ssm, on 14 April 2014 - 05:36 PM, said:
Odanan, on 14 April 2014 - 05:16 PM, said:
They will probably use the canon price - I would in their shoes.
I don't really think that would be viable - DIre Wolf, at 30 million C-bills, would be practically inaccessible for significant portion of of the playerbase, not to mention how grindy would be mastering it under current 3-variant rule.
Until CW hits, a lot of people get their "deeper" (non-actual gameplay) sense of achievement from collecting mechs, so making related goal too hard to achieve would put off a lot of players, not to mention incredibly bad press (P2W!) that'll follow.
So far, all the mechs have been pretty close to the TT prices (+/-10%).
Everyone I checked, was close.
Est C-Bill costs for Primes (prices will likely be within +/-10%):
Kit Fox (Uller) - 30T - 5.4 million C-Bills.
Adder (Puma) - 35T - 7 million C-Bills.
Nova (Black Hawk) - 50T - 11.5 million C-Bills.
Stormcrow (Ryoken) - 55T - 14.8 million C-Bills.
Summoner (Thor) - 70T - 21.3 million C-Bills.
Timber Wolf (Mad Cat) - 75T - 24.2 million C-Bills.
Warhawk (Masakari) - 85T - 26.4 million C-Bills.
Dire Wolf (Daishi) - 100T - 29.4 million C-Bills.
Looks to be 2-3 times the cost of the equivalent IS mech in the weight range, paying Heavy prices for Lights, and Assault prices for Mediums.
I'm not sure what most peoples average C-Bills per match are (sure it's better than mine though), but for me, it'd take about 30-40 hours of play to get a Dire Wolf.
So 90-120 for all 3.
In some ways, this is good, as it means you have to
work to get it, limiting the impact of Clan Mechs.
Though some people will likely just pay for it instead.
In others it's bad as it limits who can get it.
That said, Clan Mechs were almost always the better 'late game' mechs.
Personally, I'm just glad I only want the Lights, maybe the mediums, and probably a Timber Wolf (eventually),