The Battle Of Luthien - War Story From A Tabletop Veteran
Posted 27 June 2012 - 08:49 AM

Posted 27 June 2012 - 09:08 AM
Harleqwin, on 27 June 2012 - 08:01 AM, said:
FASA always had really good drama around the newest release of material for BattleTech. A friend and I were at GenCon 1988 when Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner got married. There was cake with both Houses symbols on it; and then a BIG announcement...I think they even made it over the loudspeakers; "Mechwarriors report for duty, Davion just promised his wife the Capellan Confederation as a wedding present." And the Fourth Succession war was ON!
The suspense that FASA built up for the introduction of the Clans was incredible! Reading the first Lethal Heritage book and then having to wait for the next was maddening for my little gaming group. In retrospect, all the references to Alexander Kerensky (and the Wolf's Dragoons) throughout the BT source material were nice hints about what was to come.
I would literally sell whatever was needed to be able to go back in time and play at those events. Man I can only imagine how the Kuritans felt as my brothers silenced world after world, the honorable samurai lining up for honor duels and dying just as honorably. At least until bloody Theo stopped duels, the rat.
Edited by Amarus Cameron, 27 June 2012 - 09:08 AM.
Posted 27 June 2012 - 09:10 AM
Posted 27 June 2012 - 09:16 AM
Posted 27 June 2012 - 09:40 AM
If I had a hat it would be off so hard to you it would probably break orbit.
Posted 27 June 2012 - 09:44 AM
Posted 27 June 2012 - 09:45 AM
Amarus Cameron, on 27 June 2012 - 09:08 AM, said:
It was pretty intense back then, Amarus. I wish you could have seen it. As it is, the Jags do survive in the Dark Age; some survivors were working for the Republic under the name "The Fidelis" and were cut loose to find their own destiny again. The Jaguars may be back in force when they start releasing 3150 era material for the board game. You may yet get a chance to write your own chapter of Jag history...
BlackMoore, on 27 June 2012 - 09:10 AM, said:
Thanks, Black...I know the wall of text is a bit of an effort to read (I'm loathe to digest them too) but I'm glad you did. I'll watch for you on the battlefield.
Ubertron X, on 27 June 2012 - 09:16 AM, said:
Not those clanners, at any rate.
Posted 27 June 2012 - 09:45 AM

I always HATED mechforce. When used as a way to meet new players it was ok, but the rankings.. bad idea.
I wonder if we will ever see a revival of Battletechnology?

Posted 27 June 2012 - 09:55 AM
There are too many "host-bully" condescending types in the RPG and tabletop gaming community.
Sadly, I have found in most cases that it tends to be people who have nothing going for them outside
of the game - the one area where they can feel a bit of power - and what do they do? Generally abuse
it to feel superior to someone. Anyone.
They give gaming a bad name, and generally drive young, impressionable people away from the hobby.
I'm glad you guys stuck it out and put a little bit of an ego whooping on them.
Posted 27 June 2012 - 10:03 AM
Posted 27 June 2012 - 10:12 AM
Posted 27 June 2012 - 10:21 AM
Rush Maguin, on 27 June 2012 - 09:45 AM, said:
It was pretty intense back then, Amarus. I wish you could have seen it. As it is, the Jags do survive in the Dark Age; some survivors were working for the Republic under the name "The Fidelis" and were cut loose to find their own destiny again. The Jaguars may be back in force when they start releasing 3150 era material for the board game. You may yet get a chance to write your own chapter of Jag history...
I appreciate the setiment Rush, but that is not Clan Smoke Jaguar, I read the book "Surrender your Dreams" and though they talk of Paul Moon and the "Black Book" and whatnot they were not clan. In the Dark Age the entire idea of what it means to be clan is lost, and I cannot sit by and say "yes I will work with that, anything to be relavent again" I cannot and will not do it. If that were the case then it would be better I died fighting on Huntress. But again I will say, the Jaguar never dies.
Posted 27 June 2012 - 10:21 AM
Anyone familiar with D&D can probably see where this is going.
When we first showed up, we joined the party on the other side of a forest from a town where devils were ostensibly trying to summon a pit fiend. Us being good-aligned 10th level characters, we couldn't have that. The DM assured us that we'd get lost "like seven times" on our way through the massive forest. It was at that point that we offered the party room and board on the castle we'd built atop our flying whale. As it turns out, mundane items and animal training are damned cheap. So cheap, in fact, that once we got there and weaved through his illusion shenanigans, I suggested we drop 10 gold worth of firewood on the devil hideout. 10 gold of firewood is 20,000 pounds, because firewood is cheap. We drop it like bombs from the whale, and the otherwise invulnerable devils (meant for much higher level parties) die horribly.
Despite his best efforts to try and enforce NPCs that were superior to us in every way (he even used the words "superior in every way" a few times and wrote initiative values as "god plot"), I spent my time convincing angels that they needed to attend lectures on how to be good guys, and my friend created sequentially more ridiculous mundane toys from things like your fuel tanks. After the DM disbanded the campaign, the other players thanked us for showing them that you could have fun with the game, rather than just getting stomped on by someone who wanted an ego boost.
As you learned, creativity and spirit can defeat arrogance and power, no matter the odds. It's an important lesson for everyone to keep in mind, and lets you have amazing games even when you're put into bad situations.
Edited by SparkSovereign, 27 June 2012 - 10:23 AM.
Posted 27 June 2012 - 10:26 AM
I worked at a hobby shop for 3 years and was paid to teach and play and run competitions. Battletech was my specialty so I had my fair share of rules-lawyers and point-mongers from Mechforce. These gaming bullys are present in all games I have ever played but it seems like there are attracted to painted minitures as there is a higher concentration of them in those games. If you think battletech is bad with bully-laywers you should try gaming with some history buffs and recreate some Nepoleonic or World War II battles, one game came to blows!
Posted 27 June 2012 - 11:10 AM
Bachman, on 27 June 2012 - 09:45 AM, said:

I always HATED mechforce. When used as a way to meet new players it was ok, but the rankings.. bad idea.
I wonder if we will ever see a revival of Battletechnology?

Well, being defensive of your miniatures is one thing, but going -that- far about it was a bit much! And I had brought my own, after all.

FLAKPANZER, on 27 June 2012 - 09:55 AM, said:
There are too many "host-bully" condescending types in the RPG and tabletop gaming community.
Sadly, I have found in most cases that it tends to be people who have nothing going for them outside
of the game - the one area where they can feel a bit of power - and what do they do? Generally abuse
it to feel superior to someone. Anyone.
They give gaming a bad name, and generally drive young, impressionable people away from the hobby.
I'm glad you guys stuck it out and put a little bit of an ego whooping on them.
The only thing worse than driving those young'ns from the hobby is teach them that -this is how you game.- I've seen young players taught all the wrong habits about gaming from people who consider themselves the Great Masters of _________ (fill in the blank) and that all of their rude behavior is somehow justified. Then again, if they're still involved in the game, there's hope to learn 'em back to something more constructive.
Lord Exalted, on 27 June 2012 - 10:03 AM, said:
You and I both. The clans can be hard to beat, but not impossible.
Lord Exalted, on 27 June 2012 - 10:12 AM, said:
Start! Get that amazing boxed set they just cut. Dollar for dollar that's the best starter set I've seen, for Battletech or elsewhere (you even get a poster sized map of the INner Sphere, circa 3067). With that and Technical Readout: 3025, you could play for two years straight all the time and never get board. (We did in high school, pre-Clan). Or look up a local game. The sourcebooks have a production quality now almost unheard of in the old days, too. It's a grand time to be a B.T. fan.
Amarus Cameron, on 27 June 2012 - 10:21 AM, said:
I appreciate the setiment Rush, but that is not Clan Smoke Jaguar, I read the book "Surrender your Dreams" and though they talk of Paul Moon and the "Black Book" and whatnot they were not clan. In the Dark Age the entire idea of what it means to be clan is lost, and I cannot sit by and say "yes I will work with that, anything to be relavent again" I cannot and will not do it. If that were the case then it would be better I died fighting on Huntress. But again I will say, the Jaguar never dies.
You do have a point there, Amarus. FYI, I was a Smoke Jaguar myself until they were annihilated. I loved playing the villain. After that I went Jade Falcon but I was a Jag at heart for years.
SparkSovereign, on 27 June 2012 - 10:21 AM, said:
Anyone familiar with D&D can probably see where this is going.
When we first showed up, we joined the party on the other side of a forest from a town where devils were ostensibly trying to summon a pit fiend. Us being good-aligned 10th level characters, we couldn't have that. The DM assured us that we'd get lost "like seven times" on our way through the massive forest. It was at that point that we offered the party room and board on the castle we'd built atop our flying whale. As it turns out, mundane items and animal training are damned cheap. So cheap, in fact, that once we got there and weaved through his illusion shenanigans, I suggested we drop 10 gold worth of firewood on the devil hideout. 10 gold of firewood is 20,000 pounds, because firewood is cheap. We drop it like bombs from the whale, and the otherwise invulnerable devils (meant for much higher level parties) die horribly.
Despite his best efforts to try and enforce NPCs that were superior to us in every way (he even used the words "superior in every way" a few times and wrote initiative values as "god plot"), I spent my time convincing angels that they needed to attend lectures on how to be good guys, and my friend created sequentially more ridiculous mundane toys from things like your fuel tanks. After the DM disbanded the campaign, the other players thanked us for showing them that you could have fun with the game, rather than just getting stomped on by someone who wanted an ego boost.
As you learned, creativity and spirit can defeat arrogance and power, no matter the odds. It's an important lesson for everyone to keep in mind, and lets you have amazing games even when you're put into bad situations.
That is just fantastic.

Donovan Jenks, on 27 June 2012 - 10:26 AM, said:
I worked at a hobby shop for 3 years and was paid to teach and play and run competitions. Battletech was my specialty so I had my fair share of rules-lawyers and point-mongers from Mechforce. These gaming bullys are present in all games I have ever played but it seems like there are attracted to painted minitures as there is a higher concentration of them in those games. If you think battletech is bad with bully-laywers you should try gaming with some history buffs and recreate some Nepoleonic or World War II battles, one game came to blows!
Yeah, what happened to the game being -fun-? I had gone to that con expecting a brothers in arms, we're all Battletech players here kind of vibe. Didn't find it the way I imagined I would but made up for lost time. The best thing about BT is you CAN be outgunned, even outnumbered by the other force, but you can NEVER tell what's going to happen next. It's edge of your seat every time. Never give up until the last shot is fired.
Footnote here, told my ex (who I taught to play back in 99 at her request! What a doll) about posting this story and she asked me if I'd ever rematch these guys. It would be quite the grudge match, I admit. I certainly couldn't expect the same standard of good behavior and common courtesy they lacked before.
I've had a plan for it, though, as far back as 1999 or 2000 (her era in the game). If it ever did come up as a rematch, I'd have some input on the scenario. It would be a fair play no matter what. Clan versus IS is fine, or Clan vs Clan or IS vs IS, no issue. The game would have objectives, like claim the hospital and media buildings on the map with infantry (so we can get some good infantry fighting going on) and scanning enemy structures with recon mechs and the like. Something objective based. I'd want a third party ref agreed to by both parties to be impartial about the rules. Naturally we would do this at a convention.
The kicker is, I'd make everyone chip in, say, ten bucks each to play. All of that money, every cent, goes into a money order (not a check or something, a money order) made out to the Foundation for Missing and Exploited Children or some other worthy charity. We could even solicit donations from people passing by and include that in the final tally as the scenario played out. We'd game ourselves hard and hopefully pull another win for the good guys, but if the Bully-Hosts did win and had to gloat about it, we'd have the subtle revenge of knowing that they had to pay off a good charity to do it at all. That way, everybody wins, really.
Still, that never materialized. Probably for the better. I don't know that they'd do anything but make that entire game hall miserable.
Posted 27 June 2012 - 12:04 PM
but only had a small group of friends that played, and we kind of stayed insulated from the convention
scene and exposure (through Battletech) to jackasses like you described in your post.*
I have recently started playing tabletop again with a group of 5 friends, and it has been a blast. Do you
ever play on MegaMek? I just downloaded it with the hopes of playing in a campaign with a referee. If
that is something you would be interested in, let me know.
*Though we did find it in the RPG community.
Posted 27 June 2012 - 12:22 PM
Anyway, it's a great game, I even have fun when my side loses.
Posted 27 June 2012 - 12:31 PM
Amarus Cameron, on 27 June 2012 - 10:21 AM, said:
I appreciate the setiment Rush, but that is not Clan Smoke Jaguar, I read the book "Surrender your Dreams" and though they talk of Paul Moon and the "Black Book" and whatnot they were not clan. In the Dark Age the entire idea of what it means to be clan is lost, and I cannot sit by and say "yes I will work with that, anything to be relavent again" I cannot and will not do it. If that were the case then it would be better I died fighting on Huntress. But again I will say, the Jaguar never dies.
Whos to say that the now released Fidelis cannot re-embrace their heritage Amarus? Are you serious in saying that despite reading about their history that they will REFUSE to accept who they are?
On another note upon reading all of your story Rush I truly hope this has not colored your thinking into believing that ALL Jaguar players are complete ********. Its bad enough that the likes of Comstar and its media machine juggernaut have fooled enough of the people enough of the time, but when jerks like the ones you described get involved in any game....everyones enjoyment of the game suffers. Hell, if I had been there as a Jaguar player back then....damn...I probably would have quit in protest as that kind of attitude is BS and only props up the "see we told you so" SJ haters' views out there.
However since you seem to have a fair and balanced mind to all of this I salute you with great respect for not falling prey to the zombification that the media can have on the common person these days. Its also quite sad that cheaters AND those who lie get more rewarded in this day and age and can get away with the most outrageous BS that can be seen.
Although I learned about and tried to get involved with BT in 1998, I could never really master the board game that well and relied on the video games more often. Course about that time I learned that CSJ was being "written off" but something deep down inside of me felt that the Jaguars were not completely gone. I played a few of the Age of Destruction board games at a hobby shop in Maryland but the game fell apart soon after that. Republic was my faction of choice for obvious reasons but hopefully there will be a time where I can have my turn at being a part of the BT experience and play a revived Jaguar faction post Fortress Republic/Dark Age era in some official board game events. Just reading your story alone....I can only imagine how epic it must have been....
See you on the battlefield when the Clans arrive! (And hopefully the BT/MW community being more fair in their opinions of the Jaguars as a whole. My opinion might be in the minority here, but hey, I think there is a place for all kinds of people in the BattleTech Universe. After all, at the end of the day, this is a game and we are all here to have fun.)

Posted 27 June 2012 - 02:46 PM
FLAKPANZER, on 27 June 2012 - 12:04 PM, said:
but only had a small group of friends that played, and we kind of stayed insulated from the convention
scene and exposure (through Battletech) to jackasses like you described in your post.*
I have recently started playing tabletop again with a group of 5 friends, and it has been a blast. Do you
ever play on MegaMek? I just downloaded it with the hopes of playing in a campaign with a referee. If
that is something you would be interested in, let me know.
*Though we did find it in the RPG community.
I've heard of Megamek but I've never been able to get it to work right. :/ The bloody thing seems counter-intuitive to me but I'm sure I'd get a kick out of it if I could use it right. Meanwhile, have you seen MW Tactics yet? If not, this is big news:
JackCrow, on 27 June 2012 - 12:22 PM, said:
Anyway, it's a great game, I even have fun when my side loses.
I guess there's one bad apple in every dropship. :/ Maybe you guys can coach him into relaxing a little.
FireNova, on 27 June 2012 - 12:31 PM, said:
Whos to say that the now released Fidelis cannot re-embrace their heritage Amarus? Are you serious in saying that despite reading about their history that they will REFUSE to accept who they are?
On another note upon reading all of your story Rush I truly hope this has not colored your thinking into believing that ALL Jaguar players are complete ********. Its bad enough that the likes of Comstar and its media machine juggernaut have fooled enough of the people enough of the time, but when jerks like the ones you described get involved in any game....everyones enjoyment of the game suffers. Hell, if I had been there as a Jaguar player back then....damn...I probably would have quit in protest as that kind of attitude is BS and only props up the "see we told you so" SJ haters' views out there.
However since you seem to have a fair and balanced mind to all of this I salute you with great respect for not falling prey to the zombification that the media can have on the common person these days. Its also quite sad that cheaters AND those who lie get more rewarded in this day and age and can get away with the most outrageous BS that can be seen.
Although I learned about and tried to get involved with BT in 1998, I could never really master the board game that well and relied on the video games more often. Course about that time I learned that CSJ was being "written off" but something deep down inside of me felt that the Jaguars were not completely gone. I played a few of the Age of Destruction board games at a hobby shop in Maryland but the game fell apart soon after that. Republic was my faction of choice for obvious reasons but hopefully there will be a time where I can have my turn at being a part of the BT experience and play a revived Jaguar faction post Fortress Republic/Dark Age era in some official board game events. Just reading your story alone....I can only imagine how epic it must have been....
See you on the battlefield when the Clans arrive! (And hopefully the BT/MW community being more fair in their opinions of the Jaguars as a whole. My opinion might be in the minority here, but hey, I think there is a place for all kinds of people in the BattleTech Universe. After all, at the end of the day, this is a game and we are all here to have fun.)

As I stated to someone above, I actually -was- Smoke Jaguar as my Clan affiliation until they were annihilated, then switched over to Jade Falcon.

Posted 27 June 2012 - 07:32 PM
One thing bothers me a bit, though. You see, I live in the Phoenix area and play a monthly Battletech campaign game whose players range in age from 15 through 60-something, and some of the older players used to own a game store.

I don't think these are the people in question, thankfully, as I haven't seen anything even slightly unsportsmanlike out of them.

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