Kin3ticX, on 26 March 2017 - 07:56 PM, said:
AS7K are supposed to be bad. It's like an MWO rule or something.
FLG 01, on 27 March 2017 - 02:45 AM, said:
So were Night Gyr or Huntsman. But they not only sold well, they are also very powerful in the game and thus a common sight in matches. Nostalgia Mechs like Rifleman - of which the IS has many, and is still getting more - are rarely seen, because people understand that even the greatest nostalgia does not make up for being shot like a dog in the long run.
Again, MWO is a BattleTech-game and it thus should embrace the full range of BattleTech. This is not only to do BT justice and to honour the spirit of previous MW-titles, this is also healthy for a balanced game in the long run.
I'd say as much of it has to do with the playerbase... I think a goodly number of those playing are not traditional btech fans (just reading the forums and talking in chat reveals that) which makes nostalgia moot. The more important question is what percentage of SALES is tied to nostalgia machines and traditional Btech players, though? Because end of the day, game balance or not, PGI is smartest to choose what actually sells for IRL money, not MC or Cbills.
But that's hard to tell.