Perks Of A Spider?
Posted 19 December 2014 - 01:48 AM
Posted 19 December 2014 - 02:03 AM
Start off the match with scouting, once the enemy ist found try to draw his fire or lead him to chase after you, then retreat back to your lines when it get's to hot. I mostly make the mistake of keeping up running into enemy groups during the heaviest brawls in the middle of the match; sooner or later even a Hitreg-blessed Spider falls to this. As soon as the fight breaks down into smaller duels, jump in and support your heavies / assaults by melting off the rear CT of a juicy king crab, your lasers do tremendous damage if the enemy doesn't move.
In comparison, i can't see a weakness in the Firestarter, there are far more hardpoints (but also harder heat management), the Jenner is great, but much too fragile when facing the current apocalypse-alphas.
Posted 19 December 2014 - 02:48 AM
Perky stuff
- Psychological Warfare: Small, narrow, fast and it flies high too. This 'Mech is the ultimate psychological warfare weapon in capable hands. For example, at the round start you can go for the enemy assaults slowly lumbering to join their team and keep them pinned. Most of them will struggle to even land shots on you (and will continue to forums to make a thread on how broken Spider hitboxes are), but the thing is even if you can't kill them you're essentially removing a significant chunk of firepower from the enemy frontlines. As long as you can keep enemies' valuable 'Mechs distracted by small pecks here and there, you're helping your team win the fight. Hilariously, sometimes a big chunk of enemy 'Mechs will break off from the frontlines to chase your tiny Spider, which is pretty much an autowin for your team. If you feel like things are going south, you always have boatloads of JJs to make your escape.
- Assasin: A Spider is notoriously hard to kill and this makes them great assasin during stand-offs or full-blown brawls. You can wander inside an enemy group and take out that red ST Jager quickly, and get out without much damage.
- Firepower: As you noticed, the Spider's firepower is absymal. It takes a lot of time to kill fresh 'Mechs, so you're very dependent on your team to hurt enemy 'Mechs. You can solo enemy 'Mechs, but they either need to be terrible players, have terrible builds or just have a very slow 'Mech. The Anansi can actually solo fresh 'Mechs though.
- The leggening: Due to excessive JJ usage, the Spider takes a lot of leg damage and your enemies will actively try to leg you because your torso tanks so well. It really sucks.
Edited by Tahribator, 19 December 2014 - 04:48 AM.
Posted 19 December 2014 - 03:28 AM
Posted 19 December 2014 - 04:38 AM
I also own a second 5D with 3 MPL, but the ERLL+2ML build seems more effectave unless the whole team is going brawler in a large group drop, if the enemy are targeting you the Spider will go down fast so avoid being seen if possible, do not be afraid to disengage if you are being shot at and do not stop moving (including never running in a straight line for more than 3 seconds.
if I stand still for 5 seconds I usualy take a dual gauss shot to the rear and die instantly.
however my favorate Spider is the SDR-5K(C)
if you are in the correct mindset that is an extremely effectave Mech, roughly equal to my FS9-E Ember in terms of per match KDR and damage scores (even before the quirks), only my Timber Wolves have significantly better per match scores.
the most effective "weapon" I carry on any light is a UAV, sneek up on the enemy team and place a UAV up where they are unlikely to notice it, typing "8 enemy in d6" is helpfull but nothing compaired to your whole team seeing 8 enemy contacts show up on there radar, then your LRM boats opening up on them while the rest of the team moves to attack
Posted 19 December 2014 - 09:20 AM
Listen to Rogue Jedi that is good advice. Also, the 5d is an excellent scout/spotter but these roles don't often deal a to. Of damage so don't use damage as the metric by which you judge your rounds. Look at spotting assists/uav assists and those kind of things. Welcome to MWO and to spider piloting! O7 Mechwarrior!
Posted 19 December 2014 - 08:42 PM
SataSata, on 19 December 2014 - 01:48 AM, said:
Sorry, this is going to be long, but I hope you will glean some useful info.
First of all, I love the Spider 5D. It is one of my favorite lights to use. One thing I've noticed about myself while playing the 5D is that it requires a completely unique playstyle to be effective. I can't play my Firestarters or Commandos the same way I play the 5D. Here are some things I've noticed about the 5D that make it unique followed by a quick list of tips.
1) ECM, jump jet, combo: This is the only light mech with JJs and ECM. After piloting other lights, I can say that this is a highly underrated combination of features. This allows the greatest freedom of movement, which is important when scouting or trying to sneak around. While you can scout and sneak around in the other ECM lights, the Spider can scout from unexpected positions and get out of tough situations with ease. JJs not only allow you to jump over obstacles, mechs etc. they also allow you to take shots from unexpected places/angles (think about an enemy mech trying to hit once you peak out from behind a ridge, but instead you come JJ'ing out at an odd angle. Good luck hitting a JJ'ing Spider that is 500+ yards away with a PPC, or any ballistic. But if you were in a Raven 3L, Com 2D or Locust PB, it would be a lot easier for that same enemy to hit you once you expose yourself for a shot. Finally, JJ's allow you to make sharper turns. By doing mini jumps, you can "corner" a lot better than lights that do not have JJs. This also helps with escaping, circling big slow mechs, changing directions, etc. I think there is a guide on this type of maneuver somewhere in the forums.
2) Hit boxes: Your hit boxes allow you to spread damage better than any other mech in the game (without even having to twist your torso). Enemy players always complain about Spider hit boxes and complain that they are broken. The fact is, Spider hit boxes are oddly shaped. The Left and Right torso hit boxes are not the shape you would expect, and the CT is very slender. Overall, you have some thin vertical hit boxes which make it difficult to do accurate pinpoint damage on (imagine trying to shoot an arrow at a broomstick compared to a pumpkin). Add weapon convergence issues, server side hit registration and you have a lot of complaints about "broken hit boxes" If you haven't seen it already, look at the Hitbox localization post by Tamerlin to understand your hitboxes. This is one of the most useful resources on the forums imho http://mwomercs.com/...x-localization/
Those are the competitive advantages for the Spider 5D compared to other lights. Here are some tips:
1) Lose the Tag and Flamer. If you bring a Tag and you don't have LRM boats on your team, you just wasted 1 ton that could have been a Medium laser, double heat sink, or 2 JJs. The Tag will also give away your position, which is the exact opposite of what you want to be doing in a 5D. The flamer is worthless, it is severely limiting your potential.
2) Equip weapons that suit your play style.
If you plan on doing lots of scouting, flanking, feinting, or drawing, I would equip at least 1 weapon with decent range. Either an ERLL, ERPPC, or LL. I prefer the ERLL because you are almost guaranteed to cause damage when you fire it compared to a ERPPC. This gives you the ability to deal damage at a range where most people will have difficulty hitting you, or dealing max damage with their weapons.
If you prefer to stay among the pack and help out with the middle of the main battle, I would recommend 3 MPLs. This build (or some close variation of it) is your best bet for dealing as much damage as possible in a short amount of time so you can get out of there.
3) Use your shield arm (left arm) whenever possible by torso twisting
4) Avoid traveling directly towards a mech that is looking your direction. If you can't avoid this, your goal should be to travel perpendicular to the direction that the enemy is looking at you so that you are difficult to hit.
5) Avoid fighting other lights. You don't have the weaponry to efficiently kill other lights. Sure you can fight them and possibly win, but you will be hurt and will have to play timidly the rest of the match.
6) Never fire from the same position twice.
7) Never stand still unless you are certain no one is aiming at you.
8) Create confusion and distract your enemies by using hit and run and flanking tactics whenever possible. Here are some things that I try to do when on the flank of the main force: a) Draw the attention of their Assaults. If you can get an assault to face you or even walk your direction, then you have one assault that is not shooting your team.

9) Know your escape route. Don't just have an escape route at all times. Know your routes, obstacles, how far your buddies are etc.
10) Don't venture too far from your buddies unless you are very experienced and know the map extremely well. A good rule of thumb for a beginner is; don't be more than 1 map grid square away from friendlies.
11) Learn to feel the "flow" of the battlefield. You should constantly be asking yourself questions like: Am I in a dangerous position? (if so, then move). Am I dealing damage to the opposing team? (if not, then you should at least be drawing enemies towards you or communicating intel). Is my team gaining an advantage? (if so, get more aggressive about killing, in order to seal the deal)
12) Locate weak spots on mechs and develop a priority of targets in your head. Priorities would include things like critical areas (i.e. parts of the mech with no armor), legs on fast light mechs (except maybe the jenner, which should be the CT), parts with many (or crucial) hardpoints (think right arm on Centurions and Victors, Hunches on a hunchback, right arms on a Kit Fox, LRM pods on catapults, Gauss rifles, etc.) If you can pinpoint these areas, your damage is more effective.
13) Learn how to "solo" kill enemy mechs. This means that you will have to take chances at some point to find out how good you are at utilizing your speed and JJs. It will come with time, but eventually you should be able to kill any assault 1 on 1. So if you find straggling assaults you can take them out. That is probably the most devastating thing you can do in a light.
Sorry that was really long, a lot longer than I was expecting... Enjoy your 5D, it is a really fun mech to pilot.
Edited by Mergatroid Skittle, 19 December 2014 - 08:55 PM.
Posted 19 December 2014 - 11:30 PM
Posted 20 December 2014 - 05:36 AM
SataSata, on 19 December 2014 - 11:30 PM, said:
1 JJ is enough for the 5D. For the engine, I prefer an XL255 because speed is one of your most important weapons. I would put the left arm armor at 5 and the head armor at 2. This give you half a ton for a JJ. Here are some of the builds I mess around with. I use the first one about 95% of the time. The 3 MPL is pretty fun for just running around causing mayhem. The last 2 run a little too hot for me.
3 MPL - SDR-5D
Edited by Mergatroid Skittle, 20 December 2014 - 05:44 AM.
Posted 20 December 2014 - 01:15 PM
Posted 04 January 2015 - 09:59 AM
Posted 04 January 2015 - 04:42 PM
I like the small pulses also will be trying that tonight. Thank you.
Posted 04 January 2015 - 04:51 PM
An alternate build that's pretty solid is 3MPL.
You sacrifice the range of the ERLL, but gain a fast solid punch in close, which coupled with your speed isn't so bad.
Though ultimately I find prefer the ERLL for it, as you are viable at most ranges, from hitandrun, to brawlish, to scoutsniper.
Posted 04 January 2015 - 05:40 PM
Mergatroid Skittle, on 20 December 2014 - 05:36 AM, said:
This last build is not possible. It has only 9 heatsinks, you need at least ten. If you forego jumpjets and add another heatsinks you can fit the 2 ERLL.
If you are new to the game I would not recommend the 3 Medium Pulse Laser Spider. It is a good build but it is a short-range build and not very beginner-friendly. Better get some ERLL, or a PPC, if your aim is good, and play sniper.
On small maps you should maybe stick to your team and provide ECM, to protect your team from missiles. On bigger maps I would leave the rest of the team, and try to get behind the enemy. Behind the enemy you are in the perfect position, to lock targets for your LRM-mechs and shoot them in the back. If you are spotted change your position or run back to your team.
Try to be as annoying as possible.
Posted 04 January 2015 - 05:44 PM
Posted 26 January 2015 - 10:43 AM
I know it's been called one of the most useless mechs in the game with only 2 CT mounted energy hardpoints, but what's the consensus since quirks?
Quirks on the SDR-5V:
25% MPLas cooldown
25% MPLas heat gen
25% MPLas range
25% MPLas laser duration
Sure it's not beating any records for alpha potential (actually might be "winning" the worst alpha category) but those lasers are gonna cycle quick (1.74 seconds) and the beam duration is gonna be the shortest in the game at 0.45 seconds. And that's in a tiny super hard to hit mech that can run around at 169 kph...
Edited by Napes339, 26 January 2015 - 11:53 AM.
Posted 26 January 2015 - 11:07 AM
It's kind of a reverse Pavlov conditioning: see a SDR,put ALL your firepower that way. Piloting it; you can annoy the enemy team to no end; and if you're able to get a feeling for the matches you've still got unmatched mobility for melting down RTs. 3MPlas are actually not bad for this. Oh, and ECM is still a nice bonus.

Posted 26 January 2015 - 04:11 PM
Posted 26 January 2015 - 05:54 PM

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