Maverick01, on 06 October 2013 - 08:17 PM, said:
Odanan, are you still a fan of MWO? Just curious.

Since these factors, I can't say I'm a MWO's fan:
- The Cooland Flush scandal;
- Consumables (I don't care about a module usable only once per battle, but paying for it over and over is offensive);
- ECM: the most OP piece of 1.5 tons (yes, it is still too good for the weight);
- The stubborn reluctance (or incapacity) of balancing some weapons (MGs, Flamers, LBX too bad; NARC useless; etc.) and chassis (Awesome and others);
Ghost Heat;
3rd Person View: which WE NEVER WANTED;
PR disaster after the 3PV fiasco;
- Gauss WTF?
the prospect of "fixing" the Clans.
I'm still a fan of the art department (specially Alex Iglesias art) but this game is completely spinning out of control.
In short, I'm very disappointed with the PGI's inability to hear feedback and their recent defensive position (we, the core players, became the enemy).
MWO's for me is like that cheating hot ex-girlfriend. You might take a "ride" for the good old days, but you are looking to marry someone else.
Edited by Odanan, 07 October 2013 - 04:33 AM.