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Ultimate Mech Discussion Thread

BattleMech Balance

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#12101 Metus regem


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Posted 20 February 2016 - 03:58 PM

View PostCK16, on 20 February 2016 - 03:47 PM, said:

Wait so the next single will be a IS mech?


Maybe first IS Omni design like the Avatar?

Regarudless if you count Clan and IS are even right now so can wait I guess...lol

Oh godz no, the early IS Omni-mechs are not great... Most of them have SHS or a badly sized IS XL Engine, and likely poor hit boxes like the Avatar or Sunder...

#12102 Odanan


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Posted 20 February 2016 - 04:12 PM

View PostMetus regem, on 20 February 2016 - 03:58 PM, said:

Oh godz no, the early IS Omni-mechs are not great... Most of them have SHS or a badly sized IS XL Engine, and likely poor hit boxes like the Avatar or Sunder...

Locked Single Heat Sinks are indeed a deal breaker... potential hitboxes don't mean much until we see the MWO model (and size).

#12103 SgtMagor


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Posted 20 February 2016 - 04:13 PM

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#12104 Odanan


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Posted 20 February 2016 - 04:14 PM

View PostCK16, on 20 February 2016 - 03:47 PM, said:

Wait so the next single will be a IS mech?


Maybe first IS Omni design like the Avatar?

Regarudless if you count Clan and IS are even right now so can wait I guess...lol

Clans are still badly represented. I hoped for another totem mech, like the Black Lanner or Turkina, or even a series of "Macross" IIC (Marauder IIC, Warhammer IIC, Rifleman IIC...)

#12105 FLG 01


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Posted 20 February 2016 - 04:15 PM

"Classic" is not really a clearly defined term, but so far PGI has been using it for the unseen Mechs of TRO:3025: Marauder, Warhammer, Rifleman, Archer. Those can be called iconic, although it is certainly debatable what makes a Mech "iconic". (I was surprised that some consider the Mad Cat Mk II iconic...).
Phoenix Hawk would be another TRO:3025 unseen with great value in the BTU lore.

But if we apply the term "classic" to the TRO:3025 Mechs, or to early Mechs in general (i.e. those published until 1990), then a number of Mechs is possible.

I for one would love the Ostroc. It has been around since the earliest days, and is probably the most intersting of the OST-line which I think is important to the BTU lore, too.
It is a 60 ton Mech, but it is much faster than the Rifleman and it is also much smaller (it is actually the size of an UrbanMech!), thus more survivable. Some variants have jumpjets, too. And it does come with a number of canonic variants for MWO's timeframe (OSR-2C, -2Cb, -3C, -2L, -2M, -2D, plus the hero variant Michi, plus the canon rumour that Blake piloted one).
But I do not expect to it. The OST-line has always been something of a dark horse.

The Phoenix Hawk on the other hand...

Edit: and, yes, we have seen many IS Mechs recently. Some more Clan stuff would not be surprising.

Edited by FLG 01, 20 February 2016 - 04:16 PM.

#12106 Odanan


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Posted 20 February 2016 - 04:20 PM

View PostSgtMagor, on 20 February 2016 - 04:13 PM, said:

Posted Image

I really like the primitive mech's concept arts... this JSN guy is good.

Edited by Odanan, 20 February 2016 - 04:31 PM.

#12107 Odanan


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Posted 20 February 2016 - 04:42 PM

View PostFLG 01, on 20 February 2016 - 04:15 PM, said:

It is a 60 ton Mech, but it is much faster than the Rifleman and it is also much smaller (it is actually the size of an UrbanMech!), thus more survivable.

In TT the Locust has almost the same high as an assault mech... (size don't matter in TT) so, fortunately, the Ostroc would be just a little more compact than the RIfleman.

Ostrich Ostroc... interesting. Great fighter in TT (as all medium laser boats) and monstrously ugly (as all old Osts). Would fit both "Classic" and Macross label. If quirked for brawl, it would be a cool addition. And come on, who is not curious to see the Alex Iglesias take on that freak? (It would look more like the old art or the new?)

Sure the Phoenix Hawk would sell better, but maybe that's a commercial reason to keep it for a medium tier in a Phoenix II 4 mech pack.

PS: still hoping for a Clan mech instead.

Edited by Odanan, 20 February 2016 - 04:43 PM.

#12108 CK16


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Posted 20 February 2016 - 04:52 PM

Eh, giving us IIC variants of the now Reseen Unseen would be kinda short cut ish IMO and yes clan reworks don't feel as much like Clan as fresh designs. I mean now that time is kinda irrelivant in a way there are other options how ever it comes down to Clan Battlemechs like the Kodiak or Clan Omni, though I would assume they would want to keep Omni in packs possibly?

As for other IS, Bushwacker is now possible so could be if they felt IS needs another Medium.

(also I consider the Madcat MK.II iconic as I started playing MW during the MW4 days sooo its all retaliative to the person I would say. The Mk.II is one of the Icons of the 3060's I would say, as the Timberwolf is Iconic to the invasion and the Unseen's to 3025 era.)

Speaking of the Madcat Mk.II in case anyone wanted it for reasons. TRO 3067 page on the Chassis ( I assume not many NEED it but just thought would share if not shared already (not looking through 606 pages xD). Was surprising the Clan Mech chosen in the preview of TRO3067 off their official website (Lucky Me!)

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Edited by CK16, 20 February 2016 - 05:08 PM.

#12109 FLG 01


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Posted 20 February 2016 - 05:15 PM

View PostOdanan, on 20 February 2016 - 04:42 PM, said:

In TT the Locust has almost the same high as an assault mech... (size don't matter in TT) so, fortunately, the Ostroc would be just a little more compact than the RIfleman.

Size in TT does not matter much, indeed, that is why exact values on the dimensions of Mechs are generally avoided and often discussed.
However, the lore does make statements to the sizes of Mechs relative to each other.

This is from TRO:3039
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And this from TRO:3025
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I would not put too much faith in it, as the UrbanMech size comparison was dropped from later publications (TRO:3025 includes a lot wacky information which was retconned later). But those later publications continued to notice the small size of the Ostroc.
Of course I would never expect a heavy Mech having the same size as the UrbanMech in MWO. It would be gamebreaking.

View PostOdanan, on 20 February 2016 - 04:42 PM, said:

Ostrich Ostroc... interesting. Great fighter in TT (as all medium laser boats) and monstrously ugly (as all old Osts). Would fit both "Classic" and Macross label. If quirked for brawl, it would be a cool addition. And come on, who is not curious to see the Alex Iglesias take on that freak? (It would look more like the old art or the new?)

Right, I would love to see what PGI can make of a supposedly ugly Mech. PGI's Rifleman is the first I like Posted Image

Yet, I somehow also like the older design of the Ostroc which (correctly) includes hands:
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#12110 Odanan


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Posted 20 February 2016 - 05:15 PM

Don't say "Mad Cat MK II" three times or Imperius will show up.

Oh, he is already here!

(Just kidding. The MK II looks pretty cool even before Alex Iglesias magic and has great potential. It will certainly be a great mech in MWO, when it comes. But let's stay in the 3050s for now, right?)

#12111 TheArisen


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Posted 20 February 2016 - 05:21 PM

How about the Nightstar? Yes plz and thank you.

I'd bet the next mech will be Clan but anything is possible. (Bane would be epic)

#12112 Odanan


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Posted 20 February 2016 - 05:28 PM

Bane would be epic.
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#12113 Metus regem


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Posted 20 February 2016 - 06:18 PM

View PostOdanan, on 20 February 2016 - 05:28 PM, said:

Bane would be epic.
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I can already hear people's heads exploding over the LRM Bane.... As well as the cries if OP ballistic Banes....

#12114 TheArisen


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Posted 20 February 2016 - 08:27 PM

View PostOdanan, on 20 February 2016 - 05:28 PM, said:

Bane would be epic.
Posted Image
Posted Image

I'd buy the Bane so fast.... Ohhh it'd be glorious.

#12115 CK16


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Posted 20 February 2016 - 08:50 PM

I mean I would like to say something about the Madcat Mk.II actually but for debate though I know it has been going on but I would like to add my take on it. This will be a wall of text so please bear with me here.

The Clan's really lack a wide selection of Assault Battlemech's. The theroy here is that the only other possible contenders really don't offer enough variants look at the Stone Rhino (Behemoth), Marauder IIC, and Super Nova they only have the one original variant that fits, I mean I know PGI has created their own in the past but usually just to add 1 more option to fill out the 3 to 5 requirement.

The Madcat Mk.II however does have some unique things as to why it does stand above the others in that...

- The TRO 3067 states that it started production around 3061/2 after it was full developed about 15 months before. It goes on to say though sales did not start though till 3066...I am going to come out and say what my theroy here is based on this though as I don't think they took 5 years to assemble a few to start selling. The Clans had them in limited use with in their touman's, pretty much only in Nova Cat and Diamond Shark, while others were acquired through possible trade or trials. The way Clan's were still pretty secretive meant that the Innersphere houses probably didn't know a thing about the Mech and this is reinforced with MW4 Vengeance's video intro on the mech, claiming never seen and just salvaged one off the battlefield. This was a similar story with the Snow Ravens and the Deimos, was in use FAR earlier then the recorded date in the TRO.

- The TRO 3067 states that the weapons were selected for the Madcat MK.II from the earliest (oldest) available Brain Caches, this would have been during the 15 R&D month's most likely. This reflects that these weapons would be the same tech from the current time frame if not earlier more so from the Golden Age.

- It does have 2 solid variants and 2 others that mount all in game weaponry, the issue is that the Mk.II-4 mounts a Light Clan Active Probe and the Mk.II- 6 has a Harjel III unit in each body part. I feel these could be overcame easily though similar to the Hellbringer Prime and Atlas, being not vital to these variants. If not, give them quirks to represent these systems and a tonnage quirk to take up their represent space. There is also the a Hero option in the "Beat Stick" Config from MW:LL and would be very unique from the other MK.II variants.

- Rather good variation between the variants each offering a slight boat ability while allowing a complementary of back up's possible. Very well rounded chassis weapon loadouts, could fit with in Meta (6 variant being an ok laser boat)

- Very good mobility for an assault mech while having lots of free tonnage to work with.

- Hard points for competitive play would be very good for ridge poking, meaning could be fit with in meta and sell well so $$

- Kinda a point but, rather large fan base (some very passionate) with the Mk.II, meaning more $$$ for style points.

I mean I totally understand that adding such mech from the 3060's is viewed with skepticism form many and for good reasons, as it could be opening a door for some unintended powercreeping. Thought it would open the door for some good features and much wanted other mechs from this era (Bushwacker, Uziel, Cougar, Novacat, ect. ect.). Not to mention of where does that stop them from wanting to jump to new weapons to include some nastier mechs like the Blood Asp or Fafnir.

My stance is I feel that the Madcat Mk.II would be the best option though for the next Clan Assault Battlemech. Though if this would be the next mech added? I would say it is up to the dev's on what they feel is needed in game the most after the Kodiak. These could be such as more Clan Omni's or IIC's, Or InnerSphere Omni's or some post revival Battlemechs (Like the Bushwacker). I would say the earliest we would see the Madcat Mk.II would be about this time next year (2017) to early Summer, at best.


Edited by CK16, 23 February 2016 - 03:59 PM.

#12116 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 20 February 2016 - 08:51 PM

View PostTheArisen, on 20 February 2016 - 08:27 PM, said:

I'd buy the Bane so fast.... Ohhh it'd be glorious.

Dem STs on the missile version...... Nomnomnom

Dude gonna be shyer than an LRM AWS-8R

#12117 -Skyrider-


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Posted 21 February 2016 - 12:20 AM

I wouldn't be surprised if the next classic mech to go sale that PGI was talking about, would either be the Bushwacker or Annihilator

#12118 CK16


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Posted 21 February 2016 - 12:33 AM

View Post-Skyrider-, on 21 February 2016 - 12:20 AM, said:

I wouldn't be surprised if the next classic mech to go sale that PGI was talking about, would either be the Bushwacker or Annihilator

If they do go with IS chassis totally agree, specially the Bushwacker, many want it and it fits well.

#12119 Juodas Varnas


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Posted 21 February 2016 - 12:39 AM

View Post-Skyrider-, on 21 February 2016 - 12:20 AM, said:

I wouldn't be surprised if the next classic mech to go sale that PGI was talking about, would either be the Bushwacker or Annihilator

I'm betting on the Phoenix hawk.

#12120 TheArisen


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Posted 21 February 2016 - 01:17 AM

View PostCK16, on 20 February 2016 - 08:50 PM, said:

The Bane is an assault battlemech.

View PostBishop Steiner, on 20 February 2016 - 08:51 PM, said:

Dem STs on the missile version...... Nomnomnom

Dude gonna be shyer than an LRM AWS-8R

Personally I'm more into the ballistic versions.

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