Alek Ituin, on 31 October 2014 - 06:01 AM, said:
Having rifling in the barrel doesn't make something a Rifle. Unless suddenly something like a 155mm artillery piece is now a rifle.
Long Toms and Sniper Cannons are both classed as "Artillery Pieces" in lore. Not to mention Thumpers, which are basically snub-nosed field variants of a Long Tom. (FYI - Sniper Cannons are actually called "Sniper Artillery Pieces", but they're still cannons either way, same goes for Thumpers and Long Toms)
Also, the Long Tom and Sniper are technically "Guns", whereas the Thumper would be a "Howitzer". BT Lore doesn't really match up with reality too often.
When you rifle a barrel it becomes a rifle. rifling only maters for slow rounds. being slow makes them susceptible to drift, thus needing stabilization via rotation. like many man portable rounds
The difference between a cannon and a howitzer is barrel length.
There are 2 types of barrel limning smooth and rifled.
Part of the definition of cannon vs rifle is do the rounds explode on contact.
Smooth boars can use rounds with integrated stabilizing fins. So can riffled barrels.
Rifling also has shortens the life cycle of the barrel as the metal is worn off from use.
Technology has progressed over time blurring the distinction between types.
using exploding 22 caliber bullets doesn't make it a 22 caliber cannon.
The end result is they all function the same.