So once again, due to the Wolf/Ghost Bear ceasefire, Bear has nothing to do.
Both of our attack lanes into Kurita and FRR are sitting at 100% with most of our enemies choosing to fight else where rather than fight us.
Once again, too many Bears, not enough Salmon.
I am writing this to try yet again to get Wolf to allow us an attack lane in Green turkey territory.
please see my many previous posts for the plan.
The simple reality is, all of Clan Ghost Bear
Needs another attack lane. We have nothing to do, as we crush everything that apposes us on our two IS lanes. We need more access to Salmon Runs.
So, once again I ask. Will Wolf help us obtain another attack lane? or would you guys prefer to go to war with Bear?
Look at the math. Even if it is only Comstar Irregulars and the forces of Mercsar attacking Wolf, we can bring 10+ 12 mans to the fight. From Wolf's claims, they can bring a total of 21 12 mans to any given front if they use all of their forces. These numbers coupled with our 90%+ win rate against you guys, means that it will take nearly the
entire Wolf force to merely hold us off.
Meanwhile, Wolf will fail to take another planet from Steiner or FRR, while the rest of Ghost Bear will continue to casually take 2 IS planets every day (Kurita and FRR front).
Another thing to consider, is that both CI and MS are more than willing to take on multiple week contracts with Ghost bear. We focus Ghost bear, but merc out for other IS units on the off time. We are perfectly happy to take a 1 month contract with Ghost Bear against Wolf, if it means that we get nonstop games against a somewhat organized opponent.
So, once again. Will Wolf help their Ghost Bear friends get more attack lanes? or must we obtain them from our Wolf brothers?
Currently, between CI and MS, we
easily win 9/10 of our matches against Wolf. Frankly, other than the Golden Keshik comp team, the rest of Wolf 12 mans take it all in the face. (we have also heard rumours that GK is planning to leave wolf for another contact)
So, looking at that math, if it is only CI and MS attacking you guys, and with a roughly 90% win rate, we can tie up something like 18 of your 21 12 mans. Simply put, while yes, with all of Wolf's might, you can hold us off, it will be at the expense of you guys ever gaining ground into the IS. Meanwhile, Ghost Bear will still be taking two planes a turn without us being involved.
So, one last, final time. Please, for the sake of the WolfBear dominion, help your Bear brothers to get another attack lane. Otherwise, the only alternative could be an all out war with Wolf.
Neitther side really wants that. But due to the current CW dynamics, This is what Bear needs.
Help a bear out. The alternatives are pretty crappy.
Edited by Antonius Rex, 27 December 2014 - 08:24 PM.