Posted 25 February 2014 - 08:06 PM
Either way we should see the Wolverine next month as well after the Griffin backlash. I would like the see the Vindicator down the line as it'd make a good 45 ton medium. Not that we won't see 9 more IS chassis.
Right now we're missing 8 total mechs from each weight type being 9-9-9-9 (assuming that is a goal for PGI). If you count the Flea which has been stated over and over to be coming then it's 7. Were more then likely to continue seeing lights, heavies and assaults down the line as time goes on. Personally I think after March they will do a new Heavy mech come April and release the Flea in May. That way it will be 7-9-8-7 among the various weight classes.
March 14/ Banshee7 & Wolverine9
April 14/ Guillotine8
May 14/ Flea7 & MASC
June 14/ Kit Fox & Zeus8
July 14/ Nova & Vindicator10
August 14/ Summoner & Javelin8
September 14/ Dire Wolf & Mauler9
October 14/ Adder & Hermes9
November 14/ Stormcrow & Black Knight9
December 14/ Timber Wolf & Mongoose10
January 15/ Warhawk & King Crab10
February 15/ Fire Moth & Grasshopper10
That's my take but who knows really. But alas:
Don't let me down PGI.
Posted 26 February 2014 - 04:29 AM
Grasshopper and Guillotine are very similar (same tonnage, same speed, same jump jets, both are energy backed with some missiles), so I think one exclude the another. But to be honest, after the Quickdraw they are not that interesting (they are just slower, 10 tons heavier Quickdraws).
What, no UrbanMech?

Posted 26 February 2014 - 05:00 AM
10 total IS mechs for each weight class (let's get wild):
Light weight now:
- 20 tons: Locust
- 25 tons: Commando
- 30 tons: Spider
- 35 tons: Raven
- 35 tons: Jenner
- 35 tons: Firestarter
- 20 tons: Flea (just a slower and complicated Locust... I wouldn't mind if they pick another -any- mech instead)
- 30 tons: UrbanMech (yes, it is terribly slow, but hey, if people really want it...)
- 30 tons: Javelin
- 25 tons: Mongoose
Medium weight now:
- 40 tons: Cicada
- 45 tons: Blackjack
- 50 tons: Centurion
- 50 tons: Hunchback
- 50 tons: Trebuchet
- 55 tons: Kintaro
- 55 tons: Shadow Hawk
- 55 tons: Griffin
- 55 tons: Wolverine - CONFIRMED
- 45 tons: Vindicator
Heavy weight now:
- 60 tons: Dragon
- 60 tons: Quickdraw
- 65 tons: Catapult
- 65 tons: JagerMech
- 65 tons: Thunderbolt
- 70 tons: Cataphract
- 75 tons: Orion
- 60 tons: Lancelot
- 70 tons: Grasshopper (or Guillotine)
- 60 tons:
EDIT: OK, instead the Ostroc, it could be the Black Knight (that gorgeous art convinced me).
Assault weight now:
- 80 tons: Awesome
- 80 tons: Victor
- 85 tons: Stalker
- 85 tons: Battlemaster
- 90 tons: Highlander
- 100 tons: Atlas
- 95 tons: Banshee
- 90 tons: Mauler (strange choice but they said they are working on it, right? besides, finally an assault ballistics boat)
- 80 tons: Zeus (nothing very unique, but this is a too much important chassis to be left out)
- 90 tons: Cyclops (or King Crab, or Hatamoto, or Crocket, or Charger, I really don't care at this point)
Edited by Odanan, 27 February 2014 - 04:00 AM.
Posted 26 February 2014 - 06:14 AM
Light: 14
20T: Locust, Flea, Thorn*
25T: Commando, Mongoose*
30T: Spider, Javelin*, Hermes*, Urbanmech*, Hussar*
35T: Jenner, Raven, Firestarter, Wolfhound*
Medium: 15
40T: Cicada, Sentinel*, Clint*, Whitworth*
45T: Blackjack, Vindicator*, Hatchetman*
50T: Hunchback, Centurion, Trebuchet, Crab*
55T: Kintaro, Shadowhawk, Griffin, Wolverine
Heavy: 13
60T: Dragon, Quickdraw, Lancelot*
65T: Catapult, Jagermech, Thunderbolt
70T: Cataphract, Guillotine*, Grasshopper*
75T: Orion, Marauder*, Black Knight*
Assault: 11
80T: Awesome, Victor, Zeus*
85T: Stalker, Battlemaster
90T: Highlander, Mauler*, Cyclops*
95T: Banshee*
100T: Atlas, King Crab*
Total IS Representation: 53 Chassis.
Lights: 7
20T: Firemoth (Dasher)
25T: Mist Lynx (Koshi), Locust IIC
30T: Kit Fox (Uller), Arctic Cheetah
35T: Adder (Puma), Jenner IIC
Mediums: 9
40T: Viper (Dragonfly), Battle Cobra, Pouncer
45T: Ice Ferret, Shadow Cat
50T: Nova (Black Hawk), Huntsman (Nobori-nin)
55T: Stormcrow (Ryoken), Stooping Hawk
Heavies: 6
60T: Mad Dog (Vulture)
65T: Hellbringer (Loki), Ebon Jaguar (Cauldron Born), Crossbow
70T: Summoner (Thor)
75T: Timber Wolf (Mad Cat)
Assaults: 6
80T: Gargoyle (Man-O-War), Naga
85T: Warhawk (Masakari)
90T: Kingfisher
95T: Gladiator (Executioner)
100T: Dire Wolf (Daishi)
Total Clan representation: 28 Chassis.
* - IS units not officially announced. Over half the clan list hasn't been officially announced but based on MWO standard is what we are likely to see outside the guaranteed 16 Omnimechs.
Edited by Butane9000, 26 February 2014 - 06:17 AM.
Posted 26 February 2014 - 06:29 AM
Just counting the 3025/3050 and 2750 era mechs which entail the majority of what are available, minus the HG UNseen and Quads you have a breakdown approximately like:
19 Lights
27 Mediums
17 Heavies (HG Unseens hit the Heavies hard)
18 Assault.
And some of these are also unlikely do to faction rarity, Melee weapons,etc. But if we use the "Symmetrical" Methodology, until the 3055 offerings start becoming available, we should artificially limit IS mechs to 17 total per class, since that is all the Heavies available?
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 26 February 2014 - 06:38 AM.
Posted 26 February 2014 - 08:18 AM
Odanan, on 26 February 2014 - 04:29 AM, said:
Grasshopper and Guillotine are very similar (same tonnage, same speed, same jump jets, both are energy backed with some missiles), so I think one exclude the another. But to be honest, after the Quickdraw they are not that interesting (they are just slower, 10 tons heavier Quickdraws).
What, no UrbanMech?

I'd like to see a Grasshopper. It's a classic and, heck, if memory serves Takashi Kurita used one to survive an assassination attempt (as in "crash the dropship he's on"... A little overkill I feel) in Heir to the Dragon. If the Grasshopper is good enough for the Coordinator of the Combine then it is good enough for me.

The Guillotine does nothing for me. Never liked its look at all.
Posted 26 February 2014 - 08:24 AM
Odanan, on 26 February 2014 - 04:29 AM, said:
Grasshopper and Guillotine are very similar (same tonnage, same speed, same jump jets, both are energy backed with some missiles), so I think one exclude the another. But to be honest, after the Quickdraw they are not that interesting (they are just slower, 10 tons heavier Quickdraws).
What, no UrbanMech?

Interesting to you is not guaranteed interesting to me. That's the fallacy for "that mech just wouldn't be interesting". There are people who DO like laser boats, but if they had a choice between a HBK-4P, BJ-1X, AWS-8Q or a Black Knight, would pick the Black Knight. (Same speed as the two mediums, armor similar to the assault, and the same energy versatility, plus can run bigger engines than the 8Q, thus more internal DHS, etc).
So, it brings to the table more flexibility for that particular role. Whether you, or Strum or other players (like me even) care for it or not is far different from it being boring, nothing new to the table, pointless, etc.
Posted 26 February 2014 - 08:42 AM
Posted 26 February 2014 - 10:27 AM
Butane9000, on 25 February 2014 - 08:06 PM, said:
You must not like JJs and XLs, since the Victor does a great job using those two items; same with Highlanders.
Bishop Steiner, on 26 February 2014 - 08:24 AM, said:
So, it brings to the table more flexibility for that particular role. Whether you, or Strum or other players (like me even) care for it or not is far different from it being boring, nothing new to the table, pointless, etc.
I have to agree with Bishop, (sorry Odanan) the Black Knight is still a viable mech even with the similar hardpoints between each variant. Remember the Quickdraw? That is still one of my favorite heavy mechs even though all the variants have very similar hardpoints. I just run different loadouts to shake things up. One has ERPPCs as the primary weapons, another ERLLs, and another is just a ML boat. I can see the Black Knight being treated the same.
Edited by FireSlade, 26 February 2014 - 10:27 AM.
Posted 26 February 2014 - 10:41 AM
Butane9000, on 25 February 2014 - 08:06 PM, said:
...what should it have been? It's fast, agile, jumps, has good armor, the best hitboxes of ANY Assault, spreads and tanks damage like a boss, even with an XL, and can pack comparable firepower to an Atlas or HGN while going 20 kph faster than either.
Short of being buffed with Clan Tech, have trouble understanding what more it could do. It's a crap LRM boat, and only MEH as a Laser/PPC boat, obviously (aka, doesn't have multiple highmount energy points for hill and poptarting), but it is easily the most versatile Assault, and can easily outduel ANY other assault.
Different strokes for different folks (I happen to like the BLR too, though it is my second fave Assault), but can't see how it's a "shadow" of anything bro.
Posted 26 February 2014 - 10:49 AM
SgtMagor, on 26 February 2014 - 08:42 AM, said:
It would be boring because all variants would be the same, not because it is an energy boat.
But I guess I'm alone in that, so go on, guys...
Edited by Odanan, 26 February 2014 - 10:53 AM.
Posted 26 February 2014 - 11:05 AM
Bishop Steiner, on 26 February 2014 - 08:24 AM, said:
So, it brings to the table more flexibility for that particular role. Whether you, or Strum or other players (like me even) care for it or not is far different from it being boring, nothing new to the table, pointless, etc.
In my defense, I made a case for the Black Knight on the basis of there being few alternatives in its weight bracket and that the variants could still be made sufficiently distinct regardless of the homogeneity of their minimum required hardpoints, rather than from any stance of favoritism.

Posted 26 February 2014 - 11:06 AM
Yes, you did, Strum.
Edited by Odanan, 26 February 2014 - 11:09 AM.
Posted 26 February 2014 - 11:07 AM
Odanan, on 26 February 2014 - 10:49 AM, said:
But I guess I'm alone in that, so go on, guys...
almost all variants of the Firestarter are the "same". Even simply having the hardpoint in different locations have given them immense stylistic flavor, allowing one to custom tailor them to your preferences. No reason at all that the Black Knight can't have similar play in ho heavy and where it's hard points are.
The point being that too often we let our opinion of what is fun or good blind us to whether or not it is or is not viable and useful.
Strum Wealh, on 26 February 2014 - 11:05 AM, said:

actually, I was just throwing your name, Odanan and mine as those who can have rather strong opinions that might sometimes skew our judgement about "viability".
Posted 26 February 2014 - 11:17 AM
Odanan, on 26 February 2014 - 11:06 AM, said:
Yes, you did, Strum.
yup, he did. But through the magic of hardpoint inflation, you could easily have one very arm heavy and thus better for dealing with fast units, another with heavier torso mounts, thus able to use it's arms as shields and tank damage, etc.
That said, it ain't my first choice either, but it is far from my last. (I'd rather it than the Grasshopper, TBH, and probably the Guillotine, but I never liked either of those mechs, so I am biased) Lancelot and Flashman have the same issues as the BK, sadly, and the Champion is a funny shaped Dragon, essentially. Not a lot of "viable" heavy options out there, might as well go by looks ATM.
Posted 26 February 2014 - 11:45 AM
Bishop Steiner, on 26 February 2014 - 11:17 AM, said:
That said, it ain't my first choice either, but it is far from my last. (I'd rather it than the Grasshopper, TBH, and probably the Guillotine, but I never liked either of those mechs, so I am biased) Lancelot and Flashman have the same issues as the BK, sadly, and the Champion is a funny shaped Dragon, essentially. Not a lot of "viable" heavy options out there, might as well go by looks ATM.
The Lancelot is fast as hell, has one jumping and one Ballistics-in-the-arms variant.
If only they added melee... now that would make things interesting (including for the Black Knight).
Posted 26 February 2014 - 05:06 PM
SgtMagor, on 26 February 2014 - 03:07 PM, said:
The Dragoon was purposefully rendered wholly extinct & unrecoverable, as it was the brainchild of Stefan Amaris; "Produced in limited numbers, only the elite of Amaris's regiments and a select few of Armaris' loyal chosen would receive the design and its variants. The design would see service in the Star League Civil War, often being salvaged by the Star League Defense Force. However, after the liberation of Terra, General Kerensky would order the purging of the design and the retooling of Krupp's two Dragoon production lines. The few remaining Dragoons in service elsewhere would become extinct before the 3rd Succession War."
The BattleAxe, the first home-grown AFFS BattleMech, fares only very slightly better; "The last BattleAxes, considered ancient, were destroyed in a desperate defense of Robinson against conventionally equipped Combat Vehicle formations during the Second Succession War."
However, Achernar BattleMechs revives the design during the WOB Jihad, when they start producing the BKX-8D variant in 3073 (along with likewise reviving the Hammerhands, the second original AFFS 'Mech, in 3071).
However, their general resemblance to the Warhammer may be enough to cause issue and keep them from seeing the light of day in MWO... (*insert curses upon Harmony Gold USA here*)
Posted 26 February 2014 - 05:33 PM
Strum Wealh, on 26 February 2014 - 05:06 PM, said:
The BattleAxe, the first home-grown AFFS BattleMech, fares only very slightly better; "The last BattleAxes, considered ancient, were destroyed in a desperate defense of Robinson against conventionally equipped Combat Vehicle formations during the Second Succession War."
However, Achernar BattleMechs revives the design during the WOB Jihad, when they start producing the BKX-8D variant in 3073 (along with likewise reviving the Hammerhands, the second original AFFS 'Mech, in 3071).
However, their general resemblance to the Warhammer may be enough to cause issue and keep them from seeing the light of day in MWO... (*insert curses upon Harmony Gold USA here*)
Both reasons has not quite stopped PGI yet with the later being the Jagermech (looks like a Rifleman).
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