Odanan, on 22 February 2014 - 03:28 AM, said:
Here are some ideas:
- Like Capture the Flag, wins the first team to take the "intel" from the enemy base and bring it to his own base X times. For avoiding matches with only fast mechs, there could be a "download" time, where the mech needs to stop and wait the data transfer (which would make the mech vulnerable and needing of support).
- It can be with two bases or just one. The base's buildings are destroy-able. The team who destroys first the entire enemy base wins. Bases have turrets.
- A team has an APC (or a convoy) and needs to escort it to the other corner of the map. The other team will try to destroy the "VIP" first.
- Skirmish with respawns. There are two ways of doing this: a team "respawn pool" (each respawn decrements the pool) or every player has a number of "repawns" (for avoiding that newbie to spend all the team's resources in suicidal charges).
- Skirmish with lance vs. lance. The surviving lance wins.
- Mutator, server side. When selected, mechs will be loaded as their stock configuration.
There are several other possible game modes, like KING OF THE HILL (which is hard to adapt to MWO) but I think the most expected game mode is the:
- Solaris games, similar to those in MW4:M. But this is hopefully coming.