Requiemking, on 25 April 2017 - 08:25 AM, said:
1) Only an advantage when it comes to engine, structure, and CGauss. CERPPC's additional damage doesn't payoff the additional heat in my mind, and most other Clan weapons are strictly inferior to their IS counterparts.
2) Not necessarily an advantage. The Knockoff lacks the narrow frontal profile the MADs have, making it easier to isolate and destroy it's bloated hitboxes.
3) What high-mounted Hardpoints? You mean the missileboxes on it's back? Sorry Bishop, but all of other Hardpoints are mounted low on the mech's torso, meaning you have to expose all of the Knockoff's torso to shoot.
1) cLB's are 'better' than the IS version, cUAC/s are better (lighter and smaller) than IS versions (even after tech update), cER class lasers are better than IS versions, cSRM/SSRM/LRM are better per ton than IS versions..... the cXL out classes the LFE and ISXL engine, cEndo and cFF completely outclass IS versions, cDHS is 33% better than IS DHS....
2) We don;t know how big the front profile will actually be, but likely not that much larger than a MAD-IIC or Super Nova, combined with the cXL engine means it's going to have the advantage.
3) High mounted in relation to cockpit position, weampon mounts too hgh, like the archer's missiles or medium lasers is a disadvantage, weapons too low like the arms on the Warhammer is a disadvantage, weapons clustered around the cockpit like the Ebon Jag, Kodiak or Battlemaster are ideal.