New mastery packs are likely incoming in the March patch, to include the 5 chassis with new Champion builds.
The LCT, COM, VND, AWS, and BLR were all put up for votes in the Build-a-Champ subforum. I'll update these with the anticipated winners later.
Worth noting is that it's possible that we'll have a pricing oddity with the Awesome, as we do with the CTF-3D. There's a breakdown of this in the OP, but the short version is that the Champ's MC price is set by a flat percentage markup from the equipment in the stock loadout, not based on the equipment in the optimized Champion loadout.
This means that when the stock build has an XL engine, and the optimized Champ build has a standard, the MC prices are way out of scale (overpriced). The opposite happens when a stock standard becomes an XL Champ, resulting in Spider or Cicada flipping for massive c-bills

Whether the AWS falls victim to this depend entirely on whether PGI recognizes that the leading vote-getter in the AWS thread turned out to be a "Homeless Bill Special" AWS-8V (uses all the hardpoints, no 2 weapons the same) on one of the last pages.
If they recognize it for the troll job it was, and bypass it for the next most-voted build, we'll get an AWS-9M laser-vomit Champ that falls victim to the stock-XL price inflation phenomenon. If they don't, the pricing won't be the issue. The troll build on a Champion will.
Regarding voting:
Voting was done by most "likes" on a single post, because it's done by the specific suggested build, linked from Smurfy.
The Builds:
The Locust winner by a wide margin was GMan's 5ML suggestion: LCT-1E Confirmed, winner.
**Honorable mention goes to the several variations on the 6SPL concept. If they'd run on a unified ticket, they may have challenged (and beat) the 5ML candidate. As it turns out, they split the vote. Interestingly, the Mist Linx champ is sporting 4cSPL.
The Commando was a landslide, with Ninjamoose's honest-to-goodness standard-engined brawler beating everything by a country mile: COM-1D. I didn't expect a standard-engine 25-tonner to win, but it appears that yes, folks really are that afraid of it being brittle, so they made it slow and undergunned to get the benefit of surviving having a torso or two blown off. Confirmed, winner.
** I'll take the tiniest amount of blame/credit here for assisting, as I pointed out to him over on Reddit that the -1D was a better quirk fit for the weapon selection than his original choice, the -1B. I'm betting he'd been running this on the -1B forever, to make the best of it pre-quirkening.

All the Vindys with 5 or more votes were variations on the VND-1AA (#1 vote-getter is linked, but the voter turnout was underwhelming). All packed 2 PPCs, and 1 or 2 MLs, with a 250-plus engines, mostly with an XL295. Confirmed, XL295, 2PPC, head-mounted ML is winner.
#1 Vote-getting Awesome at the time the tread closed (margin was smaller at close of the "polls," it's been upvoted further since): AWS-8V
**This is a "Homeless Special," a.k.a. kitchen sink build. It was buried on page 4 of the thread.
#2 Vote-getting Awesome: AWS-9M Update, winner (pricing concerns likely inbound)
**Optimized laser vomit.
#1 Vote-getting Battlemaster now and at the time the thread closed: BLR-2C Update, winner
** Blue and green wubs
#2 Vote-getter (upvoted a bit since thread closed): BLR-1G
**AC5s and MLs
Note: These were the first 2 posted, and nothing else came close.
Updated with winners noted in bold and italics.
Edited by Virlutris, 14 March 2016 - 01:05 PM.