Ben Delat, on 29 December 2014 - 09:55 AM, said:
They may give us tools for the Solution, like the actual Liao contract Bonus.
The Solution for a balanced IS, can only be achieved through the Community, and has nothing to do with the Beta Staus of CW.
That's an opinion. It is broken and will have more layers added on. So..pointing out that it is beta is relevant because it means it is not the final version, and therefore will by virtue of the definition of the word be changing and evolving. certainly your point that part of the solution involves the organic formation if community is valid and that is something we can help let's get to work.
However it is my opinion that the mechanics are broken and you need more than just slanting the money tree to fix it.
The other point I was making was....let's relax...have fun the game is a thousand times better than it was a year ago.
Oh ya and the 4TCR kicks rat but B*TCHes ;-)