Bishop Steiner, on 20 April 2015 - 07:15 AM, said:
didn't stop the Enforcer from being put in (thankfully)
Ay, but that's the exception rather than the rule.
And it'd be just about
all, on top of the extra work to bring in quads.
25 Total Quads in Battletech.
Of these 25, only 7 are in-timeline.
And of that, only 2 are practially usable (Scorpion and Goliath) and both would need non time-line variants introduced.
The remaining 2 IS ones are a LAM and lostech, and the other 3 are Clan Battlemechs (without enough variants in-timeline)
Then up to 2060, only another 5 frames,
not all of which have enough variants, become available.
As per the list:
Quads available 3050 and prior (current timeline):
Medium - Scorpion (Only 2 Variants till 3067)
Medium - Scorpion LAM (Failed Prototype (one variant), and it's a LAM)
Assault - Goliath (Only 2 variants before 2063, one requires Rocket Launcher 10s, and very rare till 3060)
Assault - Xanthos (Only 2 variants pre-3068, lost mech till 3070)
Clan Battlemech:
Fire Scorpion, Snow Fox, Thunder Stallion
Quads available between 3051-3060 (next 10 years):
Barghest, Bishamon, Sirocco, Stalking Spider, Tarantula
Ultimately, I like Quads.
Especially some of the 3100+ ones.
The Antlion, Sarath, Jaguar, Stalking Spider (1and 2), Trebaruna, Thunderfox and White Flame are all really nice looking mechs.
The Jaguar and Snowfox I'd likely buy immediately upon their release.