Mcgral18, on 26 October 2014 - 08:31 AM, said:
Oh pls no, this would be stupid and useless, people will abuse this sytsem even more than it is already possible. this opens new farming possibilities beyong peoples imagination. Every build will run narc and tagger, and all mechs not able to do are useless. Hail to the SCR, which can easily spare tagger and a narc, + some juicy laservomit. or probably some lrm's to gather laods of money out o its own taggers. No, I don't like the rolewarfare stuff, this is even more "random". have dc in your lance, well bad for ya, no chance for lanceformation points. Or having some wanna be snipers running away. Because in the end of that tourney, you will be even more deended on your teammates than anything else. This tournemane will also be heavily dominated by the ecm lights, easy for flanking and hit and run scores. Easier to get lance boni since they will morelikely stick close to you. It will just make some variants obsolete by nature + will just make people start to abuse the way the system works instead of truly participating in rolewarfare.
start the game, run off like a boss to secure scouting. probably a few flankings as well.
get back, narc and tag evey mech from which you know it will die during the narc, loads of profit.
try to give everoyne the last blast with the ERLL.
grind your butt off so that enough lucky situations come together.
And honestly, I think being american is anyways already an advantage, because more europs play and europes mostly play more competitive. That is at least my experience here and in various other games I had. So in the end, you have a load of various factors influencing this anyways.
Sure a few may even down their elo to to get some easy matche,s but you will hardly find any system being proof to not be abused. But in the end, stop taking these tournaments too serious, the few bucks you get aren't worth it anyways. You cna use the rounament at leats to chekc where you are roughly located, but the real top of the top is very Luck dependend anyways. That one match where I and 3 others fired at the red CT opponents, would be the sifference between scoring 190 or 210 score. The difference between 5th or 1st, over the time of those 10 matches. Sololy dependend by hitreg sequence of X weapons hitting the target at the same time, also infleuences by latency. So taking the tournament real serious will just cause you to anger too often abut a ranodm factor. Yet the tournament will give you a slight hint where you are and how good you are compared to others. And it will show which chassis do how well compared to others.
Aresye, on 27 October 2014 - 12:58 AM, said:
Think people forgot about this part in my OP:
I'd rather not be on the leaderboard, than feel the leaderboard isn't representing the right guys. I have the luxury of being in pacific time, so I have a few hours after prime time to continue slugging it through. It shouldn't be any coincidence my highest scoring matches all somehow occur an hour or two after prime time, when the majority of people I usually see in every game log out for the night.
Stomps are still a regular occurrence because of the snowballing effect as a team loses players. There was a time back when they tried to implement the soft game mode selection where nearly every game I had was neck to neck, but alas, many people didn't want that, so we're back to stomp city.
For regular gameplay I completely agree that Elo is necessary, especially in the solo queue. I just don't feel it has any place in a ranked tournament, because the ability to score well (with the current scoring system) is entirely dependent on being able to carry a team while doing the majority of damage, which is next to impossible when the rest of the team can carry its own. Not to say carries don't happen in high Elo drops, it's just less obvious. A player getting 3 kills, 6 assists, and 800 damage when the rest of the team does 250-400 is pretty normal for a high Elo game, but it's still a fairly rare occurrence.
Whether it's a change to the scoring system, separate brackets, etc, the point is the current system is easy to abuse, and there's a lot of players that are absolutely insane pilots that should be on the leaderboards, that aren't.
but wouldn't that still cause your problem? when ther eis offtime and luck giveys your team and their team only low rnaked palyers, big profit. Would it be less random than now? I don't think so. I played on saturday morning when total offtime was, (quite early) eaily two gams above 200. Sunday, at non offtimes, not a single one reaching this. Thats why you shouldnot take the last gap serious. its luck and location dependend.
Edited by Lily from animove, 27 October 2014 - 01:28 AM.