FatYak, on 30 September 2014 - 10:35 PM, said:
Its a serious question.
When i started over a year ago it was a great game, it felt co-ordinated and there was variety in your matches and the mechs people were piloting. The did not seem to be too much that i would have thought was "dominant" in the game - i never really had a n issue with poptarts, only when the matchmaker dropped you against organised teams.
but lately, at least in the lo bracket im wedged in, its either incessent LRM rain clan mechs that dominate everything. Team that scatter like sheep and have on the team getting gutted. Ive lost coujnt of the number of times my "team" and illl use that term loosely was 4-0 down before i had seen an enemy mech
There are no tactics any more
there are no flanking maneuvers, its just facetanking until you or your team is dead
There are entire matches spent cowering behind rocks and building because of the incessent LRM rain, and when its not LRM rain, its facing off against 3 or 4 dakka wolves that shred atlas's in a few seconds.
1000 damage matches used to be rare and something to behold, and you ahd to work hard for them. Now they are every other match
I own 6 clan mechs, and they are performing extroadinarily well. They do awesome damage and are very survivable. The other 40 odd IS mechs are absolute trash in comparison and are not survivable. They do not put out damage quick enough to be competitive and coupled with the gimped build people run now, half of your team is often useless when you go into the fight
The game has become incredible one dimensional now and its not fun anymore
Just my .2 cents
Keep in mind OP, there are a few things at play here, especially in regards to the CLRM situation. The primary being that recently, the Mad Dog has become popular because those of us who picked one up, are now working to master the chassis, and it's really only good at two things, LRMing things, or SRMing things...
Combine that with the fact that most clan mechs, in one way or another, come with missile hardpoints as a mainstay. One thing I'll say for clans, is they almost force you to use a varried loadout [note, I say Almost here... sadly, people easily get around having to generalize.] and you have a perfect storm situation for an abundance of LRM's...
So, actually, much like in TableTop back in the 90's... Clans showed up, threw the game on it's head, some like it, others hate it.
Battletech... battletech never changes.