Odanan, on 18 January 2014 - 09:48 AM, said:
OK, let's think.
We have:
Light class: 5 already in the game + 1 (Flea) unreleased = 6;
Medium class: 7 already in the game + 2 (Wolverine and Griffin) = 9;
Heavy class: 7
Assault class: 5 already in the game + 1 (Battlemaster) = 6.
To even the classes we would need 8 mechs. With 4... I don't know what they will do.
Two of the 4 I'm pretty sure, the Firestarter (light) and the Banshee (assault), but the others could be any of those:
- Cyclops or Zeus (assault);
- Lancelot (heavy);
- Flea (light) - finally making to the game;
- UrbanMech or Javelin or Mongoose (light);
- one more medium?
I'm thinking you can kiss evening out the weight classes goodbye. They broke their release pattern pretty much irrevocably with the Phoenix Packages. And while I know you disagree, I think that is OK.
Does having more Mediums ensure more people play them? Yes and know. Whenever you step away from the Meta crowd, the more options, the more likely, as long as relatively competitive, you will almost always see more. Human nature is to try out new stuff. I don't think it's the ideal way to encourage it, but it certainly doesn't hurt. But we've had this discussion before, and whilst fun, I think rampant, blind speculation on what's next is more so.
And out of all the remaining Lights, the Firestarter has the most potential as a viable combat light, (6 energy, 2 ballistics, good armor, speed and JJs). That said, while I love the Urbie, it's gonna be a niche mech, for nuts like me and Utilyan. Javelin brings nothing new to the table.
as an alternative, as much as I love the Mongoose from TT, it's more of the same as the LCT-3M essentially. But the one I would like, would be the

my take

1) non humanoid,
2) would be fastest mech in game (if the cryengine could handle it)
3) Would love to see Alex's take
cons of course are stock, it is naked, and well, they need serious hardpoint expansion.