Kilo 40, on 04 November 2014 - 09:58 PM, said:
This right here everyone, is the mind of the average LRM whiner. He knows there are ways to deal with LRMs(radar dep, AMS, AMS overlaod, etc..), but he deliberately chooses not to use them, and STILL demands they get nerfed.
as I've said before, these people will never be happy until they are granted invincibility to LRMs 100% of the time.
A 6 million cbill module that requires clunky switching around of modules and adds a minimum of 2 mins (with the really long "saving loadout" deal) just to make lrms balanced is not in any way acceptable. With radar derp lrms feel alright because they actually require a >.5 sec LOS lock to deal damage. If a mech has 2 AMS slots then taking AMS can actually affect missile damage but a single AMS is won't even reduce missile damage by 10% and will run out of ammo LONG before the missiles stop raining even with the ammo buff. If you can control team loadout (as in coordinated play) then you have an arguement for it but in most good builds every ton counts. AMS is too situational and not even great at that situation, and as such it is not the best use of tonnage when radar derp does MUCH better at reducing missile damage for 0 tonnage cost (it's cost is GXP, CBills and lots of frustration at the stupid module system.)
Alexander MacTaggart, on 04 November 2014 - 09:49 PM, said:
Because it is crap and only viable when you have 4-6 interlocking AMS coverage and even that won't stop the real problem of 3-4 LRM 30+ boats raining coordinated death to anywhere on most maps at the low low price of a mech with a functioning set of "eyes". In most engagements you can reduce lrm damage by 100% by playing carefully, so that range of usefulness is even further limited.
You can pretend to be superior and arrogant about your opinions being the one truth but the bottom line is this: fighting against heavy lrms is probably the least fun engagement you can possibly find yourself in, in the current state of MWO. It's boring, sluggish, and the last thing the typically impatient PUG guy queues up to play through. The biggest problem with LRMs is indirect fire and the absolute miserable gameplay that is produced by multiple lrms boats locking down the entire map thanks to nearly untouchable ECM spotters, ESPECIALLY if the matchmaker decided to not give your team ECM or your one ECM light decided he wanted to be a superhero solo brawler and died 3 mins into the match. PGI's bottom line relies on pleasing the majority of players so don't ever expect the current implementation of lrms to be compeititve in group play (and OP in PUGs) without a fairly major redesign of the way lrms work.