Trondheim Live, Daily Report
Posted 09 April 2015 - 09:21 AM
Posted 09 April 2015 - 02:15 PM
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 09 April 2015 - 09:42 PM.
Posted 09 April 2015 - 04:46 PM
Prussian Havoc, on 09 April 2015 - 02:15 PM, said:
You forgot "because they will care about CW again", lol...
Posted 09 April 2015 - 09:17 PM
A Week in Review
With the chaos of one of the hardest-fought weeks around the Inner Sphere, the TL,DR offers a 'Week in Review' to cover the highlights both in the FRR and around the Inner Sphere.
FRR Insider's Report
Hello Luthien! Pleasant Weather We're Having!
-- With the capture of Yamarovka from the Jaguars, the FRR's KungsArme continued to press onwards, deep into Jaguar territory - only to find, to their great surprise and pleasure, that they had punched through to House Kuritan forces holding on the planet Asgard. After the initial cheers, the KungsArme eagerly contacted the DCMS Flagship, hoping that the "fur trade" was still open for business.
Regrettably, the DCMS was in no mood to barter - they had already overloaded their JumpShips with their own pelts, and had literally no more room to buy. However they were very interested in the "acquisition of certain favorable beverages for both ceremonial and informal affairs" - fortunately for the Kuritans, the possession of such beverages is mandatory on all KungsArme space-faring vessels incase of spontaneous merriment, and official trade agreements were signed forthwith. Thus, the FRR has returned - somewhat - to the Inner Sphere.
No Clan Left Un-Ruffled
--Smoke Jaguar was perhaps the last Clan the FRR wanted to ruffle...but the rebounding KungsArme has been in the ruffling business for the past month - and with the conquest of several Falcon planets, there's no shortage of feathers to ruffle with. Three planets have fallen to the KungsArme from the Jaguars, though they put up a meager fight at best as only a token garrison force remained on those worlds. Even so, the victories have allowed the FRR to push dangerously close to cutting off Smoke Jaguar's supply lines, as now they too are threatened from being cut off by the Inner Sphere. The narrow Jump corridor around Brocchi's Cluster will prove to be an interesting battleline in the near future.
For now though, it seems the FRR has little need to press the Jaguars further. With Wolf and Bear being the priorities, Smoke Jaguar is a distant third on the short list of FRR's potential bones-to-pick...but make no mistake, the FRR intends to do some more ruffling whenever they get the chance. First though, they'll probably need some more feathers...
Wolves Split into 3 Pockets
--The FRR's KungsArme has come, it as seen, and it has kicked dogs while they're down. Not a very nice metaphor, but then again that "dog" destroyed the last remnants of the FRR past Tukayyid, so the feeling is mutual. The KungsArme drove through Kandis and Tamar before taking Weingarten, spiting the already fractured Wolves into thirds. The small pocket now cut off from both the periphery supply lines and the main front - roughly 7 planets - has come under heavy assault. While the Wolves have consolidated most of their elite Galaxies in the front pockets, only 1 Galaxy remains split amongst the 7 worlds now targeted by the FRR's might. Should that pocket fall, the rest of the Galaxies on the frontlines will not be affected strategically by the loss - but the moral blow could prove to be the real killer that the combat loss doesn't show. And with Kurita and Steiner both pressing hard against the larger pocket, there won't be any help coming for the isolated Galaxy anytime soon.
KungsArme Advance Slows; Proceed With Caution
--While the gains still come, they come much slower for the KungsArme, as overall advances have slowed to a crawl. This is not a bad thing, as the KungsArme has needed to reallocate units to garrison planets and help reform defensive militias while the frontline units march on. Likewise, units suffering major combat losses have been taken off the front in rotations, allowing them to rest, refit, and resupply for the next advance. The cycle of units in and out to the front has allowed the FRR to not burn out its Combined Arms forces, and consolidate its most recent gains.
While the Clans may be on the run, the KungsArme is taking many precautions to hopefully ensure that a front-wide burnout doesn't occur in the midst of a significant Clan counterattack. While unlikely for the moment, the Clans have been known to launch into action on a moments notice - and like any war, a single battle could determine the outcome of the many battles that follow.
Around the Inner Sphere
Clans Collapsing - End is Near?
--Every major front along the Clan lines has been driven back by a increasingly determined Inner Sphere. Falcon has been pushed back past Montmaramault, with their advanced pockets reabsorbed by Steiner. Wolf faces offensives from three sides, with their cut-off worlds shrinking daily in size - should they fall, Wolf would be forced all the way back to Verthandi. Similarly, Ghost Bear is split by FRR and DCMS, threatening to force them back to Last Frontier. Smoke Jaguar is the only Clan that still holds some margin of direct supply lines to all parts of its territory, but even that is stretched dangerously thin. Clan victories are still numerous, but the pure attrition war has begun to favor the numerically superior Inner Sphere.
Steiner Regains Quarell, Continues Focus on Wolves
--With Quarell recaptured, the Jade Falcons have effectively ceased to be a threat to the Inner Sphere for the moment. While they still retain many worlds, Steiner has but the eradication of the Falcons on the back-burner in favor of pushing the Wolves. The Wolves have been cut off from their supply lines for nearly 2 weeks now, and the effect it has had on the frontlines is visible. Wolf Galaxies are no longer able to mount assaults on Inner Sphere territory, and instead are forced to try and defend what worlds they still retain for the moment. With the FRR and DCMS both attacking the Wolves relentlessly, Steiner has had no problem joining the fight and overwhelming the Wolf defenders. Jabuka most recently fell to Steiner, as the noose closes on Wolf's isolated patch of 20+ worlds.
What's up, Marik?
--The question on everyone's mind these days in the RimWard Houses is...what's the deal with Marik? Once Allies in the Star League, Marik has recently pushed offensives against both Davion and Steiner, at what first looked to be "training" missions seems to have evolved into something more sinister. True, Marik has little choice - it can't sit idly by in this conflict, yet previous incursions have proven what the result of attacking the DCMS would be. Thus, the only remaining options are Liao (formal NAP signed), Steiner (informal NAP), and Davion (Star League buddies). Needless to say, it has been a relatively easy choice for Marik. But while the Marik warriors blood themselves on garrison units, the souring relations with the other Houses may bring warriors of a different caliber to their doorstep very soon.
Liao in Striking Distance of Liao
--There's a mouthful. As uneventful as the war in general has been, the CapCon has progressed to the point of being in striking distance of the planet Liao - namesake to the Liao House of the Capellan Confederation. While the road has been long and hard, the CapCon has never given up hope to regain their "homeworld". However, the irony could not be greater. Liao is currently occupied by Liao's ally, Marik. The two have not fought aggressively since the onset of conflict late last year, but with the CapCon being so close to its ultimate prize, will they risk a friendship to take it?
Knowing the Capellans, they'll at least keep it interesting.
Davion's Future Bleak
--Despite being the largest House, Davion has failed time and again to pull the resources needed to fend off Liao, let alone Marik or Kurita. While they've had their victories along the way, one could say those have been moral at best - but more likely, pyrrhic. They've fought Kurita to a standstill as of late, but only in the vaguest sense of the word, as Kurita only focuses on Davion when the Clans are beaten back for the time being. With Marik seemingly going rogue on their friendship, Davion has no friends in its small corner of the Inner Sphere - which seems to get smaller by the day.
Kurita tears through Clan Space; Connects with Rasalhague
--Kurita has been taking care of business every day, and every way. It's all Kurita as the DCMS works overtime to clean the Combine of the Clan menace that has, until the past month, held the entire Inner Sphere in a deathgrip. So far Luthien has broken out to just a few planets shy from reconnecting with the rest of the Inner Sphere via normal trade routes (and the other 15 planets or so that have been reclaimed from deep within Jaguar territory). Likewise, all three Clans have been significantly driven back from their maximum incursion into the Inner Sphere, with the Ghost Bears falling back as far as Maule and Kiamba. While the Jaguars remain the largest threat to the Inner Sphere, Kurita wastes no time in ensuring that each of the Clans pay its due for the atrocities it has left in its wake on the people of the IS Houses. Together with the FRR, Clan Ghost Bear may very well be forced to fall back to pre-Wave 2 borderlines, which would be a catastrophic loss for one of the most successful Clans in the Invasion.
Speaking of the FRR, Luthien has confirmed that the KungsArme forces have punched through the Clan Wall, and reconnected Rasalhague to the rest of the Inner Sphere. The first response Kurita received from the FRR? "Is the fur trade still open for business?"
Have any war stories to share? The TL,DR is looking to share them! Send us a message detailing the accounts of the front lines and we'll do our best to bring your tale to the masses!
Posted 11 April 2015 - 06:57 AM
I and 26-members of 6RNT have joined 6REX specifically to lend material aid to our "Northern Faction" (Factions with Clan borders) brethren in arms.
During our week with FRR, we managed to accomplish:

Since joining House STEINER, 6REX has tagged 2 additional worlds in the name of our House KURITA contributions toward the common cause of "Northern Faction" SOLIDARITY in the face of the upcoming Map Reset.
Having these past two weeks to make common cause with FRR and House Steiner has been crucial in the hopes of a more effective, better coordinated Inner Sphere Defense at Community Warfare STARTEX come 22-28APR.
Edited by Phaelon Wolf, 11 April 2015 - 07:01 AM.
Posted 11 April 2015 - 05:51 PM
For the purposes of better appreciating the Sun Tzu truism:
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War (https://www.goodread...urself-you-need)
6REX will now take a 7-day contract with CJF.
I formally extend invitations to any and all IS who upon reading this may be interested in "learning how the other half games" to join 6REX in our brief and focused exploration of Clan TTP.
Standing by to respond in a timely fashion to any and all questions, comments, constructive criticisms and concerns.
Posted 17 April 2015 - 07:05 AM
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 17 April 2015 - 10:44 PM.
Posted 17 April 2015 - 07:09 AM
Posted 17 April 2015 - 11:49 AM
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 17 April 2015 - 10:46 PM.
Posted 17 April 2015 - 08:11 PM
A Week in Review
With the chaos of one of the hardest-fought weeks around the Inner Sphere, the TL,DR offers a 'Week in Review' to cover the highlights both in the FRR and around the Inner Sphere.
FRR Insider's Report
Greetings Tharkad! Lovely Day for a Stroll!
--Early this week the combined efforts of FRR and Steiner managed to punch a hole between Clans Jade Falcon and Wolf, opening a corridor for fresh relief to pour in from the Inner Sphere. While technically speaking contact was reestablished to the IS last week through Kurita, the long-distance Jumps made resupply a difficult maneuver. The Steiner Corridor now open features much shorter Jumps, allowing less reliable JumpShips (or simply those looking to gain access quickly to most of the FRR Planets, which are on the Spinward side of the FRR Territory) to pass through with ease.
The relief effort doesn't come without a price. The FRR has been trading much of its salvage away in order to resupply its battle-hardened fighters, who have run the legs off their machines...sometimes literally. Its also allowed many Star League JumpShips passage home, carrying with them the riches of re-conquest over the Clans.
Despite the loss of the JumpShips and trading away most of their salvage, the FRR has come out on top. In Steiner the FRR is finding a powerful friend, and as recently as this week the Allting Council of the KungsArme voted in approval to expand relations with the Lyran Commonwealth. Elected Prince Magnusson reviewed and approved of this measure. While formal writings haven't been drafted yet, all indications point to an Alliance in the near future with Steiner. Combined with Kurita, the FRR is well on its way to forming a unified front against the Clans - the likes of which have yet to be seen.
FRR Plus Fifty
--Over 50 Planets are now bearing the FRR's Coat-of-Arms, and the KungsArme couldn't be prouder of its warriors. While it's not the 80 planets that originally belonged to the FRR, it is certainly a vast improvement over the struggles of just two months ago.
Allting Prepares, Plans for Next Action
--The Allting Council met last week to discuss the future of the FRR, now that securing their holdings have become the top priority for the moment. Much was discussed with regards to the new borders with old Inner Sphere friends and rivals, and while there has been some discussion of pressing into the IS, most Commanders agree that above all, the Clans come first and foremost. The Allting dismissed upon agreeing that at least for now, the focus would be on refurbishing their mechs and getting their MechWarriors some R&R in preparation for the Battle of Tukayyid.
New Faces, Old Rivalries
--In addition to Courses of Action, the Council voted in a new Representative to project the "Voice" of the Allting to units of the FRR and the other factions of the Inner Sphere. While Daemonwulfe of the Skjaldborg was initially a celebrated member, even taking on the lucrative role of Head Representative to the Star League, ultimately crisis' at home drew his attention back to the Skjaldborg. Ultimately, he could not both speak for the FRR and help rebuild a unit, so he chose his unit first - a noble decision, though regrettable. With Daemonwulfe out, Representative Aldrik (aka, "StarWolf") assumed the Head Representative role.
Likewise, Representative Damon Howe had his struggles since being voted into office. Howe left the Skjaldborg for "greener pastures", and has since been known to contract under the 228th Independent Battlemech Regiment - who currently are in Marik space. Even so, Representative Howe has maintained good contacts within the FRR and abroad, and was even able to take leave to directly address the Council in person on his status. Despite no longer fighting for the FRR flag, the Allting Council voted to keep Howe as a Representative of the FRR. He serves as an advisor to "StarWolf".
Daemonwulfe's position was put to vote. Eventually a clear victor was decided, and Commander Klappspaten of the Blue Vengeance was sworn in as Representative. Though he's just getting his feet wet in the swamp that is Faction Politics, Klappspaten has proven to be a cool, level head of reason in a sea of varying extremists - both inside and out - and will undoubtedly serve the FRR well in his new role. Welcome sir!
Even with new reps and a fresh outlook, it hasn't stopped dissenters from forming their own agendas. While the revival of the FRR has breathed new life into the Allting, it's also breathed life into its rivals, and they've began making efforts to undermine the Allting Council. Representative Klappspaten himself has even come under fire from various Commanders seeking to subvert his new status. Nevertheless, the Allting Council stands above the quips and gibes, for the Council seeks not its own glory, but the glory and preservation of all the FRR. No unit, no person stands over the Council as "Supreme Leader", and thus all decisions are made with the support of all her Commanders. The dissenters will always dissent - be it for their own ambitions and pride or simply the disgust of other's success - but until they come and join seats with the Council, or turn their backs on the FRR, nothing will be solved by their banter.
Have any war stories to share? The TL,DR is looking to share them! Send us a message detailing the accounts of the front lines and we'll do our best to bring your tale to the masses!
Posted 18 April 2015 - 07:39 PM
A Week in Review
With the chaos of one of the hardest-fought weeks around the Inner Sphere, the TL,DR offers a 'Week in Review' to cover the highlights both in the FRR and around the Inner Sphere.
Around the Inner Sphere
All or Nothing: The Battle of Tukayyid
--The word is out. From across the Inner Sphere, the message was put out through every HPG station that ComStar issued a challenge to the Clans - You want Terra? We'll give you Terra! IF you can defeat the Inner Sphere in battle.
The Clans accepted, and thus the foundation was laid for what is sure to be one of the greatest - and most costly - battles of all time. The fight for the Birthplace of Humanity, with the fate of the entire Inner Sphere on the line. The time? April 24th, just one week from today. The place? A little-known planet called Tukayyid.
Now readers you must be thinking...why Tukayyid? Well that's actually quite the loaded question, so we'll answer in the best way we can.
Tukayyid lies at what once was the Rimward tip of the Free Rasalhague Republic. When the Clans overran the area, ComStar seized the world for itself as the KungsArme began collapsing, initially for unknown reasons. Since the Inner Sphere has rallied, much of the territory claimed by the Clans closer to Terra has been reclaimed by the Inner Sphere. In negotiations with the Clans on a world to fight on, Tukayyid was considered an even ground between where the Clans advanced to, and where their reach extends now.
Aside from its general location, it was chosen as the place to stage a "proxy" battle for Terra for other reasons. For one, Tukayyid is a relatively sparse agricultural world - there's a relatively small native population, which has easily been evacuated in preparation for the campaign. Second, with no extremely significant resources of its own there is little risk of the fighting being able to cause significant damage to the planets economy - fields can be cleared and replowed easily enough, but a Star League era MechWorks Factory being leveled could doom not only the planet, but an entire region of space. Finally, with its Earth-like ecology and environment, it provides the optimum battlefield with a wide range of conditions to fight in. And a silver lining - the best chance of recovering lost pilots, should they manage to eject.
With Tukayyid as the place, and the time creeping ever closer, only a few questions remain:
Who will show up in force and ready to fight?
How will the Clanners plan to take the planet? How will the IS strategize their defense?
and What will be the result when the dust settles?
Clans in Full Retreat from Isolated Pockets
--The islands of planets occupied by Wolf, Bear and Jaguar, cut-off and surrounded by the forces of the Inner Sphere, have been attempting to sneak units back across the gaps to friendly Clan space. With Tukayyid coming in the near future, those units that have been fighting in the pockets are in desperate need of repair and refit for some time - and the Clans will need every fresh unit they can get in the fight. While most of the frontline units have long been removed, several garrison units have been relocated behind the lines recently, leaving the island planets stretched very thin. To cover, several offensives are being implemented by Clans such as the Wolves to distract the Inner Sphere from taking advantage of the weakness.
Inner Sphere forces are slowly tightening the noose, but are nevertheless proceeding cautiously - neither side is prepared to dedicate a serious offensive with Tukayyid on the horizon.
Rallying Cry; Intel Reports Clan Reinforcements Arriving from Beyond the Periphery
--Intelligence reports from planets behind Clan lines indicate that Clan reinforcements have begun arriving in the Periphery, likely in anticipation for the Battle of Tukayyid. Planet Jarett has reported seeing units bearing strange markings unlike any before, with a dark blue/turquoise scheme and a shark decal in lieu of the typical Bear. Likewise, Steiner has reported from planets Here and Anywhere units bearing tan and green camo and a viper head decal, which is unusual for Jade Falcon. Even Idlewind has brought in reports of new units, though the most notable difference indicated is the newer warriors are "heavy smokers".
These reports in collaboration with others indicating a massive buildup, point to a tough fight for the Inner Sphere next week.
Inner Sphere Engagements Decline, Houses Gear Up for Tukayyid
--Inter-House Conflict has reached an all-time low, as fronts which used to move daily now move weekly, if at all. One factor of course is the upcoming showdown with the Clans - for which many Houses are cleaning up their 'Mechs and resting their troops in anticipation - but another is simply the wear and tear of war on the warriors themselves. The battles in the South were once fierce and brutal; the battle for Wazan alone was one of the bloodiest the Inner Sphere has ever seen. Many have died, and many more have been shell-shocked by the brutality so badly they refuse to go back to the field, and are regulated to train the new recruits; the new meat for the grind.
But the grind has slowed to the point that even the Commanders no longer command with the zeal they once had. And while the slowdown has hurt the morale of its units, perhaps it will be revived by Tukayyid. Here, it's no longer Marik vs Steiner, Liao vs. Davion; every House will fight together, side by side against something bigger than "Capellan Glory" or "Davion Pride". This is about Terra, something every man, woman and child of the Inner Sphere has claim to. And as the Houses gear up for war, they shall claim it once more.
Have any war stories to share? The TL,DR is looking to share them! Send us a message detailing the accounts of the front lines and we'll do our best to bring your tale to the masses!
Edited by Trondheim Live Daily Report, 18 April 2015 - 07:59 PM.
Posted 22 April 2015 - 10:47 AM
Edited by Connor Sellock, 24 April 2015 - 08:21 PM.
Posted 23 April 2015 - 09:10 PM
Entry #40
From the Diary of Fenrik Aldrik " Starwolf"
Hard to believe how time blows past like ravenous heatwaves.....or how much one can neglect their personal diaries after ascension into the world of politics. I recall once upon a time being as much the alien to a certain nation as the Battlemechs of their occupying invaders. That unknown, a Sergeant finding his place in a world unlike that of his birthright, faded away a long time ago; just like the days of occupation. A Fenrik, who turned to the ways of diplomacy, took his place on the podium and instead of facing down every Clan Omnimech that opposes the Free Rasalhague Republic.....the new opposition is the monolith of letters and incoming audio transcripts that require processing daily.
From my office overlooking Mechbay number fourteen, I steal a quick glance at my Zeus-6S; silently begging after my attention, perhaps for a chance to leave its confines and return to the frontlines. 'There is a time and place for everything....' I mutter to myself before returning to my screen; more pressing matters at hand - such as signing off condolence letters to grieving widows and organizing dropship travel schedules. On my desk in the corner sits the framework for a proposed “Officer Exchange Program” a KungsArme-backed academy would like reviewed. Yet both my eyes finally come back to the one transcript, a single top priority coded message. One that arrived merely a week ago, but has since shaken foundations of the Inner Sphere. A dispatch that heralds the dark days to come.
After everything the Star League Defense Force tried for, the trials the Republic endured and the suffering of the Coreward Inner Sphere, it had to come down to a batchall; an all or nothing gambit, waged by Anastasius Focht of ComStar with Ulric Kerensky himself, IlKhan of the Clans. Once more, we are to descend into the jaws of hell at Tukayyid. Everything is to be thrown on the line in this one battle, this Alamo; three whole days where we either succeed in preserving our way of life or die in battle trying. As I weigh in the potential scale of this conflict and everything at stake, I find myself asking the same question repeatedly…HOW?!
How the hell did it come to this? What gives ComStar the right to dictate the conditions of our fate? ComStar, who merely watched while the Northern Successor States burned and fought to claw their way out of extinction. Can we just blindly entrust them with our lives and our future? Our leaders rush to fill out requisition orders, start loading up dropships with our most functional Battlemechs and assemble our 'elite' strike teams. Few stop to look beyond the obvious deceit at play here. They should know as well as I do that if Focht's gambit fails, we will ALL pay for our blindness and the power hungry agendas of others. The valiant defenders of the Republic will have to watch above from Valhalla as those we leave behind bow in submission to the Clans.
Back when I was once a young but devoted warrior, there was much beauty to behold in battle, amongst the horrors. My CO always taught me, ‘look beyond the death, always keep walking forward, protect that which is special, and unique amongst the stars’. Those words carried me while I served the Reaper itself as one of its scythes, and witnessed what awaited those who walked the precipice of death or served as its harbingers. Surely I should fear nothing, right? I keep trying to tell myself those things, but ultimately it’s what might lie beyond ComStar's veil of clouds that haunts me. How can I not recognize the telltale signs of a prelude to something darker? They have an endgame, but to what end? It has played a critical role in the symphony of events shaping that which is. We may yet see what its full fruition will be.....if anyone is still alive once the fighting is done.
All I know is that it’s a nightmare I do not look forward to waking up from.
As I gaze one last time at the message, I close out and lock my tablet. No more for today. One last look at my Zeus before turning in – it still sits there, waiting for me. Well tomorrow, it’ll get its wish. The KungsArme needs every man and woman on the field, and I’ll be damned if I get denied glory in the greatest victory of the Inner Sphere in known history…or our greatest defeat.
Fenrik Aldrik "Starwolf"
Primary Diplomatic Representative of the Free Rasalhague Republic
Intelligence Officer of the Reaper's Wraith
Edited by Trondheim Live Daily Report, 23 April 2015 - 09:11 PM.
Posted 27 April 2015 - 12:28 PM
Mercenary Unit Highlights
Welcome to Merc Unit Highlights! Featured units will be given a short column, covering everything from their origins, goals, strength and resources! We won't hold back on the punches, the facts come first!
With the ongoing fighting on Tukayyid, we hope you guys taking a break to repair and rearm can enjoy a little light reading on the side. Keep at 'em boys and girls!
228th Independent BattleMech Regiment [228]
It's practically a given you've run into the 228th at some point or another. Inner Sphere or Clan, Kurita or Marik, the two-two-eight have fought for them all and not only have lived to tell about it, but have time and again systematically annihilated their opponents. Their presence alone on the field has send many a Clanner straight back to their DropShips rather than bother with a batchall, and deterred more than one Inner Sphere House from getting too greedy with their neighbors.
Though known throughout the Inner Sphere, what is really known about the 228th Independent BattleMech Regiment? Like many units unaffiliated with any one House - also known as mercenaries - the 228th comes with a colorful and checkered past which has allowed them to thrive on today's harsh and ruthless battlefields.
The 228th has traced its roots back to the darkest days of the Star League with the 326th BattleMech Division. Formed in 2577, the Division saw action in the Reunification War, the Periphery Uprising, and the Armaris Civil War under the direction of the Star League Defense Force. Battered but still functional, the 326th survived all the bloodshed of the Armaris Civil War only to face the "Operation Exodus" of Alexandr Kerensky in 2784. The 326th Command was adamant on staying with Kerensky, whom they had latched onto for guidance in the SLDF with the loss of House Cameron and the collapse of the Star League High Council. One Regiment's worth of combat personnel, along with numerous support staff, greatly vocalized their opposition to joining, and began a political campaign within the unit to snub the decision. Rather than face a civil war within one of his own units, Kerensky allowed the dissenters to split from the 326th and form its own unit, while the 326th, now decidedly smaller than Division-strength, was dissolved and reallocated to several other units on the Exodus.
From there the 228th began. Trying to continue to uphold the ideals of the Star League but vastly depleted on supplies, the unit began first by raiding SLDF supply caches before selling their prowess to the rest of the Inner Sphere. Though many traditions of the Star League continue to be held to this day, the 228th had to sacrifice many of its Star League ideals early on or face total annihilation in the Succession Wars to come. Fortunately for the 228th, they found early allies in the 151st Royal BattleMech Division, now part of ComStar protecting Terra from the chaos of the 1st Succession War. The 151st helped reform the 228th's image as a mercenary unit and retrained the soldiers - many of whom were from different regiments of the 326th - to organize and fight effectively. They were then released upon the Inner Sphere, fighting across many fronts and earning a fierce and well-respected reputation throughout the Houses.
That all changed with the Clan Invasion. In August of 3049, the Kell Hounds returned in shambles from combat in the Periphery of the FRR, reporting of a deadly new enemy that wiped out the pirates on the planet Rock. Intrigued, ComStar contracted out several other mercenary units, including the 228th, to go investigate the 'invaders'. Of the units, the 228th alone survived the encounter, though far worse for wear, with crucial information about the upcoming invasion by the Clans. Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht himself interviewed several of the 228th's surviving MechWarriors and Commanders. It's been reported that Focht was so stunned by the devastating losses of the veteran 228th - 73% total loss of equipment, and 42% loss of personnel (the later of which was only kept low by the 228th sacrificing equipment to pull out as many personnel on planet as possible) that he personally signed the requisition orders to rebuild and retrain the 228th as payment for their efforts and success, in spite of the odds.
The 228th took the beating by their historical comrades to heart, and with the help of ComStar have completely rebuilt their fighting force, perhaps even more well-trained and battle-ready than they ever were. They've shown their skills repeatedly throughout the Clan Invasion, battling on all fronts and coming out on top so often even the Clans are known to bid much higher when facing them.
On Tukayyid the 228th dropped with the forces of House Kurita over the cities of Brzo and Skupo, the "Regiment" dropping in at decidedly Brigade-strength. While regulated by the House Units to initially hold back on a secondary line of defense, by the opening shots the 228th has become the de facto Command of House Kurita forces on planet (rumor has it some 228th commanders are even working with the FRR, who struggles but holds strong against the Ghost Bears). Of all the Inner Sphere forces opposing the Clans, their mastery of the battlefield stands as the target for all the Inner Sphere units to achieve. And when the dust settles, surely their accomplishments will be looked upon from both sides for generations to come.
Have any war stories to share? The TL,DR is looking to share them! Send us a message detailing the accounts of the front lines and we'll do our best to bring your tale to the masses!
Edited by Trondheim Live Daily Report, 27 April 2015 - 12:36 PM.
Posted 28 April 2015 - 06:34 PM
The "Real" Hardships of Tukayyid
From the desk of Cpt. Markus Celente
I was in my bunk on the DropShip, going over some paperwork when Private Steve Herman came knocked on my open door. I waved for him to enter and took a look at the boy, barely out of the academy and already fighting on the deadliest battlefront since the First Succession War. The boy sat down, still covered in grease and sweat from the latest battle, looking two parts sad, one part confused, and perhaps slightly offended.
"What's on your mind kid?"
"My girlfriend back home broke up with me. She said she threw all my stuff out onto the street. I'll have to move into the barracks for a while."
That was a surprise, even though I don't see all my soldiers often, Pvt. Herman's fawning over his "amazing" girlfriend was legendary.
"I don't understand son," I said. "Nancy seemed to be a really nice girl."
"She's a great girl, Sir", he replied. "But I guess she doesn't understand."
"She doesn't understand what?"
"Tukayyid..." He said.
"Tukayyid..." I sighed.
"She says I'm being selfish playing 'battlefield' and 'Robot-Man' out here, but the Inner Sphere needs me now, more than ever. She says I'm just getting myself killed for no reason when she needed me home to care for her."
"It is very dangerous out there," I noted. "Waves and waves of Clanners are crawling over the planet, driving mostly Timberwolves and Stormcrows because they are so superior to our 'Mechs, and God knows how many of them are using targeting computers and advanced gyros."
"But the battlefield is evenly matched with our numbers!" He interrupted. "Are you suggesting I walk away?"
"I wouldn't blame you if you did. The odds aren't in our favor, it would be simpler, and you'd live longer, returning home to her."
"I don't care what the odds are Sir," he declared. "Billions and billions of people are relying on us to stop the invasion! My 'ex' is not as important as that!"
At that I felt myself go silent, and tears slowly streamed down my cheeks. "Private, I have never been more proud of you as I have been today."
Have any war stories to share? The TL,DR is looking to share them! Send us a message detailing the accounts of the front lines and we'll do our best to bring your tale to the masses!
Sidenote: This turned out way more serious than the hilarity that was the original post, but it fits the atmosphere of the battle, so we left it as-is. Hope you enjoy both!
Edited by Trondheim Live Daily Report, 28 April 2015 - 06:35 PM.
Posted 30 April 2015 - 11:32 PM
Akin to cries of "Remember the Alamo!" the shared experiences of these past 144-hours, will bind us one and all to the common purpose of ensuring the Clans do NOT repeat as PGI Event Champions again at the Conclusion of CW BETA Phase 2.
"REMEMBER TUKAYYID!" will become a rallying cry (that hopefully soon will be a Decal!!!) serving to focus Inner Sphere Defenders and Assault Task Forces alike. Take time now to rest and reconsolidate our Units and our strength. The time to reduce the Clans to their Inner Sphere beachhead planets is imminent.
Great effort ALL!
(...and to our Clan brethren, EXCELLENT JOB! From under strength factions, especially at the conclusion of the Euro-cycle (a known Inner Sphere bastion of strength) no one, certainly NOT I expected such a decisive Clan surge. Great Gaming ALL!)
Edited by Connor Sellock, 02 May 2015 - 06:11 PM.
Posted 07 May 2015 - 05:19 AM
Posted 07 May 2015 - 06:31 AM
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