How the Clans should be added
Posted 22 November 2011 - 08:11 PM
What I do think should happen is that when the invasion happens, you and your Merc Corps can accept missions to fight these "unknown" invaders. Sort of a Co-op Mission if think about it. Computer controlled Clans would be best since they can simulate their attitude and honor. During the missions you can get salvage and that's how you get your clan tech and maybe you can do a few missions every week to balance farmers. (Maybe?)
This is how they can implement Co-op and I thought it would be the best way for the clans to be in the game.
Posted 23 November 2011 - 07:27 AM
Posted 23 November 2011 - 07:30 AM
Clans I tend to believe will be implemented in one of two ways... first where it isn't as significant an advantage, if at all to be clan; where by innersphere and clan are just asymetrically balanced with different playstyles and different abilities but both roughly even (ie clan have better range on weapons, but innersphere has a longer range for its commander to call airstrikes thus mitigating some degree of the range advantage). Second possibility is where there is a general advantage to the individual player to playing Clan which is balanced by a faction handicap such as a Star versus 2 lances (ie 5 clanners vs 8 innersphere). It could also be some combination of the two.
That's how I think it will happen, but this is how I'd like to see it happen: I think being "clan" should partially be a matter of ranking. Where only the top 50% of player based on ranking are able to vie for ability to play as "clan" which would be further limited to a number of "positions" relative to the entire online player base. You then make being "Clan" something you can hold on to if you're good, or lose is you lose too many battles. Clan players would have a number of flavorful handicaps to balance things with the innersphere and to challenge what would tend to be the better players. Amongst the clan players there should further be ranking with only the top so many players having access to the best mechs. This helps represent the trials of position and the relatively smaller but more highly skilled clan population, while making it something prestigious and attainable, thus avoiding turning the clans into a waylay for players simply looking for an advantage in immediately supperior gear.
It takes "Clans" and turns it into a campaign scale "king of the hill".
Posted 23 November 2011 - 07:57 AM
Hunter McGee, on 23 November 2011 - 07:27 AM, said:
The rules of Zellbrigen were usually not followed by the Clans against the Inner Sphere shortly after the invasion began. It was still used in vs Clan matches or against opponents in the IS who were considered worthy of honorable combat.
That being said, I agree. Zellbrigen is way too restrictive to force on a player. You could make it an optional minor bonus to advancement though if you still wanted to include it. For example (just using the two common rules with arbitrary points, where EXP is the number of points you would normally receive for defeating another opponent, assuming progression even works that way):
- Defeating an opponent by fighting exclusively with that opponent (the opponent does not need to have also fought exclusively with you) = EXP+50.
- Defeating an opponent that was not otherwise considered engaged = EXP+20.
That being said, I would love it if there was some kind of Honor/Fame system implemented into the game (honor for Clan, fame for IS). It doesn't need to have any bearing on your advancement or what equipment you have, but made you more visible to other players in the metagame (outside of matches). This would be a way to highlight the top players of each side in a way that makes sense with the lore, and would be another incentive for some players to stay IS. If you want to just blow stuff up and be a top-player based on your ability to defeat enemy mechs and achieve objectives, the Inner Sphere's fame system would be better suited for your play style.
Posted 23 November 2011 - 01:22 PM
Edited by Hunter McGee, 23 November 2011 - 01:22 PM.
Posted 23 November 2011 - 05:58 PM
Posted 24 November 2011 - 02:39 AM
i had a weird thought thought that i know wouldn't work but sounded interesting. i was thinking that maybe when the clans invade the clan NPCs can start taking bondsmen from us in small amounts and that is how people can become clanners at first.
for example: have some special event mission that is only around the time and the mission is designed to have one of its endings as you becoming a bondsmen. then you could go through some missions to become part of some freebirth unit (become the next Horse!) or something like that, idk. a bunch of freebirths becoming bloodnamed warriors couldn't happen this way though, itd be a little to micheal stackpole for my taste.
Edited by Gorthaur, 24 November 2011 - 02:39 AM.
Posted 24 November 2011 - 02:51 AM
The first problem is that there is a large fanbase of hardcore clanners that will feel neglected if they do not get to play what they want. This is completely understandable. I myself am a hardcore clanner abiding to the "limit factors of social conduct" that they live by. without the drawbacks the clans are nothing but a powergamers wet dream.
The first option is to limit the clans as a PvE faction at the start. So that everyone gets to witness the awesome power of the clans. From the receiving end. I will play the FRR and i'm very much aware of exactly how much receiving that faction will get. In this model the Devs can get enough time to make the clans "feel" right.
Then there is a second thing that could be implemented. Want to play a clanner? fine. Get ready for your Trial of Position if you want to join up. Not only that you would regularly have to retake the Trial of Position to maintain your place in the clans. This would mean that only the very best players are playing them (as should be according to canon). This would also make the players of the clans more willing to go along with batchalls and bid down since they are confident in their skills for a reason.
This makes the matches interesting for all involved and is a nice mix of canon too
Edited by godmonkey, 24 November 2011 - 02:58 AM.
Posted 24 November 2011 - 03:03 AM
I also believe they should, before they invade again, HPG the Inner Sphere a dossier of Clan rules of warfare and the proper designations for Clan 'Mechs. Heck, that last part ALONE would save countless lives.
Spheroid: "Hey, bro, nice Mad Cat!"
Clanner: "IT IS A TIMBER WOLF, SURAT!" /ER Large Laser to the face
Edited by Brakkyn, 24 November 2011 - 03:04 AM.
Posted 24 November 2011 - 03:21 AM
Hunter McGee, on 23 November 2011 - 07:27 AM, said:
I'm a Wolf like you, I would follow Zell myself, like you I'm afraid that too many people would ruin the Clans by abusing the power of Clan tech.
I wish that the devs would filter out the die-hard Clan players since the AI will eventually get outmatched by real players since it can't think outside of the box.
Posted 24 November 2011 - 06:55 AM
Here is the info for how Zellbringen works from: http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Zellbrigen
Zellbrigen is ritualistic form of honor dueling practiced by the Warrior Caste of the Clans.[1][2]
The practice of engaging opponents in single combat, the genesis of what would later become zellbrigen, was first started by Clan Coyote during the Operation Klondike.[3] Despite the losses incurred by this fighting method, Coyote's Khan Dana Kufahlwould continue to encourage her Clan and others to practice this "honorable" form of warfare. Eventually the practice would be taken up by all of the Clans, to a greater or lesser degree, in part as a way to minimize losses in both lives and resources.[1][2]This is especially true when opposing commanders agreed to a duel to determine a battle's outcome.
During the Clan Invasion the rules of zellbrigen lapsed, primarily because the Inner Sphere had no concept of Clan cultural norms and, in some cases, exploited them for "underhanded" victories. By the end of the campaign zellbrigen had all but died out in several Clans, while most still reserve it for inter-Clan confrontations or against worthy Inner Sphere warriors.[1][2]
The proscriptions of zellbrigen consist of the following rules:
§ Each warrior will issue a challenge to a different enemy. If one side outnumbers the other, then the extra warriors on that side will stand aside until one of their comrades falls in battle. A warrior can challenge more than one unit at a time.[4]
§ A warrior has right to refuse challenges from Inner Sphere units, especially if underhanded ploys are suspected.[4]
§ A warrior has the right to refuse a challenge from an unit of differing weight class if other unengaged units are available.[4]
§ No artillery or other Area-Effect Weapons shall be employed by either side.[4]
§ Intentionally moving out of the line of sight of the opponent is prohibited.[4]
§ Systems that requires multiple units to operate, like C3 and TAG, are forbidden.[4]
§ Moving out of weapon range is prohibited.[4]
§ Failure to fire a weapon when possible is prohibited.[4]
A warrior is also expected to not retreat from inferior foes, or to engage his opponent in melee combat, though these are not part of the formal rules of zellbrigen.[4] Also, though it plays a central role in Clans' combat challenges, the ritual of batchallremains a separate tradition.
How zellbrigen is interpreted depends not only on the individual, but their parent Clan as a whole. At one end of the spectrum, the rules are strictly followed, the only exception being when fighting bandits, pirates or the most hated of enemies. At the opposite end, zellbrigen is figuratively "thrown out the airlock" and used only against other Clan warriors, and even then only when there is an advantage over them. In between are varying levels of adherence; for example, zellbrigen is followed unless circumstances dictated otherwise, such as being outnumbered or thinking one could get away with breaking it.[4]
Prior to the Clan Invasion, Clan Blood Spirit, Clan Coyote, Clan Ghost Bear, Clan Goliath Scorpion, Clan Jade Falcon, Clan Star Adder and Clan Steel Viper adhered strictly to the tenants of zellbrigen. Meanwhile Clan Cloud Cobra, Clan Hell's Horses, Clan Ice Hellion, Clan Nova Cat and Clan Snow Raven were more opportunistic in their interpretation. Only Clan Diamond Shark and Clan Wolf used a liberal interpretation of zellbrigen in their conflicts with the other Clans.[4]
After their defeat at the Battle of Tukayyid, many of the Clans began to rethink their use of these honor rules, and a number of political, military and cultural changes took place. The Blood Spirits, Jade Falcons and Star Adders became more opportunistic, while the Ghost Bears became more liberal, in the use of zellbrigen. The schism within Clan Wolf resulted in its new Crusader-minded leadership to become slightly more conservative, while Clan Wolf-in-Exile maintain a flexible definition of zellbrigen.[4]
Clan Fire Mandrill, by their fractious nature, defy any sort of labeling, with each Kindraa having their own individual understandings of zellbrigen.[4]
1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Field Manual: Warden Clans, p.17
2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Field Manual:Crusader Clans, p.15
3. ↑ Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 40
4. ↑ 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 Total Warfare, p. 275
§ Field Manual: Crusader Clans
§ Field Manual: Warden Clans
§ Total Warfare
Posted 15 March 2013 - 09:08 PM
this would mean anyone can play clan strait off the bat but it takes time and effort to get a permanent clan mech in yore mech bay wile still having a fair MC option for the blue print it also means over time other mechs will become more competitive with clan mechs.
I would put a mech upgrade in to allow the mech to use clan teck perhaps one for each weapon or just weapons and heat sinks then one for other stuff.
the clan side in the clan game mode might be a lance less then the other side to even the teams a bit but as time gos on the gap would close, or they could try to integrate the clan rules it might be hard tho and from what I understood they didn't lasts long because the IS broke them as soon as combat started.
The clan rules could be used for clan V clan games or in an arena game mode
Edited by Frost Lord, 15 March 2013 - 09:43 PM.
Posted 15 March 2013 - 09:15 PM
The Clans are a myth.
The Clans do not exist.
You have been warned.
FedCom MilSec
Posted 15 March 2013 - 09:17 PM
I'm concerned about the balance of the game...
Posted 15 March 2013 - 09:22 PM
dymlos2003, on 22 November 2011 - 08:11 PM, said:
No kidding...
I see a lot of people getting kinda bored with no CW or Clan Goodies...
Call it a deal breaker if it doesn't get implemented where people can use Clan Tech/Mechs.
In other words, "Game Over", literally.

Posted 15 March 2013 - 09:39 PM
M4rtyr, on 15 March 2013 - 09:17 PM, said:
I'm concerned about the balance of the game...
well the way they are populated will effect the balance of the game. if they just put them in the same way they are now everyone will have them day one and you will rarely see anything else. so it needs to be done right.
Posted 15 March 2013 - 09:41 PM
First off is the fighting for the 'right' to be a clanner. I just don't see it happening, nor do I think it should. The fan base for the clans is huge, and forcing them to compete over the ability to actually play the faction they wish is a bad idea for business and just bad for the community in general. Bad for business because if the ability to play the game the game the way you want it taken from you, people will lose interest. Also, forcing this style of competition into MWO will see the number of minmax players increase drastically, as people will feel they now HAVE to minmax, so they can play the game as they want to. It would also be detrimental to community, as it would cause segregation based on 'perceived skill', and I stress perceived, as there is no real way to determine a players skill based on currently available statistics alone.
The second Idea that I'm not too fussed on is the PvE approach. For that to be implemented PGI would have to get someone to write the AI for the mechs (no small task in itself), then constantly monitor the system to ensure that people aren't able to exploit it to their advantage. Also, AI scripting in FPS games is inherently boring, the AI isn't that creative, just follows a set of rules that ultimately result in very boring gameplay.
This isn't to say that either of these implementation strategies won't be adopted, but I just don't see it happening.
One way I personally think is an effective idea is everyone picks both a clan and IS mech pre-drop. The player can have a preference as to which faction they fight for, then the game fills up both sides with people who prefer to be on the corresponding factions. If one faction has too many 'preferred players', you're just unlucky and get stuck on the other one for the game. If you don't own a mech of each faction, then you get given a random stock variant to pilot (thus insentivising the purchase of both kinds). That way should hopefully see you most often getting to play as your faction, but every now and then you play as the other for the sake of keeping matchmaking running smoothly.
Wow, this post turned out to be longer than anticipated =/
Posted 15 March 2013 - 09:44 PM
You can only buy their stuff with MC, and it will be clearly overpowered but they will lie to your face and try to convince you that it isnt.
They will then anticipate a lot of $, but will probably instead lose more players.
also, there will be no pve, stop dreaming
Posted 15 March 2013 - 09:48 PM
Naja, on 15 March 2013 - 09:41 PM, said:
First off is the fighting for the 'right' to be a clanner. I just don't see it happening, nor do I think it should. The fan base for the clans is huge, and forcing them to compete over the ability to actually play the faction they wish is a bad idea for business and just bad for the community in general. Bad for business because if the ability to play the game the game the way you want it taken from you, people will lose interest. Also, forcing this style of competition into MWO will see the number of minmax players increase drastically, as people will feel they now HAVE to minmax, so they can play the game as they want to. It would also be detrimental to community, as it would cause segregation based on 'perceived skill', and I stress perceived, as there is no real way to determine a players skill based on currently available statistics alone.
The second Idea that I'm not too fussed on is the PvE approach. For that to be implemented PGI would have to get someone to write the AI for the mechs (no small task in itself), then constantly monitor the system to ensure that people aren't able to exploit it to their advantage. Also, AI scripting in FPS games is inherently boring, the AI isn't that creative, just follows a set of rules that ultimately result in very boring gameplay.
This isn't to say that either of these implementation strategies won't be adopted, but I just don't see it happening.
One way I personally think is an effective idea is everyone picks both a clan and IS mech pre-drop. The player can have a preference as to which faction they fight for, then the game fills up both sides with people who prefer to be on the corresponding factions. If one faction has too many 'preferred players', you're just unlucky and get stuck on the other one for the game. If you don't own a mech of each faction, then you get given a random stock variant to pilot (thus insentivising the purchase of both kinds). That way should hopefully see you most often getting to play as your faction, but every now and then you play as the other for the sake of keeping matchmaking running smoothly.
Wow, this post turned out to be longer than anticipated =/
I mostly agree but I think this game is full of Min/maxers just like any game with customization.
they could also have non clan /clan only options.
Edited by Frost Lord, 15 March 2013 - 09:50 PM.
Posted 15 March 2013 - 10:05 PM
Frost Lord, on 15 March 2013 - 09:39 PM, said:
well the way they are populated will effect the balance of the game. if they just put them in the same way they are now everyone will have them day one and you will rarely see anything else. so it needs to be done right.
I mean IS vs Clan tech... I'd rather they be some sort of PvE but don't see how that would work. But bottom line is fighting as IS against Clanners doesn't work without serious limitations.
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