Strum Wealh, on 04 October 2015 - 10:16 PM, said:
Alas, another "non-meta" 'Mech - I'm sure we'd both be lamenting that point.
Archer variant speculation!
- The ARC-2R (x1 MLas in each arm, x2 MLas in the CT, and x1 LRM-20 in each side-torso) is a given, with it being the "standard" variant.
- The ARC-5W (x1 SRM-4 in each arm, x1 LRM-20 in each side-torso, x1 Narc beacon launcher in the CT) is unique as the variant that drops any energy weapons for "all missiles, all the time".
ARC-5S would just render the 2R redundant (x1 MPLas in each arm, x2 MPLas in the CT, and x1 LRM-15 in each side-torso, plus a SSRM-2 in each arm & a Narc beacon launcher in the LT).
Much the same can be said of the
ARC-2S (x1 MLas in each arm, x2 MLas in the CT, and x1 LRM-15 in each side-torso, plus an additional SRM-4 in each side-torso).
ARC-2K (x1 LLas in each arm, x1 LRM-15 in each side-torso) and the
ARC-5R (x1 ERLL in each arm, x1 LRM-15 in each side-torso) are redundant to one another.
ARC-4M (x1 MLas in each arm, x2 MLas in the CT, and x1 LRM-20 in each side-torso) is redundant to the 2R.
ARC-2W (x1 MLas in each arm, x1 LRM-15 in each side-torso, and x1 SRM-4 in each side-torso) is essentially just the 2S minus both the CT-mounted lasers.
ARC-2Rb, the SLDF Royals variant, is just the 2R minus one of the CT lasers, plus Artemis and CASE.
All of the ARCs have the same base movement profile (4/6/0), and none natively carry ECM or MASC.
Most Heavy 'Mechs have 6-8 hardpoints, so the ARCs probably shouldn't exceed that (which would mean a limit of 8 or so hardpoints per variant).
IMO, the 2R and the 5W are strong contenders for two of the three variants, but the 5S just feels like too much (even though it is, on some level, the logical choice, the number and distribution of hardpoints puts everything else to shame) & none of the other variants feels particularly inspiring.
Likely you will have a "redundant" version, and so it will come down to one version getting missiles hardpoint inflation, and one getting laser hardpoint inflation. Since they all are pretty much variations of the same theme. I'm thinking the 2R ends up with 2x E Hardpoint per arm, for a total of 6.
The real question would be, will they gimp it, with all it's other lackluster facets to 8 Hardpoints total, and give it 2 LRM, or will it at least be one of the hardpoint heavier mechs and maybe get 10? I'd say considering how uninspiring it is, give it 10, as with some variant you need 9ish, anyhow. And 10 allows symmetry. But I think all 3 could get away with 9, if needed.
-CT: 2 E
-RT: 2 M
-LT: 2 M
-RA: 2 E
-LA: 2E
It would keep the general basic and boring profile the Archer is famous for. And give it some possible life by being able to lightly laservomit.
-CT: 1 (or 2, for fun) M
-RT: 3M
-LT: 3M
-RA: 1M
-LA: 1M
Which could make it a nasty "wave fire" mech in the underhive. I'd probably run it with 3xLRM5 per ST, and SRM4s in the arms. CT I would have to flip a coin between LRM or SRM.
so, for the 3rd, either PGI makes up a variant, which at first blush seems silly, given the number of available models, but not as silly when you consider the homogenous nature of the hardpoints, or we see shades of the King Crab and Black Knight and it's a matter of musical Energy/Missile slots.
I'd say, go with the
-CT: 2 E
-RT: 2 M
-LT: 2M
-RA: 1E, 1 M
-LA: 1E, 1M
Doing so, would allow for relatively distinct weapon weights, the 2R more energy biased, the 5S more missile biased and the 5W well, yeah.
The Archer is famed as the vanilla, plodding workhorse of the Inner Sphere. Is it really a shock that the hardpoints would be so meh?
That said, that 5W might be FUN, IMO.
Also, in thoughts of quirks:
The Archer really is not noted for it's sensors, targeting gear, etc. It's noted for it's reliability, numbers in action, and it's stolid, workmanlike nature. I would say on the 2R and 5S, almost everything should be Armor and Structure quirks. Would fit their reputation for reliability. If we want to change it up, maybe give the the 5W less Armor and Structure, and give it a boost to Sensor Range and lock times, which befits it's 1) being built by people with access to better tech than the rest of the IS, and 2) It is commonly used as a command mech within the Dragoons (according to Wolves on the Border), though I don't recall the TO&E really reflecting that. It is bloody common , though.
That's my take.