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Do You Agree With The Direction Of Mwo?

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#21 Sandpit


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 02:51 AM

View PostPopper100, on 16 November 2014 - 02:17 AM, said:

Fundamental things like speed of combat and map size would be increased

It amazes me how many people (PGI included apparently) that don't seem to understand that increasing the map sizes would alleviate a LOT of the current issues with MM like
Mech variety
Role Warfare
Loadout variety

It also amazes me how the same people who yell "TTK sucks!" then turn around and jump up and down and complain "I dont' want to walk for 2 minutes! It's boring!" and "I don't wanna deal with long range weapons like LRMs! They're no skill!"

Increasing map size would do so much for mech selection and role warfare. If you didn't spawn within 10 seconds of enemy spotting and weapon ranges you would actually have time to do things like send out scouts, spot enemy forces, use maneuvers other than deathball to point A, find effective cover to close distance while your support mechs kept their heads down, etc.

That right there would give role warfare some meaningful uses, really fast light mechs would serve a purpose, you'd have to use a little strategy in locating and dealing with enemy forces.

#22 The Massive


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 02:57 AM


I really don't like it when people simply put "discuss" on the OP.


#23 Lucky Noob


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 02:57 AM

i realy like the new Way of Comunikation of PGI, finaly Russ and Paul can say whats realy going on, The Townhall Meeting was an good example, hearing Russ openly speaking about his Resources and his Aims just feels good. Open Comunication is an great Thing if the Comunity can handle an No, or an sry not enough Time.

And hell i cant wait to grab in my Christmas Sock and get that sweet 1/2 Ton of MG Ammo from Santa :wub:

#24 RockmachinE


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 04:06 AM

View PostElaxter, on 15 November 2014 - 05:08 PM, said:


I like the general direction, the positive attitude, the transparency and the amount of work being done. However on a subtle level I think the game is less fun to play and is getting worse ever so slowly, despite all the positive changes. Overall the game is less fun to play then it ever was since the beta, yes there were certain periods that were much worse, but like I said overall now its just not fun.

I play solo and I play PUGs, I do not know how the group queue plays, this will be an assessment of the solo queue.

The decisions made over the years really affected gameplay in a way that I perceive as negative. The dynamics of these games have gotten stale and boring. I know people attack this opinion and some share it, but this is, as far as I'm concerned, as objective an observation as possible.

The damage outputs, and the constant dangers in general have gotten so severe that surviving has become the central focus of this game. And while this was so all the time there is one key difference between the past and now.

Never, ever in the history of MWO did mechs die as fast as they do now no matter what tactic they employ. Players are instantly punished in this game and not even if they make mistakes. Everyone realizes, if not consciously, at least instinctively that if they expose themselves for literally more then 1 second they can simply die or take more or less fatal damage.

I need to stress again, no matter what they do. If they peek they can lose to duall gauss. If they relocate, even if they strictly adhere to cover, they can be the target of insane amounts of LRM if they're out in the open even for 2 seconds. When they brawl a high alpha build it can kill them in literally one strike.

All of this added together has made people play extremely carefully, extremely defensively, extremely slowly and forced them to adhere to builds that will prevent such deaths...which are LRMs, high FLD at any distance and high alpha. Which in turn creates a vicious cycle.

Russ said the average match length increased by only 15 seconds, what he does not realize is that, yes the match length increased by very little, but effective gameplay decreased by a lot. While most of the match before was spent maneuvering, sniping or brawling, now most of the match is spent hiding and trying to survive with short bursts of action in between.

This is the critical problem of this game and its just getting worse. I don't know how to remedy the problem on a technical level, but this game needs to change in such a way that 1 mistake or rather any form of gameplay other then extremely defensive tactics does not punish the player so severely.

Yes there are rushes, yes I've seen all out brawls too (which are insanely fun by the way, constant action, enemies to the left to the right, things getting blown up), but literally 80% of the games are the complete opposite and are spent with people trying desperately to stay alive, cowering behind cover resulting in completely stale gameplay.

This is long, but I hope someone reads this as this is a huge problem with this game.

I love MWO, I've stuck with it for long, but the frustration is getting strong and playing for those 2 fun games out of 10 is becoming a grind. I'm 33, I used to play all day, now I can't anymore and I want to spend quality time on a game, not frustratingly waiting for that one shining example of a fun round for 2 hours.

Reminds me of Project Reality mod for BF2, it was a brilliant mod, but unless the planets were aligned and all things fell perfectly into place the game was completely unplayable, stale and frustrating for solo players.

Edited by Louis Brofist, 16 November 2014 - 04:16 AM.

#25 LordKnightFandragon


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 04:10 AM

View Postgirl on fire, on 15 November 2014 - 07:24 PM, said:

MWO doesn't seem to have any sort of direction at all. Maybe CW will change that, but the longer I play this game the less I expect from CW which makes me less prone to actually playing. It's just a perpetual cycle of hype and let down. Don't get me wrong, MWO is "okay" as it is, there's just nothing about it that makes me want to invest much time into it. If mediocrity was the goal they set out to achieve, then I guess they've done that. An f2p death match arena matchmaker may be good business but it doesn't make for a compelling video game.

Yeah, really.....many, many games for just that kind of playstyle.

#26 AlexEss


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 04:40 AM

View PostMolossian Dog, on 15 November 2014 - 09:35 PM, said:

Random thoughts:
-Why don´t we have faction specific trial Mechs? Why don´t we vote on them? At least for CW.
-Why aren´t there historic battles to opt in? You know, instead of leaderboard grinds.
-What is there in terms of immersion? There are no missions. No logistics, no economy, no chain of command.
-Where are incentives for community interaction? For teaching new players? Look at the faction forums. Empty.
-What goals are there for players? Get mech number 58 and grind it to master? Will that keep players interested?
-You never get the feeling that you are a Mechwarrior in the battletech universe. You don´t get assigned to a location doing missions there. You never even get into contact with the universe. There is not even a scrap of lore to be found in the game. You need third party sources to even get a basic understanding of what is going on.
-There are no consequences to whatever I do in this game. It is an endless grind. The only possible interaction in the game decides if I grind slower or faster.


Well to begin with they have a MASSIVE backlog of things they need to get done to get the basics in place. Especially as about a year was wasted in a pointless tug-of-war between IGP and PGI over priorities. Not saying it just makes everything OK but perhaps we let them get CW in place. Then we can see what they can start to tweak and improve. But they sort of have to get CW up and running before they can do that.

#27 James DeGriz


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 04:52 AM

For me, MWO isn't the sort of game I'm ever just going to play and play and play. It's the sort of game I'll play intently for 6 months, then have a break then come back to it. I think the direction that the good ship MW:O is sailing is generally the right one, but I think it doesn't have quite as strong a wind behind it as some would like.

I do agree though that since the bonds to IGP were cut, it's a much nicer vessel to be a passenger on.

#28 Davegt27


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 05:06 AM

they have a direction?

#29 Satan n stuff


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 05:15 AM

View PostJin Ma, on 15 November 2014 - 05:46 PM, said:

its been good for as long as russ has been balancing thigns instead of paul

And who was the genius behind 3pv again?

#30 Molossian Dog


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 05:51 AM

View PostAlexEss, on 16 November 2014 - 04:40 AM, said:

Well to begin with they have a MASSIVE backlog of things they need to get done to get the basics in place. Especially as about a year was wasted in a pointless tug-of-war between IGP and PGI over priorities. Not saying it just makes everything OK but perhaps we let them get CW in place. Then we can see what they can start to tweak and improve. But they sort of have to get CW up and running before they can do that.

Yes, they need to get the basics in place. On that I totally agree.

Like, for example, a global chat function.

I refuse to believe global chat is too technically demanding for PGI. I do not even want to know how many players threw up their hands in frustration and left the game forever, because they had no possibility to -ask- someone else how things work. Be it in the mechlab, why their mech blows up in the testing ground, what a mechbay is, what is meant by throttle decay and many, many very basic things more.

Like, "how to spend $$$ on this game?"

There are probably dozens of small questions new players have to ask. And during the game noone has the time to answer them. (Because they are dual ERPPC-Gauss-ed on river city in second 10) How many are going to bother to come down to the forums to ask their questions? How many are just going to leave?

It is not only the pace of progress that is frustrating me. It is the totally wrong set of priorities PGI shows. Do I need to point to the UI?

I appreciate what you are saying and party subscribe to the wait and see attitude (or you wouldn´t see me posting here) but all signs of this game and its developers point to: derp.

And derp for the forseeable future.


The IP of Battletech and the older than average customer base are simply the wrong enviroment for the browsergame model.
You gotta catch´em all isn´t enough.

Edited by Molossian Dog, 16 November 2014 - 06:03 AM.

#31 Mechteric


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 05:57 AM

Things have been going better in general as of late, but I'm still hoping they'll get around to some of the areas of gameplay that have remained untouched that need updating (ghost heat and ECM mainly).

To summarize my thoughts on these again:
- ghost heat should be removed, instead lower heat capacity with increased heat dissipation. Combined with taking damage when over 100% and eventually they can add negative effects for having high heat should make it much more interesting and fun
- the GECM item should be split out into normal GECM and Angel ECM as separate pieces, so you get a choice: cover yourself only, or cover others only. Much more interesting that way.

Edited by CapperDeluxe, 16 November 2014 - 06:04 AM.

#32 Anarcho


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 05:58 AM

I can only hope that in the future, when the game cant stand by itself any more, they open the code for the community, so we can see some mods and content created by the community and MWO get a little more life time.

Right now, Im happy with whatever they release, Im here just for the looks and new designs lol :)

#33 Alistair Winter


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 06:26 AM

We still only have words, but I rather like what I'm hearing from PGI 2.0
  • Community warfare sounds good
  • Collisions
  • Knockdown
  • Possible repair & rearm
  • Possibly one new map per month
  • Better integration for new players, 4 vs 4 matches on small maps, etc
  • Steam
  • Decals
For me, it's PGI's final chance and things are sounding good right now. If they fail to deliver, I'll be waving good bye on my Banu Merchantman.

#34 Molossian Dog


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 08:14 AM

View PostAlistair Winter, on 16 November 2014 - 06:26 AM, said:

...For me, it's PGI's final chance and things are sounding good right now. If they fail to deliver, I'll be waving good bye on my Banu Merchantman.

They better not botch CW. For me and many people I know CW -is- the game.
The grindfest is a prelude. Nothing more.

#35 Elaxter


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 08:17 AM

Well. It is the only Mechwarrior we got. The classics are good for singleplayer, but in all seriousness they are not that great in these days.

#36 Sjorpha


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 08:35 AM

I've only played since May, but I'm reasonably happy with PGI so far. Especially since the split from igp and the significant improvement in communication. I'm not going to care about their record from before I joined, nothing to be gained from internalizing other people's problems.

#37 IceSerpent


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 08:42 AM

View PostElaxter, on 15 November 2014 - 05:08 PM, said:

I say yes mainly because in the last few months, the devs really pulled together to do nice things for us. The anniversary mechs, the Halloween event, the new map on the horizon, all the clan mechs for Cbills, cool IS mechs coming out in the new pack (and are not deadly expensive compared to what you get), etc etc. I can smell the Community Warfare stuff right around the corner.

Mechs and maps don't really constitute a "direction" of any kind, so it's unclear what you want us to discuss.

#38 Glythe


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 10:01 AM

Nope..... not since @ Feb 2013.

It's one thing to turn over a new leaf with the free mechs and a few nice events (Halloween/Stormcrow sale).

They still have not fixed the core issues.

1. MM sucks (please ditch Elo and balance everything else).
2. Balance mechanism of IS vs clans sucks.
3. Ghost heat
4. Air strikes/Artillery
5. TTK too low (symptom of 12 vs 12... bring back 8 vs 8 and better graphics)

#39 Farix


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 10:18 AM

I am soooo looking forward to PvE, because I am sooo sick of endless, meaningless, masochistic PvP matches.

Edited by Farix, 16 November 2014 - 10:20 AM.

#40 Johnny Z


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 10:35 AM

Is this a bashing topic or what? Alot of negative posts.

I consider myself an average gamer. Alot of the best games that everyone likes and have done extremely well I like also.

Anyway, the more I shop around the more impressed I am with Mechwarrior Online. Although like so many other games these days it is way to slow in adding features and content....

Straight up reply. I will complain where its do, no problem there.

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