Xanderpeach, on 18 December 2014 - 04:51 AM, said:
Well here we have a huge problem:
We have competive teams - that get the best places in most league games that was organized in the past.
and we have a huge bunch of casual games -
and while you and your-like think CW should only be for the best of the best - I'm pretty sure PGI thinks other wise.
I know that you can be beaten by and group of devoted gamers - the problem is time. Most of us have to work - have a family - they simple want to have a hour or two - of a relaxed roll play - and don't want to get steam rolled by a bunch of " Selfliking PRO Gamers!"
And thats the only difference between me and you - if i go now to my boss and tell him that he is a d-bag - i will loose this job - fast - dunno how long i can keep playing computer games afterwards - but hey - after two weeks - I should be more as capable of beating you in 1 on 1 - when 20 other guys does the same - for a month or so - we have another competitive team that is more as capable of beating you.
There is nothing special about beeing good in MWO. The problem is to stay at the top.
Edited by Karl Streiger, 18 December 2014 - 05:04 AM.