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Wolves Now Practicing "burning Out The Clock"

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#121 Karl Streiger


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 05:01 AM

View PostXanderpeach, on 18 December 2014 - 04:51 AM, said:

This is abusement. This is not a game method.

Well here we have a huge problem:
We have competive teams - that get the best places in most league games that was organized in the past.
and we have a huge bunch of casual games -

and while you and your-like think CW should only be for the best of the best - I'm pretty sure PGI thinks other wise.

I know that you can be beaten by and group of devoted gamers - the problem is time. Most of us have to work - have a family - they simple want to have a hour or two - of a relaxed roll play - and don't want to get steam rolled by a bunch of " Selfliking PRO Gamers!"

And thats the only difference between me and you - if i go now to my boss and tell him that he is a d-bag - i will loose this job - fast - dunno how long i can keep playing computer games afterwards - but hey - after two weeks - I should be more as capable of beating you in 1 on 1 - when 20 other guys does the same - for a month or so - we have another competitive team that is more as capable of beating you.
There is nothing special about beeing good in MWO. The problem is to stay at the top.

Edited by Karl Streiger, 18 December 2014 - 05:04 AM.

#122 Kin3ticX


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 05:03 AM

View PostLily from animove, on 18 December 2014 - 05:00 AM, said:

So rushing was ok by many, but this now is not? wow evberythign seems fine as long as it caters a specific person, yet when its the other way around its not.

defending means defending, hold the ground for 30 minutes = win.

Now as everyone said rushing si cheap, they complained about people should set up counter tactics which by mechnaic was impossible.

yet with countertactics, of having JJ's gates can be climbed over (and on sulfur every mech even can at alpha). So you could still go and hunt the hiding attackers.

Vault ptobably needs an adjustment to make goign over the gates possible too.

I don't think PGI designed attack/defend so that the attackers can strategically opt out of fighting.

#123 Karl Streiger


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 05:11 AM

OK - IDEA - IDEA incoming.

So as i understand it - we had 6 attacking Wolf Trinarys vs 2 defending Falcon Trinary (both -3)

So 72 vs 24 - instead of 12 on 12 - and 48 guys attacking their shadows - what about a 4 on 12. Its challenging for our competitive Pro Gamers - and there is a good possibility to win (but also to loose - when i consider the "uber" gaming skill of those units) for the attackers

Edited by Karl Streiger, 18 December 2014 - 05:11 AM.

#124 RustyBolts


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 05:14 AM

View PostKin3ticX, on 18 December 2014 - 05:03 AM, said:

I don't think PGI designed attack/defend so that the attackers can strategically opt out of fighting.

I also dont think PGI wanted uber meta builds either, but that hasnt stopped some from doing it has it?

#125 Armando


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 05:20 AM

View PostPat Kell, on 18 December 2014 - 02:51 AM, said:

Also, Amando, no one that I am aware of in CJF is expecting you or anyone else to help us defend a planet. If you come, we will make room for you. If you don't, we will reap the glory on our own.

Then you will not be disappointed. I'm not in it for the glory you can have it ALL. :-)

View PostPat Kell, on 18 December 2014 - 02:51 AM, said:

Sorry if you have been offended by people who's sole intent is to convince you that you have lost before you have even fired. Wish you all the luck. I should add that I only speak for myself and no other CJF unit.

I am offended that the Lords make the community a toxic place. I have invested a lot of money in this game and I want MWO to be successful. Between IGP farking with the game development, and PGI trying to start Star Citizen 2.0 before Community Warfare was even released MWO has enough issues without the Lords running off new players with their constant shiat talking.

I have played against Lords and won. I have played with them and topped the score board. I see Lords on the other team and think "I need to focus and bring my A-game" (anyone who doesn't will likely lose), but never, EVER, I have thought "Ohs noes, it is the Lords, I should just quit now". ALL that said, the first thought I have when I see Lords, the VERY FIRST thought...A-Holes and D-Bags.

It is clear that the Lords DON'T think they are good enough to just play the game and win. They have admitted that they play head games because it is a competitive advantage for them. If the Lords did think they are good enough to just win the game, they would 'just win the game', and either....be respectful to teammates and enemies (like a 'o7' before and after a match and leaving it AT THAT) - or - just keep their mouths shut and let the result say everything teammates and enemies alike need to know about them.

Are they good enough to 'just win'??? The world will never know because they are to busy spouting off at the mouth, making the community a toxic place when ever they appear.

Like you, I only speak for myself, not my unit or my Clan, but I KNOW I am NOT the only person who feels this way.

Edited by Armando, 18 December 2014 - 05:25 AM.

#126 Lily from animove


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 05:21 AM

View PostKin3ticX, on 18 December 2014 - 05:03 AM, said:

I don't think PGI designed attack/defend so that the attackers can strategically opt out of fighting.

the issue is, with denying the fight, the attackers don't win, that the difference between an abuse(exploit) or not even if it is considered as a design flaw. The defenders will still win.

But if not, how would any faction ever be able to conquer planets if they have more "baddies" on their side? being much in numbers should have an advantage and so the system also equals mass vs skill. otherwise we would have to entirely change matches and say:

if 40 people queue vs 100 people in CW, the game should create 9 games, 8x 5vs12 and 1x empty vs 4.

that would then be "fair" by taking the numbers contesting a planet into account. otherwise you allow 12 skilled players to always beat 36 "baddies" in a row. This also does not really resemble warfare between troop sizes of different factions

Edited by Lily from animove, 18 December 2014 - 05:36 AM.

#127 w00tzor


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 05:26 AM

View PostRustyBolts, on 18 December 2014 - 05:14 AM, said:

I also dont think PGI wanted uber meta builds either, but that hasnt stopped some from doing it has it?

Which are the uber meta builds you are talking about? You mean the builds that everyone is using on their clan mechs? Every game has his own metagame, get over it.

If you want to boat Narcs and Tags you can surely do it, but don't accuse the others for bringing "uber meta". Because you can do it too. As an attacker you are supposed to attack, not to troll the enemy team and shut down on the border of the map or something just to make them lose time, the same for people that choose to disconnect at the beginning of the game or just keep suiciding/ejecting. And, guess what? Everyone can build the same timberwolf or stormcrow or whatever, the only thing that will change will be the pilot inside.

And i can surely tell that even with the same exact dropdeck or the same exact builds a skilled team will be always superior to a non skilled team.

#128 RustyBolts


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 05:30 AM

View Postw00tzor, on 18 December 2014 - 05:26 AM, said:

Which are the uber meta builds you are talking about? You mean the builds that everyone is using on their clan mechs? Every game has his own metagame, get over it.

And every game has evolving tactcis. get over it.

View Postw00tzor, on 18 December 2014 - 05:26 AM, said:

As an attacker you are supposed to attack, not to troll the enemy team and shut down on the border of the map or something just to make them lose time, the same for people that choose to disconnect at the beginning of the game or just keep suiciding/ejecting.
But its ok to troll the enemy team through verbal abuse? Got it. Which are you? Pot or kettle?

View Postw00tzor, on 18 December 2014 - 05:26 AM, said:

And i can surely tell that even with the same exact dropdeck or the same exact builds a skilled team will be always superior to a non skilled team.

No arguement here.

#129 Karl Streiger


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 05:32 AM

View Postw00tzor, on 18 December 2014 - 05:26 AM, said:

Which are the uber meta builds you are talking about? You mean the builds that everyone is using on their clan mechs? Every game has his own metagame, get over it.

If you want to boat Narcs and Tags you can surely do it, but don't accuse the others for bringing "uber meta". Because you can do it too. As an attacker you are supposed to attack, not to troll the enemy team and shut down on the border of the map or something just to make them lose time, the same for people that choose to disconnect at the beginning of the game or just keep suiciding/ejecting. And, guess what? Everyone can build the same timberwolf or stormcrow or whatever, the only thing that will change will be the pilot inside.

And i can surely tell that even with the same exact dropdeck or the same exact builds a skilled team will be always superior to a non skilled team.

have to agree on most points but the thing that an attacker has to attack - afaik the first and only PGI/IPG hold tournament - both teams didn't do anything for some very long moments - expecting the other team to "move"

but thats a problem of game mechanic that - actings is seldom better as reacting. That did change of course with the arrival of the clans and the fixed SRM hitdetection (or should i call it improved)

considering the "bigger" game - the teams facing you were not allow to loose fast - but facing you in open combat means lossing fast - so valid move with current game mechanic. Not a "nice" on but a "valid"

View PostRustyBolts, on 18 December 2014 - 05:30 AM, said:

But its ok to troll the enemy team through verbal abuse? Got it. Which are you? Pot or kettle?

Think this card was played often enough - its completely worn.
the discussion in this part of this forum is almost civil - didn't have seen much "verbal" abuse so far.

Edited by Karl Streiger, 18 December 2014 - 05:34 AM.

#130 Armando


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 05:33 AM

View PostKh0rn, on 18 December 2014 - 04:05 AM, said:

I am really Glad I am a mercenary in this chaos. "being a hero doesn't pay..being a mercenary does." But it does seem other top tier units have joined the CJF I wonder why. CI , the 228th and a few others still remain IS.

I think you will see many units play IS for a while, then play Clan for a while, then go back to IS...rinse and repeat (so their players can use all the mechs they spent time grinding & or paying money for). Pretty sure my unit (who is now Clan) will be taking an IS contract once the one we are under expires.

Edited by Armando, 18 December 2014 - 05:46 AM.

#131 w00tzor


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 05:35 AM

View PostRustyBolts, on 18 December 2014 - 05:30 AM, said:

And every game has evolving tactcis. get over it.

But its ok to troll the enemy team through verbal abuse? Got it. Which are you? Pot or kettle?

No arguement here.

I didn't know that avoid fighting and trolling the enemy making them lose time just being annoying was a "tactic".

How many times did i verbal abused you? If i'm in game i usually just answer to provocations in a smart way, avoiding the insulting stuff. So, if you are generalizing all this kind of situation you're just plain wrong and if you are referring to me in particular you are just lying badly. Sorry.

#132 KuroNyra


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 05:37 AM

View Postw00tzor, on 18 December 2014 - 05:35 AM, said:

I didn't know that avoid fighting and trolling the enemy making them lose time just being annoying was a "tactic".

How many times did i verbal abused you? If i'm in game i usually just answer to provocations in a smart way, avoiding the insulting stuff. So, if you are generalizing all this kind of situation you're just plain wrong and if you are referring to me in particular you are just lying badly. Sorry.

It is more against the groups of players openly insulting like most of us saw. If you aren't. Don't feel implicated, but do not take your case for a generality. Not every Jade Falcon is "smart" and "respectful" like you.

#133 Karl Streiger


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 05:41 AM

View PostArmando, on 18 December 2014 - 05:33 AM, said:

I think you will see many units play IS for a while, then play Clan for a while, then go back to IS...rinse and repeat (so their players can use all the mechs they spent time grinding & or paying money for. Pretty sure out unit (who is now Clan) will be taking an IS contract once the one we are under expires.

Well my unit superior simple ignore me when i asked them to change to Clan SJ - and attack the Ghost Bears from there :D

#134 w00tzor


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 05:42 AM

View PostKuroNyra, on 18 December 2014 - 05:37 AM, said:

It is more against the groups of players openly insulting like most of us saw. If you aren't. Don't feel implicated, but do not take your case for a generality. Not every Jade Falcon is "smart" and "respectful" like you.

I feel implicated when it's used as an excuse and an argument brought in a discussion that have nothing to do with it, honestly.

I am part of HoL and i still see people bringing that as an excuse for being idiots themselves. I met people in game that were saying way worst stuff at us than the one we are accused to say. But ya know, this is the internet, you can't call the cops. Just get over it and stop generalizing.

#135 Lily from animove


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 05:44 AM

View Postw00tzor, on 18 December 2014 - 05:35 AM, said:

I didn't know that avoid fighting and trolling the enemy making them lose time just being annoying was a "tactic".

How many times did i verbal abused you? If i'm in game i usually just answer to provocations in a smart way, avoiding the insulting stuff. So, if you are generalizing all this kind of situation you're just plain wrong and if you are referring to me in particular you are just lying badly. Sorry.

it is a tactic, becasue it binds your troops and allows other troops to conquer, very much even a reallife prooven tactics.

The zerg rush on the other side was not, because true wwar does not instant freeze time at the moment someoen destroys an objective, those guys would still be dead being surrounded by opponents.

Edited by Lily from animove, 18 December 2014 - 05:45 AM.

#136 RustyBolts


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 05:44 AM

View PostKarl Streiger, on 18 December 2014 - 05:32 AM, said:

Think this card was played often enough - its completely worn.
the discussion in this part of this forum is almost civil - didn't have seen much "verbal" abuse so far.

In this thread no. but in game it is a constant barrage of verbal assualt from more than a few members of their unit. I even had a chat fail where one of our guys responded to their verbal attack. My chat fail was me scolding our member to not talk ****.

View Postw00tzor, on 18 December 2014 - 05:35 AM, said:

How many times did i verbal abused you? If i'm in game i usually just answer to provocations in a smart way, avoiding the insulting stuff. So, if you are generalizing all this kind of situation you're just plain wrong and if you are referring to me in particular you are just lying badly. Sorry.

It applies to those who do it. If you are not one who does it, which I do not recall ever seeing you do it, then it does not apply.

Edited by RustyBolts, 18 December 2014 - 05:46 AM.

#137 KuroNyra


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 05:47 AM

View Postw00tzor, on 18 December 2014 - 05:42 AM, said:

I feel implicated when it's used as an excuse and an argument brought in a discussion that have nothing to do with it, honestly.

I am part of HoL and i still see people bringing that as an excuse for being idiots themselves. I met people in game that were saying way worst stuff at us than the one we are accused to say. But ya know, this is the internet, you can't call the cops. Just get over it and stop generalizing.

When you manage to piss off so much people. I don't think they are "generalizing" like you think.
Why is there a problem in the first place? Who started it? What started it?

There is no smoke without fire, some of the LORDS have created that situation, openly teasing on the forum. And now people should just "stop"? Ho no. You simply don't stop an angry train like that.

It's ok if you guys are hight skilled guys, that's not the problem. The problem is the behavior of members of your unit and the fact that you did not gaved a damn sh!t about it.
Leaders of Units are here specificly to avoid that kind of problem. Guess your failed.

In other game, there were hight skilled group of guys. Deadly and almost unbeattable by the common of mortal. But they had somethings the LORDS do not have. Respect from the others.

And respect come from giving it first.

I am not a hight skilled player, but I am no guy you can simply shoot and kill that easyly.

But when I am facing someone I am litterraly dominating. I am not going to tease him and tell him he suck, quite the contrary in fact.
"Nice try/ Try to work on your # / Don't forget the #is good at #, use this at your advantage".

What I saw with lords was basicly this:
"Your mum should have killed you nooooooob!"

While I don't give a fruck about the insult. it's the act itself that revulse me. How can such a skilled guy be so dumb? That something you should think about. Skill is good, image is better in more way.

Edited by KuroNyra, 18 December 2014 - 05:51 AM.

#138 RustyBolts


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 05:50 AM

View PostKuroNyra, on 18 December 2014 - 05:47 AM, said:

When you manage to piss off so much people. I don't think they are "generalizing" like you think.
Why is there a problem in the first place? Who started it? What started it?

There is no smoke without fire, some of the LORDS have created that situation, openly teasing on the forum. And now people should just "stop"? Ho no. You simply don't stop an angry train like that.

It's ok if you guys are hight skilled guys, that's not the problem. The problem is the behavior of members of your unit and the fact that you did not gaved a damn sh!t about it.
Leaders of Units are here specificly to avoid that kind of problem. Guess your failed.

I dont recall him being a member of the Lords.

#139 Lily from animove


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 05:52 AM

View PostKuroNyra, on 18 December 2014 - 05:47 AM, said:

When you manage to piss off so much people. I don't think they are "generalizing" like you think.
Why is there a problem in the first place? Who started it? What started it?

There is no smoke without fire, some of the LORDS have created that situation, openly teasing on the forum. And now people should just "stop"? Ho no. You simply don't stop an angry train like that.

It's ok if you guys are hight skilled guys, that's not the problem. The problem is the behavior of members of your unit and the fact that you did not gaved a damn sh!t about it.
Leaders of Units are here specificly to avoid that kind of problem. Guess your failed.

and thats the issue, as the Lords in france started to treat their commons like this, how did it ended?


Lords have brought themselves very much into that situation and its not the fault of the others.

Edited by Lily from animove, 18 December 2014 - 05:52 AM.

#140 w00tzor


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 05:53 AM

View PostRustyBolts, on 18 December 2014 - 05:50 AM, said:

I dont recall him being a member of the Lords.

I've been for quite some time. Came back to MWO around 1,5 months ago. I'm stealthy.

@KuroNyra then get mad to those people, not to a unit or an entire faction.

Edited by w00tzor, 18 December 2014 - 05:56 AM.

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