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Ultimate Mech Discussion Thread

BattleMech Balance

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#2121 Strum Wealh


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 08:59 AM

View PostStingz, on 09 February 2013 - 07:11 AM, said:

DV-1S: Primitive parts, extinct.

DV-6Md: Refit; XL engine to fit more gear.

There's only 2 available until the Clan invasion(even then 3062+), and by then there are better 55 tonners.

The main point against the Dervish is that all of the variants are fairly homogeneous - missile launchers in both arms and both side-torso locations, and an additional energy weapon in each arm.

Hypothetically, PGI could differentiate them by:
  • DV-6M: add one additional energy hardpoint to each side-arm (for a total of two energy hardpoints in each arm, one missile hardpoint in each arm, and one missile hardpoint in each side-torso)
  • DV-6Md: add one additional missile hardpoint to each side-torso (for a total of one energy hardpoint in each arm, one missile hardpoint in each arm, and two missile hardpoints in each side-torso)
  • DV-7D: add one additional missile hardpoint to each arm (for a total of one energy hardpoint in each arm, two missile hardpoints in each arm, and one missile hardpoint in each side-torso)
As described, each Dervish variant would have a total of 8 hardpoints, with one (DV-6M) being more energy-heavy, one (DV-6Md) focusing on more missiles mounted in the slower-tracking but better-armored (and more spacious, given the number of potentially-available criticals) torso, and one (DV-7D) focusing on missiles mounted in the faster-tracking (and further-tracking, given the increases field of fire) but more-vulnerable (and less spacious) arms.


As a side note: the first (and standard/archetypical) variant of the Bushwacker (the BSW-X1) isn't available until 3053, the second variant (the BSW-X2) isn't available until 3054, and the third variant (the BSW-S2) isn't available until 3056.
As such, the Bushwacker isn't a viable choice for MWO until at least 3056.

#2122 Butane9000


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 09:10 AM

View Posthercules1981, on 09 February 2013 - 08:23 AM, said:

I'm not sure y so many people on the topic in the last week or so r saying the next assault is gonna b anything but the highlander. It is in the battlemech section under assaults and so is the jagger mech under heavy and the treb under med. those 3 will b out b4 any other mechs fellas sorry to crush your hopes about others. If I could bet with any of u on this I'd throw a 100 down on what I just said being correct not in that order but those 3 first for sure and I don't even buy scratch tickets.Unless every1 is talking about them just saying what mechs will b in the game later on rather then when they actually get released to play

This thread is for stuff that has not been announced. The next assault implemented in the game is going to be the Highlander. What we're doing here is speculating on the next one they plan. This leads us to strongly believe it will be either the Banshee or the Zeus because they tend to announce mechs in a Light -> Medium -> Heavy -> Assault order. Considering the last one announced was the Orion a 75 ton heavy means the next will be an assault.

Right now these are the announced mechs. The ones in bold are currently in the game:
Jenner - Commando - Raven - Spider - Flea
Hunchback - Centurion - Cicada - Trebuchet* - Blackjack
Catapult - Dragon - Cataphract - Jagermech - Orion
Atlas - Awesome - Stalker - Highlander - ???? <- what we're trying to figure out.

*This will be put into the game on February 19th.

As for the next mechs to be implemented into the game after the Trebuchet it's not hard to see based off the previous releases.

March 13: Jagermech - April: Highlander - May: Flea - June: Blackjack - July: Orion - August: Unnannounced Assault/Clans?

Edit: Also that epic picture that derailed this thread, where can I see more of that artists work?

Edited by Butane9000, 09 February 2013 - 09:11 AM.

#2123 Odanan


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 10:05 AM

I will have to do this every page.

if you are new here, read the OP before posting.

#2124 Adridos


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 10:39 AM

View PostButane9000, on 09 February 2013 - 09:10 AM, said:

Edit: Also that epic picture that derailed this thread, where can I see more of that artists work?

Do you mean that picture I posted or something else?

#2125 hercules1981


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 02:31 PM

View PostButane9000, on 09 February 2013 - 09:10 AM, said:

This thread is for stuff that has not been announced. The next assault implemented in the game is going to be the Highlander. What we're doing here is speculating on the next one they plan. This leads us to strongly believe it will be either the Banshee or the Zeus because they tend to announce mechs in a Light -&gt; Medium -&gt; Heavy -&gt; Assault order. Considering the last one announced was the Orion a 75 ton heavy means the next will be an assault.

Right now these are the announced mechs. The ones in bold are currently in the game:
Jenner - Commando - Raven - Spider - Flea
Hunchback - Centurion - Cicada - Trebuchet* - Blackjack
Catapult - Dragon - Cataphract - Jagermech - Orion
Atlas - Awesome - Stalker - Highlander - ???? &lt;- what we're trying to figure out.

*This will be put into the game on February 19th.

As for the next mechs to be implemented into the game after the Trebuchet it's not hard to see based off the previous releases.

March 13: Jagermech - April: Highlander - May: Flea - June: Blackjack - July: Orion - August: Unnannounced Assault/Clans?

Edit: Also that epic picture that derailed this thread, where can I see more of that artists work?

My bad I'm a dumbass I should have figured that out. Well now I no what every1 is talking about I'd have to say I disagree with the Zeus and victor comments I've seen just cause I don't think they would put another mech at 80 tons in this game until 95 is filled. All the your team gets an awesome and my team gets an atlas whining I have seen around. I don't think the devs want to tune another mech like they did the awesome just yet that's my 2 cents.

Edited by hercules1981, 09 February 2013 - 02:32 PM.

#2126 Oppresor


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 02:32 PM

I'll keep it as short as possible. I feel the need for extreme power; yes I know we have the Atlas, but I would like more. A few weeks ago we were discussing the concept of a new class of Mech; (I called them Siege Mechs) heavier than the current Assaults and with more firepower. What I didn't know until someone pointed it out to me, was that these things already exist! I was directed by a link to the Omega. Wow!!! Instantly I realised this was the unit for me. Please can we have this unit?


Edited by Oppresor, 09 February 2013 - 04:16 PM.

#2127 Lonestar1771


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 02:40 PM

View Posthercules1981, on 09 February 2013 - 02:31 PM, said:

My bad I'm a dumbass I should have figured that out. Well now I no what every1 is talking about I'd have to say I disagree with the Zeus and victor comments I've seen just cause I don't think they would put another mech at 80 tons in this game until 95 is filled. All the your team gets an awesome and my team gets an atlas whining I have seen around. I don't think the devs want to tune another mech like they did the awesome just yet that's my 2 cents.

Well they do have 3 Mediums at 50 tons so it's very plausible for them to have another 80 ton assault.


#2128 Sennin


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 04:04 PM

View PostLonestar1771, on 09 February 2013 - 02:40 PM, said:

Well they do have 3 Mediums at 50 tons so it's very plausible for them to have another 80 ton assault.


They have three 50 ton medium class 'Mechs because the only viable 55 ton 'Mechs of the timeline other than the Dervish http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Dervish or Kintaro http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Kintaro (which already perform the same function as the Trebuchet) are the Griffin www.sarna.net/wiki/Griffin, Wolverine http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Wolverine_(BattleMech) , and Shadow Hawk http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Shadow_Hawk of which we know are UNSEEN from Dougram.

(Just speaking in general) I don't know why we keep having to go down this road. The state of the game is not going to miracle itself into permitting these designs. The Devs are not even allowed to discuss them. Case in point via Bryan Ekman in Ask the Devs 31- Answers...http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__1863367 scroll down to where it says 'Mech Related and look at the answer to the question from Foster Bondroff. Long story short, they are not willing to even touch the subject and it's continued resurgence of "what if" or "why not" lends nothing to the discussion of this threads intended purpose.

#2129 SgtMagor


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 04:15 PM

Omega mech ftw! a king crab on steroids. the mech looks sweet but its basically a walking turret. maybe a discovered modified variant with 3 gauss and six med lasers at 100tons would rock. if that mech ever made it into the game you can have your Hauptman, Mad II, Behemoth, Warhawk, and Daishi. I definitely would collect all the variants weee....

#2130 Jack Gallows


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 04:47 PM

Just found this floating around, it's from the Experimental Technical Readout: Succession Wars manual.

Posted Image

This design is simply amazing. I might get yelled at harshly, but I believe this is leaps and bounds over the original Marauder art. If this is in an official book, I don't see what the problem with going forward with redesigns of the Unseen/Reseen and putting them into Mechwarrior: Online. That's not to say I'm not ignorant of the risks PGI most likely doesn't want to take, or that maybe they don't have enough control to redesign a 'mech without consent from the actual IP holders. However, seems to me a simple thing especially with artwork like this that's enough in spirit of the original without looking like the original which would cause the problem. The Reseen should be able to be added in no problem.

Another example of a better upgrade then what the original looked like.

Posted Image

Pretty amazing looking Rifleman. Both these 'mechs are on the Unseen list and yet both have redesigns being put out in current official books. (Regardless if the above is a specific variant, the base 'mech would still appear very similar.)

I still believe our next Assault chassis should be the Cyclops. If offers the ability for another Assault to carry ECM, has the 3 required minimum variants (over, if needed,) and has an amazing selection for a Hero 'Mech. If anyone complains that there is already a 90 ton Battlemech (the Highlander,) I'd remind them we have THREE mediums of the same weight class.

Failing that, I would also like to see a Hatamoto-chi, and while it's got some merit based on our previous criteria, I'd mostly want to see this just to see what FD can do with it visually.

Edited by Jack Gallows, 09 February 2013 - 05:03 PM.

#2131 Lonestar1771


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 09:34 PM

View PostSennin, on 09 February 2013 - 04:04 PM, said:

They have three 50 ton medium class 'Mechs because the only viable 55 ton 'Mechs of the timeline other than the Dervish http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Dervish or Kintaro http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Kintaro (which already perform the same function as the Trebuchet) are the Griffin www.sarna.net/wiki/Griffin, Wolverine http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Wolverine_(BattleMech) , and Shadow Hawk http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Shadow_Hawk of which we know are UNSEEN from Dougram.

(Just speaking in general) I don't know why we keep having to go down this road. The state of the game is not going to miracle itself into permitting these designs. The Devs are not even allowed to discuss them. Case in point via Bryan Ekman in Ask the Devs 31- Answers...http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__1863367 scroll down to where it says 'Mech Related and look at the answer to the question from Foster Bondroff. Long story short, they are not willing to even touch the subject and it's continued resurgence of "what if" or "why not" lends nothing to the discussion of this threads intended purpose.

My point still stands.regardless. We have three 50 tonners, so it should surprise no one if we got another 80 ton mech.

#2132 SgtMagor


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 10:20 PM

View PostLonestar1771, on 09 February 2013 - 09:34 PM, said:

My point still stands.regardless. We have three 50 tonners, so it should surprise no one if we got another 80 ton mech.
Awsome and stalker don't interest me at all, don't think I would ever use them. Victor, Templar, or some other jumpjet equipped 80 ton mech would be a lot more fun using.

#2133 Jack Gallows


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Posted 10 February 2013 - 05:07 AM

The Templar is an Inner Sphere Omni-mech that doesn't arrive until around 3065-67.

Highlander and Victor are really it for jump jet capable Assaults that are in the current timeline, and they're almost damn identical so I'd not see the Victor getting picked until down the road.

#2134 Norris J Packard


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Posted 10 February 2013 - 05:26 AM

View PostJack Gallows, on 10 February 2013 - 05:07 AM, said:

The Templar is an Inner Sphere Omni-mech that doesn't arrive until around 3065-67.

Highlander and Victor are really it for jump jet capable Assaults that are in the current timeline, and they're almost damn identical so I'd not see the Victor getting picked until down the road.


#2135 QuantumButler


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Posted 10 February 2013 - 05:32 AM

They are never going to show us the 20th mech are they?

#2136 themoob


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Posted 10 February 2013 - 07:19 AM

View PostQuantumButler, on 10 February 2013 - 05:32 AM, said:

They are never going to show us the 20th mech are they?

It's not the longest gap between mechs we've had... but it's close to gaining that title.

#2137 Ens


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Posted 10 February 2013 - 08:45 AM

"O´ Battlemech #20, where art thou?"

"O´Zeus, where art thou??"

Edited by Ens, 10 February 2013 - 09:44 AM.

#2138 Butane9000


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Posted 10 February 2013 - 10:00 AM

Alright everyone. It's Sunday and that means tomorrow is a new "Ask the Devs". It's high time they've made a mech announcement and we can get the message across. Now they only ever answer 1 question per person, so everyone ask two questions. One you really want to know and the other should be "where is the next mech announcement?" or "Where is Battlemech #20?". If we all do that they should get the message!

So don't forget!

Edit: Come to think of it. If enough people ask the same question "Where is Battlemech #20?" then they will probably answer that as a separate question not tied to anyone's secondary question.

Edited by Butane9000, 10 February 2013 - 10:04 AM.

#2139 Strum Wealh


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Posted 10 February 2013 - 10:07 AM

View PostJack Gallows, on 10 February 2013 - 05:07 AM, said:

The Templar is an Inner Sphere Omni-mech that doesn't arrive until around 3065-67.

Highlander and Victor are really it for jump jet capable Assaults that are in the current timeline, and they're almost damn identical so I'd not see the Victor getting picked until down the road.
The Marauder II is a jump-capable IS Assault 'Mech that would now have enough timeline-appropriate variants:
MAD-4A (3012) - x2 PPC, x2 MLas, x1 LLas (no LosTech)
MAD-5A (3049) - x2 ER-PPC, x2 MLas, x1 LB 10-X (plus XL Engine and DHS)
MAD-5B (3050) - x2 ER-PPC, x2 MLas, X1 Gauss Rifle (plus XL Engine and DHS)

However, it is also Unseen/Reseen. ;)

View PostNorris J Packard, on 10 February 2013 - 05:26 AM, said:

The Executioner is a Clan OmniMech - while it may have four hard-wired jumpjets, it may be able to add more as OmniPods.

Also, somewhat interesting thought: Jump Jets as OmniPods leads to jump-capable Mad Cats (canonically supported by Alt. Config. S and Aidan Pryde's personal variant), jump-capable Daishi (canonically supported by Alt. Config. C and Alt. Config. S), and possibly all other OmniMechs being jump-capable... :blink:

#2140 Strum Wealh


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Posted 10 February 2013 - 11:02 AM

View PostJack Gallows, on 09 February 2013 - 04:47 PM, said:

Just found this floating around, it's from the Experimental Technical Readout: Succession Wars manual.

Posted Image

This design is simply amazing. I might get yelled at harshly, but I believe this is leaps and bounds over the original Marauder art. If this is in an official book, I don't see what the problem with going forward with redesigns of the Unseen/Reseen and putting them into Mechwarrior: Online. That's not to say I'm not ignorant of the risks PGI most likely doesn't want to take, or that maybe they don't have enough control to redesign a 'mech without consent from the actual IP holders. However, seems to me a simple thing especially with artwork like this that's enough in spirit of the original without looking like the original which would cause the problem. The Reseen should be able to be added in no problem.

What is pictured is, more specifically, the MAD-4X variant of the Marauder, available in-universe in 3039 and featured in Experimental Technical Readout: Succession Wars, Volume 1.

It features a "prototype" Endo Steel skeleton and a mix of 12 SHS and 6 DHS (listed on the record sheet, viewable here, as the separate equipment item "freezers"), and is armed with twin Binary Laser Cannons (aka "Blasers") and twin SRM-6 launchers (a loadout that roughly mirrors that of the MAD-9M Marauder variant, which makes its debut in 3068).
Posted Image

Also, note that the artist is Anthony Scroggins, who is probably(?) better known as "Shimmering Sword".

Personally, I like this rendition more than his others (which, IMO, felt unnecessarily "long" with regard as how far forward the nose/cockpit extended, and seemed to lack even a hint of the "gams up to heaven" aesthetic that was (even moreso than the dorsal gun, IMO) so much a defining characteristic of the Marauder family).

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