what he meant.

I believe you still don't know what PUG means. In CW its possible to hit drop as an Attacker or Defender as a solo player or in a premade group of 2-12 people. If you drop in anything other than a 12-man group you will form a Pick Up Group (PUG) with other solo players and/or groups until a full 12-man is formed.

This is handled by the game and will be different from how PUG's are formed in public queue because supposedly the system puts a group together instead of just starting the match and dropping you onto a team but its still a pick up group, not a premade group because you committed to playing before you had a full team so the game found teammates for you.

View PostZyllos, on 29 September 2014 - 01:39 PM, said:

Right now, when you join a group, the group has to setup how they want to drop before actually launching the match.

Yes that's correct except the difference is that with shared tonnage what your teammates do affects what you can do and in CW ad-hoc groups are formed between strangers to get a group to 12. You want to solve that by punishing people who for whatever reason haven't formed full 12 man groups by not letting them share tonnage across their PUG team while larger teams have much more tonnage flexibility.


Each group is self contained within each other, thus there is no need to worry about who else is joining along with you to worry about what tonnage they are sharing (as it doesn't share across groups). Single players are basically a group, just with a single member.

The only time where this would be an issue is if groups was placed together before the sharing of tonnage happens. My suggestion is have the sharing of tonnage be done on a group basis, each player giving an equal amount of tonnage to the group for sharing.

I completely agree that you are positing a potential solution except as you noted such a "solution" gives even more favoritism to 12-man groups. Because they would be able to fully share their tonnage while solo players can not share tonnage because they are setting their drop deck as a team of one. 12-man groups are already going to be rolling PUG groups in CW, giving them even more advantage is unlikely to be met with cheers from the community.

Edited by Hoax415, 29 September 2014 - 02:48 PM.

#295 Ozric


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 02:59 PM

I remembered the thing I was going to say earlier before I got distracted. Positive incentives for people to bring mixed class drop decks rather than hard rules. More bait, less switch.

With an open, 4 mech - 240 ton limit (my choice if it was mine to make by the way) there are several problems that may arise with people gaming the system that will need addressing if they do, and waves of the strongest mechs over and over is boring and not really in keeping with battletech warfare anyway.

So why not encourage people to bring more balanced, interesting, and lore friendly decks in CW by offering cbill/loyalty bonuses for various combinations. This weekends challenge proves they already have the tech already to do it. There could be bonuses for 1/1/1/1, 4 different chassis, or even specific bonuses for individual campaigns. They could have lore appropriate names and be linked to achievements, which would help new players learn about the back story and be an extra incentive for veteran players who don't care about bonuses at all.

As somebody that spends most of his time no premium time/no hero mech matches let me assure you, the grind is real. People will take advantage of any grind-relieving bonuses they can get, free players in particular, and it might avoid a lot of the troubles that PGI are probably worrying about without actually forcing anyones hand.

#296 Karamarka


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 03:25 PM

View PostMechwarrior Buddah, on 29 September 2014 - 12:08 PM, said:

Funny how its not a problem for ppl bringing 4 lights but its a gamebreaking necessity that something be done to prevent assauly/heavy players from playing their chosen mechs in the same game

or ppl like me who get motion sick in lighter mechs but not heavier, sturdier ones

lights mechs are cheaper so the mercs can afford 4 :P

#297 KraftySOT


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 03:58 PM

View PostOzric, on 29 September 2014 - 02:59 PM, said:

I remembered the thing I was going to say earlier before I got distracted. Positive incentives for people to bring mixed class drop decks rather than hard rules. More bait, less switch.

With an open, 4 mech - 240 ton limit (my choice if it was mine to make by the way) there are several problems that may arise with people gaming the system that will need addressing if they do, and waves of the strongest mechs over and over is boring and not really in keeping with battletech warfare anyway.

So why not encourage people to bring more balanced, interesting, and lore friendly decks in CW by offering cbill/loyalty bonuses for various combinations. This weekends challenge proves they already have the tech already to do it. There could be bonuses for 1/1/1/1, 4 different chassis, or even specific bonuses for individual campaigns. They could have lore appropriate names and be linked to achievements, which would help new players learn about the back story and be an extra incentive for veteran players who don't care about bonuses at all.

As somebody that spends most of his time no premium time/no hero mech matches let me assure you, the grind is real. People will take advantage of any grind-relieving bonuses they can get, free players in particular, and it might avoid a lot of the troubles that PGI are probably worrying about without actually forcing anyones hand.


More bait.

Less switch.

#298 Zyllos


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 03:58 PM

View PostHoax415, on 29 September 2014 - 02:44 PM, said:

Yes that's correct except the difference is that with shared tonnage what your teammates do affects what you can do and in CW ad-hoc groups are formed between strangers to get a group to 12. You want to solve that by punishing people who for whatever reason haven't formed full 12 man groups by not letting them share tonnage across their PUG team while larger teams have much more tonnage flexibility.

I completely agree that you are positing a potential solution except as you noted such a "solution" gives even more favoritism to 12-man groups. Because they would be able to fully share their tonnage while solo players can not share tonnage because they are setting their drop deck as a team of one. 12-man groups are already going to be rolling PUG groups in CW, giving them even more advantage is unlikely to be met with cheers from the community.

That is correct, you receive more advantage in allowed stacking of tonnage for a player the more players are together. But inherently, all players are still limited by tonnage.

A single player has to choose only a few Heavy/Assaults or many Mediums/Lights. The same thing goes for 12 man groups, few Heavy/Assaults or many Mediums/Lights. The only difference is the distribution of mechs can be pushed onto a smaller subset of players when the group gets larger. But the group as a whole has the same issues as a single player.

Lets say the tonnage is 200t per player (2400t):
  • A 12-man group wants to focus as many 100t Assaults as possible into the best hands as possible.
    • You can get 24 100t Assaults into a single drop, too little for all them to have 4 Assaults each.
    • 4 players can get 4 Assaults (400t each) and the rest of the team gets 1 Assault (800t). This totals 2400t.
  • 12 solo players drop into a game want they all want to run 100t Assaults.
    • Each player gets 2 Assaults each (200t each). This totals 2400t.
As you can see, there is no difference in what mechs are available between groups and solo players. The only thing a group provides is that the perceived better pilots for a weight class can focus on that weight class. This system just makes groups able to focus players into played roles while solo players will be limited in the upper end of Heavy/Assault weights.

Also, if the 12 man group drops like I mentioned above, I would almost say the 12 solo players would win because the 4 best players with 4 re spawns would almost be overwhelmed if the other 8 die early in the match, with no re spawns.

Edited by Zyllos, 29 September 2014 - 04:01 PM.

#299 Davegt27


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 04:08 PM

Ego slayer is this the one?


post number 54

#300 Aluminumfoiled


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 04:16 PM

Mixed message on the solo Q. CW phase 2 update. This looks like a no solo rule to me. Either way it works out but some claity would be nice.

Any thoughts about opening up an experience of contested planets to the solo queue allowing players to pick an involved house, carry its banner and run its favored 'Mechs for the match, get a loyalty points for that house and a tiny bit for their permanently declared faction? Wouldn't have to affect the planet's control much or at all; essentially, themed public matches.
[color=#00FFFF]Not immediately out of the gate but this is something could eventually address.[/color]

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