mindwarp, on 30 November 2014 - 03:30 AM, said:
The 45t Ice Ferret gets to stack up against the Blackjack, Vindicator and Cicada. It's easily better than the VND and CDA, and probably still a bit better than a BJ.
Nova 50t - IS competitor Hunchback, Centurion, Trebuchet and soon Enforcer. Yeah, the Nova sucks. Might still be better than a Trenchbucket though.
Stormcrow 55t - IS competitors Griffin, Wolverine, Shadowhawk, Kintaro. The KTO isn't great and loses out to the SCR. The GRF is closer, but still a loser. The WVR and SHD with their quirks are pretty close, or even equal to the SCR. The 55t class is a very efficient weight, and generally makes some of the best designs.
Mad Dog 60t - Still clearly superior to the QKD and DRG, even with their quirks.
Hellbringer 65t - Well, it's broken so we can't really tell. It stacks up against the Jager and Thunderbolt though. It does have the advantage of ECM over both of them.
Summoner 70t - Faces the Cataphract and soon Grasshopper. Well, it can pack a similar loadout to a CTF, and move faster and jump. IS AC's on the CTFs probably make it even though.
Mad Cat 75t - We all know it's the best mech in the game, but for reference it faces the Orion and clearly outclasses it. Also outclasses anything lighter, and anything heavier.
Dire Wolf 100T - Banshee, Highlander, Atlas and King Crab (soon). It's pretty much a wash. The Dire Wolf's lack of mobility balances out it's guns and the Banshee can mount some pretty fearsome loadouts of its own. The HGN is the loser here, but the AS7 stands a fair chance against a DW. The KGC might be a bit better when it arrives.
Let's be objective than...
Ice Ferret mostly compareable with Blackjack, no other. Ventilator are too weak to be compared with anything he is just like Cicada, oversized underspeeded light mech. Blackjack actually are gr8 mech in jis class, only one that can provide some resistance to Clans.
Nova, untill Ghost Heat will be in game are unusable being underclassed just cause PGI are rejected ability of energy boating which is legit in TT. So the problem is - PGI it self.
Ryoken - 55 tons heavy medium assault... yes, assault, mech with best mobility in game which outclasses everything even heavier than Ryoken on 30 tons. Until TimberWub appears.
Loki - equal to by front loaded fire power to the mid-finest IS assaults like WubMaster and Stalker, but, twice mobile, jumpy than anything IS has against.
Summoner - actually not that bad until some idiot decided to nerf C-ERPPC damage frome 15 to 10. Now it's underpowered.
MadCat or TimberWub - the God of War, the Bird of Prey,the Mech of a Century who links together mobility of finest IS medium mechs and fire power of fines 100 tons heavy IS assaults, the main battle mech of Clans. There is just nothing can be brought against from IS side.
Warhawk - since C-ERPPC nerf become an Large Moving Trash.
Direwhale - biggest moving mountain of fire power, yap, it's slow but what can he bring to battlefield outgun a whole lance of Alases.
Highlander - cause you menioned it. Actually this mech is a rip-off which actually need to be send to scrapyard cause PGI done everything to nerf it to basement level. The role of this mech on battlefield is simple: - an obsticle. Not more or less. Just a small procentage of players can do desome on this mech in solo.
So in summary... even with quirks IS still lack of fire power, mobility, resistance. You simply just can't ignore this facts. The only thing which can insta-balance IS and Clans making IS copetitve and Clans back to their supremacy is... NERF of Ghost Heat.
But instead of this PGI does it wrong, balances weapons. In result we can breefly say: