TheTeacher, on 14 November 2014 - 07:29 AM, said:
That is a perspective issue on the drawing. On the mini, those parts are dimples on the flat plane of the launcher.
It's not a perspective issue.
The drawing predates the mini. Thats why I circled both. You can see the housing on the outside. Later drawings lost that, and the Mini was based off the 3050 TRO, not the 3025. And the 3050 TRO pretty well butchered everything, and had massive editing discrepancies between the two, but pretty much all future publications used the 3050 stuff as grail. Heck, show me, on the original 3025 design, just where on top the lasers are? There is nothing on top.
Argue all you like, it's not a knock on your Model which is awesome, just one of the many discrepancies (like adding LA and hand actuators to the KGC) that fell between the cracks in editing.
Also, neither the 3025 or 3050 TRO lists "The lasers are placed just above the launchers and ensure the 'Mech is still capable of fighting should it run out of missiles ", and the 3039 (printed waaaay later) remarks simply "strapped on top". Based off the bad editing of the 3050 TRO and it's horrible art.
All I am saying is that ORIGINALLY, and how I personally prefer, the lasers, were, indeed, in the sides.
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 14 November 2014 - 08:33 AM.