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Activate Banked Premium Time: 1 Month At A Time!

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#141 D1G17AL


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Posted 01 October 2014 - 02:06 PM

View Post1453 R, on 29 September 2014 - 03:50 PM, said:

An excellent step forward. Now, we need the ability to buy it banked to start with, as I've had to kick my preorder-banked Premium Time on already. Spending a stupid-large amount of money on a year of Premium time to get the proper return on dollar investment would be a lot more valuable, and likely to happen, if it was something one could dole out in month-sized chunks. Instead of just buying month-sized chunks in the first place and paying twice what you would if you went and derp-bought a year of it in one go.

Nevertheless, still an excellent step forward. Keep going, MWO - one day your pricing scheme may even be fair :P

I agree. The current 30 day per activation and the feature suggested by 1453 R would have been really useful when I activated my time several months ago and then real life stepped in and sucked away all my time. I acknowledge that's a bit of poor time management but having the tools that are just now being implemented would have made it a lot easier to manage. Hope to see more pre-order style packages in the future that are of good value to the users purchasing them without being overly powerful.

#142 Rattler85


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Posted 01 October 2014 - 02:45 PM

It would be nice if you could activate and deactivate premium time once you get it. I had some from the clan pack. I do have really long work hours so activating a bunch of premium time for me is a waste.

#143 Grayson Sortek


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Posted 01 October 2014 - 02:54 PM

View PostRattler85, on 01 October 2014 - 02:45 PM, said:

It would be nice if you could activate and deactivate premium time once you get it. I had some from the clan pack. I do have really long work hours so activating a bunch of premium time for me is a waste.

When I first started playing that aspect of premium time confused me... I thought: oh I can buy X many hours, great I'll get that and then I'll be able to enjoy X many hours with the added bonuses. Then I found out that X many hours just tick down, even when I'm not there! Oh joy, I paid for X many hours, but I only really get to enjoy Y many hours depending on how free my schedule is!

Well I won't be directly paying for premium time ever again, sorry PGI but I would rather get my $s worth... Hence why so much of my MC went to Hero'Mechs during the big sale event. However, it also means that my friends and I will never spend $ on your premium time system.



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Posted 01 October 2014 - 05:39 PM

I for one am pissed, if I had known this I wouldnt have activated my 240+ days when clan mechs came out in wave one.

#145 Gremlich Johns


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Posted 01 October 2014 - 06:19 PM

While a good start, I am sure others would appreciate something more like 10-day chunks - 240 hours of premium time is a lot, not the 720 hours that 30 days consumes, but something I could manage. I have 2,980 hours banked and, based on my gaming habits (very casual), I would like to use them more efficaciously, like when I'm not traveling for business, or on vacation, or any other such time when I'm away from my PC (which can be a far portion of a given month sometimes).

Edited by Gremlich Johns, 01 October 2014 - 06:23 PM.

#146 Uncle Totty


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Posted 02 October 2014 - 07:28 AM

One step closer to one day. ^_^

#147 Nastyogre


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Posted 02 October 2014 - 04:21 PM

View PostMoonUnitBeta, on 29 September 2014 - 09:53 PM, said:

Uhh... okay? Can't say I was wrong then...

Banked time was a gift from PGI for founders. This 30-day activation is to alleviate folks who have like 210 days saved up and don't want to activate it all at once and become dedicated to the game for 3/4 of the year to make use of their time. A month is absolutely nothing. Remember that banked time only affects preorders.

You should ease up on those crazy pill- WAIT! You said you don't expect "24hrs"??? Oh. Okay. *sits down and crosses legs with a pencil and notepad in hand* Lets discuss this. What is it that you do expect if it's not 24hrs? You sound like you know what you're talking about so, enlighten me in your modest and reasonable ways, oh Casual King.
How about a "[casual gamer premium time conversion button]", and when you press it, it divides all your banked premium time by ten (because you don't expect 24hrs so you won't be needing those). So that leaves you now with 9 days (or 216 hrs) of time that will only activate whenever you are logged-in. That's AWESOME isn't it? Isn't that what you wanted? Let me look back. Okay so you wanted time that activates only when you play. Okay.. .Check. Annnnd.... you don't expect 24 hrs... .. OKAY! Check! Great!

Oh wait..... Do I sense some variables in there that you might feel the urge to complain about? I think I do! Let's see them in action shall we!
"divides all your banked premium time by ten"
oh, and, "when ever you are logged-in"
WHAT? LOGGED IN? NO THAT TIME IS SUPPOSED TO ONLY TICK FROM WHEN I FIRE MY FIRST MEDIUM LASER AND IS A REGISTERED HIT! AND IN FACT THERE WAS AN ECM SPIDER THAT SHUT DOWN IN MY LAST GAME AND I WANT MY TIME BACK BECAUSE IT TOOK THE LAST 10 MINUTES OF THE MATCH TO FIND HIM AND HE WASTED ALL MY TIME! (come on, we all know that if you're dutch enough to complain about premium time only running when you play, then you'll be dutch enough to send in a ticket for premium time refund because someone wasted your time. You are after all complaining about a generious feature that's been given to us already. So why stop there? Hell why stop anywhere? Just keep going man, just like this paragraph I'm typing. There's no end. I wanna be able to schedule when I wanna use Premium Time. Make it a freakin button. And let me tie it to my mouse click so when I click it uses just a little bit of premium time. And then I'll click just before the match ends so I get a bonus. Because I see someone commented that we should have control over what we buy! Don't you dare give me that burger that's on your menu, I want a custom grilled chilli cheese dog with 1tbsp of dill, 2 pinches of cilantro, and load it with beans, and use that special custom chili sauce from Arby's across the road. I like they're sauce better anyways. You following me?)

PGI needs to make money bro. Russ discussed the reason why it's only going to be 30 days in his town hall meeting. It's not going to change, and I'm happy for that because they've given us more than they wanted to already. This is PGI's product, and it's PGI's menu. You don't like what's on the menu then.. really, that's too damn bad for you now.
If you want incremental premium time, you can do so by buying individual days. That's on their menu. There's a complimentary service available for those who buy a whole bunch of pre-orders and banked all that time up. They're offering it in 30-day packages, and that's all they can do because of the SCREAMING deal you're already getting by pre-ordering. They need to make money. Giving your product away doesn't make you money.

Edit: felt good to rant.
Edit: nope, had to rant some more.

No I don't expect that for every "day" I get 24 hours of play time. Some people would expect that. I don't.
I get PGI needs to make money. They already have my money from founders and the Phoenix expansion. I foolishly activated my founders time. I refuse to do so with my Phoenix. Its a giant rip off, period. I will only use a tiny fraction of what I paid for.

What Russ (and I consider the guys at PGI generally well meaning but foolish people) don't get is that they would make MORE money from premium time if we could parse it out as we played because we wouldn't feel so screwed by the days we don't play but have day tick off.

Why should we have to pay their rapacious price for 1 day premium time? If I'm willing to fork over $100 or whatever for X number of days I should get to use those days. I've been nice enough to them to give them money for a game I can play and not have to pay a damn thing for and at a big chunk of money, not some micro transaction.

So yes I feed justified. As far as the snide attitude comments like "oh kings of casuals" shut up. Its the anonymity of the internet that gives trolls like you the courage and the stance to try and take some position of "rightness." Get bent and move out of your mother's basement.

Rant denied. Grow the @#$@#$@$ up.

Edited by Stiletto, 02 October 2014 - 04:24 PM.

#148 endevite


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Posted 03 October 2014 - 07:28 AM

Need a 1day or 3day option, too busy to play during a 30day burn, nothing like getting maybe 8 days of a few hours a day play out of 30. : /

(Banked time stays banked, though if banked time could buy mechbays, I would spend it.)

#149 Gremlich Johns


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Posted 05 October 2014 - 07:48 AM

Actually, I would prefer that my premium time get taken only when I Play in day chunks. This means that if I log on one day and play either 1 match or 20, I would decrement 24 hours. If I don't play the next day, no time ticks off. Ideally would be to decrement only the time played, but I'm okay with 24 chunks.

#150 Bakamoichigei


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Posted 09 October 2014 - 08:19 PM

I know this falls under "Give them an inch, and they'll want a mile." but...
As someone who often finds himself only able to dedicate a few days at a time (Sometimes months apart!) to playing MWO-- usually when there's a lull in my work, like when I'm waiting on an order of materials or something --I agree that making it even more granular than a month would be great.

I am not, however, completely unreasonable. I understand that the percentage of our 'wasted' premium time figures into the whole F2P business model, and thus I propose a compromise; using portions of banked time smaller than a month should 'cost' more. Like, using a 'week' actually burns 10 days, etc.

#151 Thecure


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Posted 10 October 2014 - 07:01 AM

View PostNikolai Lubkiewicz, on 29 September 2014 - 03:37 PM, said:

Please note, this is both literal and metaphorical! :)
We cannot pause or stop it once activated without breaking the space-time continuum.
Thanks for your understanding.

And that's the reason I'm not buying premium time any more. Lost a lot of time playing desynced matches. Lost a lot of time when your decisions forced me to take a break.

#152 PappySmurf


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Posted 10 October 2014 - 07:22 AM

If you cannot shut your premium time off and on at will or it shuts off when you log off you waste 70% of your premium time so it is a waste of money.

#153 Quick n Fast


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Posted 10 October 2014 - 08:16 AM

View PostPappySmurf, on 10 October 2014 - 07:22 AM, said:

If you cannot shut your premium time off and on at will or it shuts off when you log off you waste 70% of your premium time so it is a waste of money.

If they offered a monthly sub would u qq too cause your money is wasted?

#154 PappySmurf


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Posted 10 October 2014 - 08:28 AM

If they offered a monthly sub would u qq too cause your money is wasted?


I played EVE for 5 years and paid by the year and I got my moneys worth with all the game play and content they provided.

I still play StarTrek online and pay for that game because they provide good PVE content.

MWO does not provide the good gameplay or social experience of either EVE or STO it is a very shallow FPS in mechs so no I would not pay a sub for the quality of this game or its type of gameplay.Plus the staff banned my brother on the forums for a crappy reason so I have no more fondness for PGI.

Edited by PappySmurf, 10 October 2014 - 08:28 AM.

#155 Carlos Vinson


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Posted 18 October 2014 - 11:59 AM

View PostPappySmurf, on 10 October 2014 - 07:22 AM, said:

If you cannot shut your premium time off and on at will or it shuts off when you log off you waste 70% of your premium time so it is a waste of money.

It would be good if premium time clock stopped when you logged off.

#156 Phoenix Hope


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Posted 18 October 2014 - 11:28 PM

A month is way too much. Dedicating a week is hard enough. I'll prob never end up activating any of the time I've earned because I know i won't be able to make a good use of it. ah well maybe later they will make it a week activation or even a day >_<

#157 Uncle Totty


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Posted 19 October 2014 - 12:06 PM

View PostCarlos Vinson, on 18 October 2014 - 11:59 AM, said:

It would be good if premium time clock stopped when you logged off.


#158 Creag


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Posted 19 October 2014 - 10:57 PM

View PostNathan K, on 19 October 2014 - 12:06 PM, said:


I Agree, even if I activate one day I might get use say about 3 or 4 hours of it. So what the use of activate the time.

#159 Reno Blade


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Posted 20 October 2014 - 08:48 AM

While most people would like to activate smaller packages (1 day, 3 days or a week), you have to consider the incentives you have for using/buying certain pack sizes.

If you can activate 1-day chunks of your 30day pack, there is one less reason to buy these small packs, which cost more than a big pack.
You can save some % by buying bigger packs, like in real live economy.

Another reason to have big packs keep running is that it makes you feel like wasting time, if you don't get in as much gametime as possible.
Ever played a subscription based game (like WoW) ? Then you will know the feeling. You don't want to keep your account running for 3 months with just playing one hour per week. You will just play more, to get more out of your time and money, right?

Lets look at curent PT prices:
- 1day 250MC
- 3days 650MC saving 100MC (3x 1day = 750MC)
- 7days 1250MC saving 500MC vs 7x 1day = 1750MC , saving 200mc vs 2x 3days + 1day =1550MC)
- 30days 2500MC cost as much as 10 single days,
saving 5000MC, 20 single days worth compared to 30x 1day = 7500MC
saving 2000MC compared to 4x 7days + 2x 1day packs = 5000+500MC = 5500MC
saving 4000MC compared to 10x 3day packs = 6500MC
- 180 days 13500MC
- 360 days 24000MC

If you take 30day pack, you only pay 83.33 MC per day instead of 250, saving 166.66MC
Now, If you only play 10 of 30 days, you will have used up as much as the most expensive package (10x 1day packs) !
This is getting even better for you, if you don't restrict yourself to play a lot on a limited amout (max 10 days per month) of days, but to play whenever you want, spread out over more days.

This leaves players with two choices:
Play a lot on few days with Premium Time vs. play on a lot of days with Premium Time and don't care for the day.

#160 Slaughterama


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Posted 20 October 2014 - 08:55 AM

This is good to see. I'm giving the game a try again after long break and I like it so far. I have a lot of premium time banked and I'm more likely to use it now that I can use it in segments.

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