We all can see what Community Warfare looks like. And now, i think is time to make decision. Are Clan Wolf will fight as joint forces or we play everyone for itself.
For communicate i propouse create Wolf Coucil. Any unit, listed in Clan Wolf Toumen thread - http://mwomercs.com/...an-wolf-touman/ and have at least 25 active players nominate 2 players which will represent that unit in Concil. Each of him will have 1 vote. All council member will vote for any question which concern entire Clan Wolf. The decision made by council surely for all. Anyone, who disagreed with decision can call to Trial of Refusal. Winning in that trial cancel decision of council.
What do you think about that ?
For now, I see numbers of question for council. For example:
1. Friends and foe. Shall we fight with other Clans or Is only
2. Defend oure territory. Outpost and Skallevoll. Shall we take it back and what will we do in case of any Clan agression
3. Defending against IS. Who will protect our territory in general
4.Making combat group. For improvent oure efforts i propouse create 4 combat groups. Each of it will contain number of units from different time zones. This give us posibility attack enemy all time. this combat group will be rotated each week. For example. Group 1 attack Rasalhague at week 1. Than group 1 attack Stainer at week 2. Defend oure planets at wek 3. Placed at reserve at week 4. Placed in reserv mean that unit from group can attack or defend any allowed territory of oure enemy as the wish. Or the can be used to counter attack if any Clan wish take oure territory.
This and other qustion need to be solved as fast as posible.
Edited by Demiurge, 14 December 2014 - 07:33 AM.