Flash Frame, on 15 October 2014 - 11:26 PM, said:
you're missing the point of this.
You can fire 2 gauss together? yeah?
So macro 2-2 gauss together like this, as shown at the end of the video. That is DEVASTATING... 60 damage pinpoint, at relatively the same location due to the speed of the macro.
I used to yell, and scream at anyone who would listen about how Macros are a 3rd party cheat, because they circumvent your personal ability to time things, to do it for you. I was told, over and over again, that no, macro's are not a cheat, and that they are totally valid.
This goes to show you that no, it's essentially cheating. It's a turbo button. There is a reason Turbo controllers are not allowed at MLG gaming events. So why is there an acceptance of utilizing Macro software to do the same thing?
I just don't understand the mentality.
Yeah, when PGI said they'd be putting limits on the number of weapons fired...everyone said "Great, so they'll macro around it. GGClose."
And lo and behold, macros, which are incredibly easy to make, do so. It's why we said putting a limit on weapons this way wasn't much use.