Odanan, on 06 April 2014 - 01:45 AM, said:
Some were left behind because similarities with hero mechs, like the DRG-1G and HBK-4N (and retroactively, the CN9-AH)
- Catapult CPLT-K3 (upgraded K2, not much room for hardpoint maneuver)
- Centurion CN9-AH (slower, less zombie YLW, with missiles instead of lasers - no reason to don't give it back to us)
- Commando COM-1C (unique variant with ballistics)
- Dragon DRG-1G (all energy + missile variant, still unique despite the Flame)
- Dragon DRG-5K or (even better) Dragon DRG-5K-DC (Command Console! or even ECM capability for the ugly duckling chassis)
- Hunchback HBK-4N (interesting ballistics + missiles variant - OK, it overlaps with the Grid Iron, but who wants that hero anyway?)
- Hunchback HBK-5M (upgraded 4G, not much room for hardpoint maneuver)
- Jenner JR7-A (not going to happen, as 6 energy harpoints in one location would be weird)
- Atlas AS7-S (Kurita going big, the king of Atlases. Missiles in the center torso and tons of guns)
- Cataphract CTF-3L (MASC!)
- Cicada CDA-3F (is it already 3052? because I want my jumping Cicada!)
- JagerMech JM6-B (created by MW2:M but sort of canonized ever since. JM with energy + missiles and no ballistics!)
- Raven RVN-1X (bulky and older EW equipment that could be replaced by ECM and Beagle, with some free tons for... armor?)
- Raven RVN-3X (1X with Triple Strength Myomer)
- Spider SDR-7M (upgraded 5V, not much room for hardpoint maneuver)
- Trebuchet TBT-5S (TBT with 4 missile hardpoints, but less tubes)
- Stalker STK-3Fb (Stalker with ECM? unlikely...)
- Highlander HGN-732b (like the STK above, it is a SLDF Royal exclusive)
- Locust LCT-1S, Locust LCT-1M, Locust LCT-1Vb, Locust LCT-1E, Locust LCT-3V, Locust LCT-1L, Locust LCT-3D (swarm!)
- Blackjack BJC-1DB, Blackjack BJ-3X (hardpoint conundrum)
- Blackjack BJ-2 (only in 3052...)
- Kintaro KTO-19b (SLDF Royal)
- Shadow Hawk = tons of variants
- Wolverine = tons of variants
- Griffin = tons of variants
- Battlemaster = tons of variants
- Thunderbolt = tons of variants
- Victor VTR-9A, Victor VTR-9A1 (OMG, please!)
- Firestarter F59-S1 (stock ECM, not going to happen)
- Banshee BNC-3MC (BNC-3E with more ballistics and less energy?)
- Banshee BNC-3Q (imagine a BNC-3E without weapons in the right torso and 3 more ballistics in the left torso)
- Banshee BNC-5S (armed to the teeth, but only 3053)
This is because I woke up before the sun came up.

(beat that Strum!)
You had me at CN9-AH