WarHippy, on 06 September 2016 - 08:45 AM, said:
I generally avoid the political stuff on game forums just because games are my escape from the insanity(although that seems more and more difficult with the barrage of PC nonsense being flooded into the fabric of gaming), and because it always just gets me in trouble.
One of the times I was moderated was in the Ask the Devs section(which I didn't realize I was in when I responded to the Devs question). My post was removed and I was sent this lengthy reprimand and instructions to read rules etc.. The funny thing was when the Dev who asked the question responded to me and the OP after I clarified for the Dev what the OP was asking I was sent another PM from the mod to stop posting in Ask the Devs even though I hadn't posted anything since the first reprimand but because the dev responded to me my post reappeared and i was in violation.
I'm almost afraid to post over there now since I seem to draw the ire of the mods with my posting which at worst is usually only a little on the snarky side.
So that I am on topic here I'm thinking the new mech will be the Crusader. It just seems the most likely to me.
funnily enough, I don't do politics. I also don't do "political correctness". But by pointing out the bias toward overly PC Modding, I was given several lengthy wall of text PMs about political debating, trigger words, etc.
Pointing out that the Mods own wall of text post on the thread was in and of itself, politicizing the thread, and that most of the responses (from several other people) were in direct response to his rather naive worldview, and that if he really wanted to remove politics, he should delete or severely edit his own post, was not met with an enlightened attitude.
Not that I expected one. The one thing I have realized, long since, is that the only thing more closed minded than a Conservative, is a Liberal, because
they are convinced that they ARE open minded.
Of course, most left leaning sorts takes this as an attack on them, when the reality is that it's condemning extremist leanings of all sorts as simply being opposite sides of the same close minded coin. Legislating "respect" has never actually fixed anything, or caused REAL mutual respect to spontaneously break out. In fact, it just tends to fan the embers beneath.
For real respect to occur, one has to stop fearing ideals that are different from their own, period, and likewise people have to stop pushing their own ideals off on others. There is a lot in life I don't agree with, but as long as it is not forced on me, I really don't care how others choose to lead their life. The moment someone else's beliefs directly interfere with my ability to practice mine, or vice versa, is when we have an issue.
But hey...I enough of this...too easy to wax philosophical... and in the end it ends up in conversations that resemble an Ouroboros, consuming itself with no constructive gain.
Let's get back to guessing what stompy robot we will see next, eh?
no bias here!
Metus regem, on 06 September 2016 - 09:02 AM, said:
I got moderated once over there for asking something in ask the DEV's but I was told:
"Please note this is not a reprimand, and we apologize for the inconvenience as the forum devs work towards new features to help better communicate in which sub-forum folks are replying to from the Recent Posts list "
I got no issues with being moderated. Happens here. Often it's deserved for one reason or another. Just has a feeling over there of being way too much a certain individuals personal fiefdom....
And unless you go full cheerleader like PH does over there, you'll probably lock horns.