Trondheim Live, Daily Report
Posted 13 March 2015 - 11:43 AM
TL;DR, thank you for the continued news coverage and great commentary along with it.
Posted 14 March 2015 - 04:30 AM
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 19 March 2015 - 07:00 PM.
Posted 15 March 2015 - 10:08 PM
FRR Insider's Report
Grumium Ceded
--Grumium fell into Clan Wolf hands after the KungsArme evacuated the planet late this week. After fighting for nearly a week on the planet - both in and around the 'MechWorks 'Grumium Creations' - the KungsArme completed stripping all valuable infrastructure, materials and personnel from the planet, as they had been doing throughout their February retreat.
After completing the evacuations, Clan Wolf launched a final attack to try and cut off the last ground troops before they could evacuate to their DropShips. Clan Aerospace fighters attempted to bomb the LZ, but were chased off by JagerMechs on AA watch before they could do significant damage. As they loaded up, the FRR forces detonated a large thermobaric bomb in the Grumium Creations Compound, virtually levelling the entire facility and wiping out a Clan Wolf ground patrol in the process. Clan Wolf was unable to retaliate before the DropShips rendezvoused with their JumpShips.
With Grumium lost, the FRR has no more holdings between the Clans and Terra. Though there is still plenty of fighting spirit in the FRR left, the KungsArme will have to find other ways to take the fight to the invaders than from the front lines.
FRR Breaks Out from Rasalhague
--The FRR finally launched the long-awaited breakout offensive from Rasalhague, taking back worlds from Wolf and Ghost Bear deep behind enemy lines. Operation: Reprisal, put into action the first time the Clans managed to cut off Rasalhague from the rest of the FRR, was designed with three goals in mind:
1) Protect Rasalhague at all costs.
2) When the FRR has exhausted all other means of reestablishing connection with Rasalhague, build a force capable of A.) Breaking out from Rasalhague and taking back worlds, and B.) Holding said worlds from counterattacks.
3) Whenever possible, push to cut off Clan resupply lines and hamper Clan offensive efforts in the Inner Sphere.
The Operation was delayed for several months due to complications in supply lines, support personnel and equipment, and over-arching strategical changes. With the Star League unable to do more than delay the inevitable, the FRR dedicated much of its remaining funds and supplies sending whatever resources available to Rasalhague. By using star systems not common on star charts, the FRR has managed to sneak in forces to Rasalhague to bolster their numbers for just this Operation.
So far, Reprisal has led to the recapture of 6 FRR planets, most from Clan Wolf. Ghost Bear has a very thin support line keeping their offensive Galaxies supplied, but now faces the threat of being forced to reroute through Smoke Jaguar. As the two units are jockeying for the best line to Terra, such a cut-off could lead to internal struggles between the Bears and Jaguars, which could only benefit the FRR. Meanwhile Wolf has sent several units to quell the "uprising", but has not met with much success. It'll be interesting to see if the Clans choose to ignore the FRR's revival, or try and put it down once and for all.
Political Schisms Threaten Rasalhague Advance
--With the imminent collapse of the FRR's remaining world between the Clans and Terra, intra-House rivalries and schisms have shown up throughout the remaining KungsArme. The significant losses have lead many to dedicate more loyalty to their commanding generals than to the FRR, to whom they originally swore their allegiance to. Reports indicate most of these incidents are isolated, and not necessarily related to each other; nevertheless, internal disputes could pose a threat to Operation: Reprisal if not soon addressed.
Reports have been confirmed that the Varangian Guard currently contracted with the FRR in the deep reaches of FRR territory, ignored requests by FRR KungsArme Commanders to cease attacks on Ghost Bear worlds. Ghost Bears - while viable targets for the isolated units - have a very thin border in the neighborhood of Rasalhague between the FRR and Smoke Jaguar. The KungsArme feared opening a third Clan front too early in their advance, making them vulnerable. [VRGD] ignored all requests and continued to attack with abandon. Ultimately Ghost Bear held, but the action showed the sometimes thin communication lines between Houses and mercenaries, even ones like Vanguard who generally hold a good reputation with the FRR.
FRR's longest-serving and most highly rated Mercenary Company, the Skjaldborg, faced a spit upon entering Kuritan space for the first time since its birth. Born from the Ronin Wars, the Skjaldborg has a notoriously bad reputation with Kurita, and thus the flight to Kuritan space was an especially hard morale blow for several of its senior staff. While the Skjaldborg intends to convoy its way back to Rasalhague to continue the fight, it will be doing so without one of its premiere companies, which has left the Skjaldborg employ permanently. Regrettably, some of their elite commanders - whom had influence within the KungsArme - have also resigned their commission, seeking contracts elsewhere. We are told that while many of these warriors and commanders feel betrayed by their superiors for fleeing to Kurita and have left FRR, they have not stopped their supportive actions for Rasalhague.
Rumors indicate that shake-ups in the Allting Council are underway, with the Skjaldborg's Representative to the Star League stepping down. This one we can confirm debunked, as leadership has been already passed on to the next Representative cleanly and with no lingering issues. Despite struggles with outside units, the Allting has been running as smoothly as a Council-in-Exile can hope.
Many other reports are unconfirmed at this time, including the rise of new mercenary units and inter-House political relations. An interesting report surfaced that House unit Isengrim - often fighting in the shadows of the front - had withdrawn to its deep-space periphery homeworlds; the report neglected to mention how the unit would get past the Smoke Jaguars through what much of which is uncharted territory. This report was debunked after said article was found in last month's 'Sphere Inquirer. While amusing, most of these reports have either no standing or supporting evidence, and as such - aside from the sheer amusement factor - shall not be posted here.
Regardless of the political troubles, the FRR has pushed through it all, time and again, without complaint or cry of unfairness. Neither is the FRR alone in these issues, as each of the Houses (and if reports are true, even the Clans) have had political and philosophical rifts far more polarizing and damaging than the FRR. While surely there are no Saints in politics, the FRR certainly seems to carry the mantle - especially if the worst a news organization can dig up is a few wayward merc companies not doing what was asked and a few mechwarriors leaving for "greener pastures". Time will tell though, if these issues were indeed isolated as they appear now, or are indicative of a much deeper (and perhaps, far more serious) problem.
Have any war stories to share? The TL,DR is looking to share them! Send us a message detailing the accounts of the front lines and we'll do our best to bring your tale to the masses!
Edited by Trondheim Live Daily Report, 16 March 2015 - 07:14 AM.
Posted 15 March 2015 - 10:31 PM
Good thing we have a free press to keep us updated while we maintain equipment between fights!
TL,DR is always a good read.
Posted 16 March 2015 - 12:52 AM
Trondheim Live Daily Report, on 15 March 2015 - 10:08 PM, said:
First of all, we are [VRGD] Varangian Guard.
And as you mentioned above:
Trondheim Live Daily Report, on 15 March 2015 - 10:08 PM, said:
We are going to cut Bears line and I have no idea why other FRR units are not making any efforts to accomplish this goal. Instead guys from so called Council(what is it?) are asking us to stop. Yesterday we decided to help other FRR units to get Wolfs planet after Bears planet was 60%. This allowed CGBI to get their planet under 50% abusing ghost drops in last half an hour, we are nog going to let this happen again.
Edited by Dungeon Keeper, 16 March 2015 - 12:53 AM.
Posted 16 March 2015 - 01:03 AM
Dungeon Keeper, on 16 March 2015 - 12:52 AM, said:
Right now we have 2 borders.
#1 is facing Clan Wolf. Clan Wolf is (apart from the fact that they are in lore our arch enemy) not really strong in terms of fighting the drops. Additionally they are really far behind in the race to Terra at the moment, so the chances are they are not committing a lot to defense of the planets we attack.
#2 is facing Clan Ghost Bear. The bears are right now 3rd on the race to terra and are hard pressed to keep up the numbers necessary to push on towards Terra. While the bears have far superior numbers (in comparison to us) and the ability to ghost drop back a lot of sectors short before cease fire, we are simply not a priority right now.
As long as we only have 2 borders, the offensive action directed against us will be limited to the groups from those 2 factions. This means we will be able to hold our planets in all timezones with relative ease. This is reflected by the continous growth of the FRR since our borders got consolidated.
By splitting the CGB Invasion korridor you are opening another FRR planet up for attack by the Smoke Jaguars and these guys are actually so many players that they got extra players for ghost dropping left short before cease fire.
Right now we are winning planets by a close margin, very seldom do planets change ownership with more then 60% sectors owned by the FRR attacker. Opening another lane will divert further groups from attacking to the easier defense queues on our planets which means our offensives are going to be harder and the defenses against smoke jags are an additional burden that we simply do not need right now.
If you need any further explanation, feel free to PM me. Short summary: the less borders we have the more successfull we will be with our limited numbers.
Edited by ClaymoreReIIik, 16 March 2015 - 01:09 AM.
Posted 16 March 2015 - 01:14 AM
Posted 16 March 2015 - 01:39 AM
Dungeon Keeper, on 16 March 2015 - 01:14 AM, said:
I seriously doubt the Jags will fight the bears. They have a common border all the time and its not like they are doing much to hurt each other.
My opinion remains the same. Opening another border will make things harder for us and not prevent the clans from anything.
The FRR situation is "outnumbered". Making that worse is a bad decision, no matter how fun the scenario in your head sounds.
Just take Wolf worlds, you said yourself you cannot win on 2 planets in the offense at the same time (because your outnumbered). Whats the problem with winning on the left side?
Posted 16 March 2015 - 02:27 AM
We've seen how bad it gets when we have 3-4 fronts to fight on with our limited numbers. If the number of FRR pilots has gone down even further as was written in the TL,DR the FRR needs to pick fights carefully.
Posted 16 March 2015 - 07:59 AM
Mercenary Unit Highlights
Welcome to Merc Unit Highlights! Featured units will be given a short column, covering everything from their origins, goals, strength and resources! We won't hold back on the punches, the facts come first!
Forlorn Hope Mercs [FLH]
Ever heard of the Forlorn Hope? Well if anyone has read a good war story, surely you've seen some mention of them in history. They are always the leaders in battle, the first boots to take the fight to the enemy. Any group dubbed the "Forlorn Hope" knows two things: They are going to be the first to engage the enemy and, likely, most of them will be casualties. The title is infamous in all military circles, for while anyone who survives being the "Forlorn Hope" is usually given the highest honors, in many cases those honors are received...posthumously.
Enter the Forlorn Hope Mercenaries. The unit has only been around since the beginning of March, but its origins are nothing to laugh at. Almost all its Mechwarriors are Inner Sphere pilots who fought on the front lines of the Clan Invasion, many in key battles such as the Battle of Tukayyid and the Battle of Luthien. With the collapse of the FRR and many KungsArme pilots cut-off from returning to the fight, some have turned to becoming mercs to keep earning c-bills and keep their skills sharp. Others have been forsaken from their homes, friends and family, cast out for Grievances against them. They have all seen the horrors of war, and know the price of battle.
Thus, the Forlorn Hope was formed on one premise: Cast off your past, your history. That is dead to you now, buried in the sands of time. As the Forlorn, we dare to be the first on the field of battle, the first to enter the fight, and if necessary, the first to fall in the line of duty. We go first, so that others don't have to. We go first, so Mechwarriors can one day return to their families. We go first, because we have already died - we have been buried, and as such, there is nothing left for us to lose.
While this morbid theology may seem extreme (and has our on-staff psychologist throwing fits) it has managed to attract many to its cause. Barely a month into their registration with the MRBC and the unit has managed to secure several DropShips and stands mobilized at nearly full Company-strength. Their recruitment - rather than relying on job postings on the MRBC's 'Bulletin Board' - comes from talking directly to the soldiers they fight alongside in battles across the Inner Sphere. And while this has attracted many an odd-ball pilot (and the occasional pilot who puts the '@ss' in Ambassador) the members of the unit couldn't be happier with their "life choice". In our brief conversation, CO Niebel told us, "We were all lost, unable to go back home, but uncertain of how to move forward. So I created the Forlorn Hope; here we can bury our home, grieve for our loss, and go off together as Brothers and Sisters in Arms. We no longer grieve for our lost homes, for in the Forlorn Hope we are home."
If you are looking for the [FLH], you can currently find them surfing around the Marik front lines. Don't wait too long though, as they are preparing already to head off to their next contract in the near future, and it may be hard to contact them once they leave. Good luck Forlorn Hope, for we hardly knew ye.
Have any war stories to share? The TL,DR is looking to share them! Send us a message detailing the accounts of the front lines and we'll do our best to bring your tale to the masses!
Edited by Trondheim Live Daily Report, 16 March 2015 - 08:04 AM.
Posted 17 March 2015 - 03:16 AM
Molossian Dog for First Lord of the n-SL!
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 17 March 2015 - 10:25 PM.
Posted 17 March 2015 - 03:40 AM
Edited by Molossian Dog, 17 March 2015 - 03:43 AM.
Posted 17 March 2015 - 03:50 PM
Posted 17 March 2015 - 10:29 PM
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 20 March 2015 - 05:44 AM.
Posted 18 March 2015 - 12:00 AM
If we are able to do so (and be organized about it), Clan Wolf will be having a much more difficult time to plug up the hole we made - unlike the Ghost Bears, which will be able to do this more swftly.
Posted 18 March 2015 - 02:51 PM
Posted 18 March 2015 - 05:28 PM
Posted 18 March 2015 - 05:58 PM
oldhasu, on 18 March 2015 - 02:51 PM, said:
Not yet at least, that can change very quickly.
Posted 18 March 2015 - 07:03 PM
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 18 March 2015 - 09:55 PM.
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