What amazes me is how some people want to use pugs and solos as some sort of excuse for losing, even in the face of other pugs and solos telling them they're doing just fine.
I pug
I solo
I've yet to drop in a 12man for CW
I've lost 3 times
I've won 11 times
I've faced 4 12mans
I only lost one of those matches
So maybe someone can explain to me what some solo and pug players do just fine while others can't seem to cope and adapt to the same system?
It's not a pug thing, it's not a solo thing, so please stop using those as your shields. It's a teamwork and coordination thing. You don't need voip (although it makes it MUCH easier) for that, you just need players who are willing to work together as a team.
You are NOT going to be able to "carry harder" in CW. It's simply not going to happen. You aren't going to be able to derp out on your own and take out 2-3 enemy mechs and win. You MUST change "gears" from pub queue to CW queue if you want to be successful.
If you want to participate, then learn how to play as a team. Stop blaming everyone else. A team and tea mentality starts with the individual player. If you're sitting there saying "PUGs can't win", then you're not really helping anything because it's a proven fact that many of us PUGs CAN win and do, quite regularly, whether we're facing a 12man or other PUGs.
If you're sitting there saying "Solos can't win", then you're not helping anything. It's a proven fact that solos CAN win and do, quite regularly, whether they're facing a 12man of other solos or PUGs.
It's not even a matter of "skill", it's a matter of whichever team uses the more teamwork and coordination. If you're not into the whole "team" thing, that's fine. There's nothing wrong with that. Everyone has their own idea of fun and how they like to play. That's also why PGI has given those players plenty of options with pub queues, solo queues, group queues, CW queue, and private matches, so that everyone could play in a manner they find enjoyable.
Do you see 12mans jumping into the forums and complaining that they can't drop in the solo queue?
No, because that would be a but silly to expect those players and that queue to accommodate them.
just like it's still to expect the CW queue to completely rework the entire system and basis of the queue in the first place, to accommodate solo players who don't enjoy dropping with no Elo, etc.
Rhazien, on 19 December 2014 - 03:49 PM, said:
Whatever side of this argument you're on, or indeed neutral, GroovYChickeN made a point that others have made, and i think will turn out to be true:
As laid back a player or unit you are, or as elite or hardcore as you claim to be, the player base size requires the numbers provided by pugs and smaller units, and the push to be better provided by larger units.
Solutions and compromises are what is going to be needed. Whining it's too hard, or telling folks they should go back to "puglandia" are not constructive.
The record breaking numbers that PGI recorded for CW would indicate that there are plenty of PUGs and solo players who enjoy it in its current form. Statements like that just try to imply that the majority doesn't enjoy it. Based on the forums (and completely ignoring other areas with even more players saying it), there's at LEAST as many solos and PUGs that enjoy CW.
To try and imply that that he represents some sort of majority is silly