Mist Lynx (Koshi) Theorycrafting
Posted 04 November 2014 - 10:03 AM
Seems like it'll come out of the starting gate just fine, we'll see a number of snipey builds and a number of hit and run builds. It will be a very versatile mech for its' size, but it probably won't be particularly good at any 1 job.
Posted 04 November 2014 - 11:01 AM
People consider that because they are lights they have to play exactly like IS lights. That is moving in packs for scouting and precision short range strikes at vulnerable enemies. Clearly you misunderstand that clan lights are long range support mechs better employed whilst paired with heavier units. In general clan lights have the firepower of a IS medium and more long range damage abilities. They are meant to augment the firepower of a lance and not act independently. The kitfox doesn't need the super speed because it is meant (although not always used) as a support mech, not a scout or a brawler. Thus the lack if speed and the crazy AMS and ECM package.
There are differences between IS and clan speeds because they are meant to do different things. If one accepts that and embraces the role clan lights are designes to execute, one then notices that they have to go from the hunter killer mindset to that of a cog in a deadly and well oiled machine's gears.
On the other hand, trying to use clan lights to fit IS light roles is at best going to have mediocre results. The opposite is also true.
Posted 07 November 2014 - 12:48 AM
Lysander Voidrunner, on 04 November 2014 - 11:01 AM, said:
People consider that because they are lights they have to play exactly like IS lights. That is moving in packs for scouting and precision short range strikes at vulnerable enemies. Clearly you misunderstand that clan lights are long range support mechs better employed whilst paired with heavier units. In general clan lights have the firepower of a IS medium and more long range damage abilities. They are meant to augment the firepower of a lance and not act independently. The kitfox doesn't need the super speed because it is meant (although not always used) as a support mech, not a scout or a brawler. Thus the lack if speed and the crazy AMS and ECM package.
There are differences between IS and clan speeds because they are meant to do different things. If one accepts that and embraces the role clan lights are designes to execute, one then notices that they have to go from the hunter killer mindset to that of a cog in a deadly and well oiled machine's gears.
On the other hand, trying to use clan lights to fit IS light roles is at best going to have mediocre results. The opposite is also true.
And you'd be 100% correct if we were talking about the Adder or Kit Fox, but the Mist Lynx is a completely different mech. 6-6.5 tons of podspace (5-5.5 with ECM) isn't going to support anything. And why bother with the ECM variant when the Kit Fox is only 17 kph slower and can actually carry weapons?
The Mist Lynx is just a slow Commando with JJs. You can do whatever mental gymnastics you like to convince yourself it will be viable, but there's no realistic scenario where this thing is anything other than DOA. I wish they'd just cancel it and give the people who spent money on their clan pack a REAL mech... But that's just me.
Edited by FrostyTO, 07 November 2014 - 01:01 AM.
Posted 07 November 2014 - 02:03 AM
Maaaaybe it is not desinged to 1v1 Lights in terrible Pug matches but to support a team in CW or 12v12s where it does not matter how epic your Light is in a 1v1 that ain't gonna happen in a proper match with proper players

Following your logic the Hellbringer will be a pile of junk bc it will have a hard time outbrawling a Timber Wolf. Or the DireWolf is **** bc a Jenner can 1v1 it as well, as it is too slow.
MWO is not about Pugs and not every mech has to be one that is viable to "duel" others.
Edit: Also if you want a "duel" blabla mech, the Ice Ferret is where it's at for me right now when it comes to killing lights in Pugs.
Edited by Camper101, 07 November 2014 - 02:06 AM.
Posted 07 November 2014 - 04:22 AM
Edited by Knight Phaeton, 07 November 2014 - 04:23 AM.
Posted 09 November 2014 - 12:38 AM
Fire falcon and Arctic cheetah.
Case closed
Posted 17 November 2014 - 03:00 PM
Adder Prime is certainly underwhelming (compared to what I expceted from previous games) which I blame on the sad state of Clan PPCs in this game.
However there are builds available for it that perform very well like the Spladder. I don't use it, but I consistently score high damage with a Gauss build and 2 x CLPL/2 x CERML build.
Posted 17 November 2014 - 03:46 PM
Kain Thul, on 17 November 2014 - 03:00 PM, said:
Adder Prime is certainly underwhelming (compared to what I expceted from previous games) which I blame on the sad state of Clan PPCs in this game.
However there are builds available for it that perform very well like the Spladder. I don't use it, but I consistently score high damage with a Gauss build and 2 x CLPL/2 x CERML build.
I personally think it's on par with kitfox.
Both have the same podspace but the adder is at an advantage of not only having more armour then the kitfox but also some tonnage already spent there as well as a flamer (minor advantage but this thing is actually kinda useful.)
It can do most builds a kitfox can do and more and can be a better LRM boat, SRM boat and ranged energy mech or possibly a ballistic.
While the kitfox advantages stem from the ECM, 3 AMS, jumpjets, extra speed, etc.
Both are reasonably different things. You got the adder with more firepower and armour and then you got the kitfox with mobility and speed.
I personally do not have the adder yet but I did use it quite a bit in previous games as well as got friends in MW: O who have it and the kitfox. Also I played it a bit on a test server earlier.
I quite enjoyed it.
I hope the clans get a similar quirk treatment IS mechs... because lets be honest some mechs are a bit on the sad side and we also need diversity between configurations. (Config is correct term for omni mech, variant isn't). Say the CT of bla bla bla this gives extra energy range, bla bla bla that gives more energy firerate, bla bla bla this gives more missile and ppc heat lowered. (bla bla bla = random clan mech)
Can't wait to see a possible quirk added for the Adder / Puma

Posted 17 November 2014 - 04:16 PM
Arms or side torsos with more than 1 energy hardpoint would be a huge plus so that we could boat smaller lasers instead of being limited to 4. It would be nice to boat 6 x C-SPL with 20 heatsinks, that's for sure. That loadout would be possible just barely, utilizing all crit slots. It would be very heat efficient too-36 damage for just 18 heat with fast recycle times.
Edited by Kain Thul, 17 November 2014 - 04:17 PM.
Posted 18 November 2014 - 12:31 AM

Happy with this.
Not only theorycrafting !
Posted 18 November 2014 - 02:06 AM
Posted 18 November 2014 - 02:18 AM
eFTy, on 18 November 2014 - 02:06 AM, said:
Go down to the mech specs section here https://mwomercs.com/wavetwo and click on the ice ferret prime, weapons and active probe are in orange text while everything else is white, the probe and the weapons are removable.
Now click on any of the mist lynx specs, only the weapons are in orange text while all the heat sinks, jumpjets and active probe are all in white text, they are all locked
furthermore http://youtu.be/dMFSR0rNtss?t=7m20s you can see all that equipment is greyed out just like the jumpjets on a summoner or the fixed heat sinks in a kitfox
Posted 18 November 2014 - 02:38 AM
eFTy, on 18 November 2014 - 02:06 AM, said:
Because Omnis have fixed weapons/equipments.
Lynx comes with fixed cap, like Nova comes with fixed JJ, and so on...
Posted 18 November 2014 - 03:09 AM
Posted 18 November 2014 - 12:06 PM
Posted 18 November 2014 - 02:37 PM
Posted 18 November 2014 - 06:40 PM
Just because you CAN use ECM doesn't mean you SHOULD.
MLX is better without it. My second match in one:

Posted 19 November 2014 - 12:21 AM

Edited by ChapeL, 19 November 2014 - 12:27 AM.
Posted 19 November 2014 - 12:27 AM
Posted 19 November 2014 - 12:32 AM
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