Gas Guzzler, on 12 October 2014 - 08:50 AM, said:
Why doesn't anyone else want a 9 Laser Vomit build?? It would be fun, and is currently very powerful on the TW (with 7 lasers). With some energy heat quirks that would likely come with the Black Knight, it could compete.
It's still going to be sub par in comparison. Why get a mech that we already know is inferior to it's competition, when we can get one to change things up.
Redshirt enraged, on 12 October 2014 - 10:13 AM, said:
Ok...guess now i see your color...
You want a Timberwolf with IS coating...but i don´t think the BK will fulfill that role.

That would be the Flashman, it can mount an equivalent engine, and carry a terrifying amount of laser power.
Hospy, on 12 October 2014 - 11:00 AM, said:
But the BK is an IS mech. It's kind of silly to say that the Clans make the BK obsolete, because the exact same mech that makes the BK substandard makes the Grasshopper substandard.
The Grasshopper has the same mobility as a CTF-3D. And if you think trading two ballistic slots for a head mounted missile is somehow an improvement, I don't know what to say.
Yes, the BK is an IS mech, however, it's a one trick pony, and it's a bad trick, to boot. The Grasshopper may not have ballistics on most variants, but all of it's variants boat energy just as well, if not better, with missiles, and jump jets.
Hospy, on 12 October 2014 - 08:11 PM, said:
Or you know, it represents a role that IS heavies currently do not have as opposed to an inferior Cataphract.
The CTF at best has 5 energy hardpoints, while the GHR will have on average 5+ not as low mounted (best CTFs have 2 somewhat high mounted, while the GHR might have more)
The only comparison you have relating it to the CTF so far has been the fact that both have a head mounted missile hardpoint. Other than that, I really don't see much of anything similar between them.