So I have been thinking how the four stats I had with the lasers could transfer over to other weapons with out making them over powered and cater to peoples wants or needs. I am going to use the same thing I had with the lasers, so one major characteristic about the weapon will not change, while 4 stats about it can to suit a persons needs. These stats would also not be big enough as to change it into something that is not within its own category but still enough to make it some what unique. What I mean by this is that a PPC should never be equal to a clan ER PPC in damage and range, ect
Will also give basic examples of each.
I will start with A/C's as that was already talked about. I hope i explain this enough so people can understand.
With A/C's the one thing that will not change is the amount of rounds fired to the specific amount of damage that A/C does.
What could change is the Range, Accuracy, reload time, Kinetic forces/recoil. I choose these because they are the best I could come up with that would balance each other out. What I mean by kinetic forces/ recoil is the amount of recoil produced is when fired and kinetic forces the A/C does when it hits a mech. So a A/C with alot of kinetic forces may beable to knock a mech down easy, it will also knock itself down if running to fast or to much of a degreed slope. This also includes LBX's I decided to give them the same stats because changing the choke or spread of the pellets would just turn them into head shot cannons.
So a A/C with a Rng 3, Acc 3, RT 7, KF/R 7. This A/C may reload fast and has more recoil but, it does not have the range or accuracy it needs to hit far of mechs.
While a Rng 8, Acc, 7, RT 3, KF/R 2 This A/C would be able to hit mechs more far off into the distance, but has more reload time and less kinetic forces on the mech it is hitting.
Moving on to missles.
The one thing about missles that would not change is the range. The four stats that would are, damage, accuracy, time to target, ammo. Accuracy does not mean lock on, it refers to the missles abiltiy to fly straight. Time to target is how fast the missle flies in the air before it reaches the target.
A missle of dmg 7, acc, 3, TtT 7, Am 3. this missle may have more damage and fly faster, the amount of accuracy it has and ammo you have are far less so the need to make each shot count is needed to make use of such missles.
Another missle would be dmg 3, acc 7, TtT3, Am 7. This missle while having more ammo and straight line accuracy you are lacking damage and increasing the amount of time it takes to hit the target.
The one thing that would not change is the accuracy since that is one of the biggest characteristics about PPC's, what would change is damage, range, recharge time, heat.
A PPC of dmg 8, range 2, rchg 3, heat 7 so this PPC would have more damage, have less heat, longer recharge time, and less range
While another PPC is dmg 3, rng 7, rchg 3, heat 7. this PPC would have more range and less heat, at the cost of a longer recharge time and less damage.
I could not think of anything for Gauss rifles to make them a little more unique, so would most likely group all ballistics into one category.
I am not trying to turn the game into something it is not, just want to make it slightly more unique to a players combat style and how they want to fight.
Edited by Hollister, 22 November 2011 - 01:16 AM.