Asmudius Heng, on 16 October 2014 - 03:17 PM, said:
I hope a quirk pass on clan mechs will allow some better overall balance ... clan lights are not great. I do not even own a clan mech but i do not fear a clan light like I fear the IS light.
I do not completely dismiss clan lights either mind you, they are still dangerous they are not trash like some people say but they certainly have limitations.
The clans need to be looked at on a chassis/variant bases for balance just like the IS
I agree. I feel like the biggest threat the to Kitfox is dual gauss. If there were some perk where the Kitfox had stronger armor, or at least resistant to ballistic damage, it would make it much more useful.
As it is, my Kitfox WILL lose a leg, arm or side torso if dual gauss is in the field, no matter how skillfully I try to avoid it. It should have some kind of defense against that crap.
I'd also like to see heat energy buffs. The clan energy nerfs hurt the Kitfox worst, with the exception of the Nova.
Viktor Drake, on 16 October 2014 - 03:25 PM, said:
My Kit Fox has one of the highest K/Ds of any mech I own including my IS lights so no clue what the OP is talking about.
It's the same with me. I suspect the reason is because it's usually ignored. I know if I'm in the middle of a brawl, I can usually get out okay as long as I'm not up front. People generally target the Dire Whales, DDCs and Timber Gods first.
Edited by Greenjulius, 16 October 2014 - 03:32 PM.