Please note this is a work in progress!
MWO Single/Co-op Campaign layout.
Expansion One
3049: Clans invade the Periphery, contact established with the Clans, Operation Revival takes place
3050: Clans invade Inner Sphere, Clan Invasion of Draconis Combine begins, Anastasius Focht appointed ambassador to theClans, Battle of Wolcott occurs, Leo Showers killed
3051: Ulric Kerensky elected ilKhan, Garth Radick and Natasha Kerensky elected Khan and saKhan of Clan Wolf, Operation Revival resumes, Clan Nova Cat, Clan Steel Viper and Clan Diamond Shark added to invasion force
3052: Battle of Luthien, Battle of Tukayyid, Wolf Khan Garth Radick killed on Tukayyid, Natasha Kerensky elected Khan of Clan Wolf, Phelan Ward elected saKhan of Clan Wolf, both Clan Ghost Bear Khans killed on Tukayyid, Clan Smoke JaguarKhan Lincoln Osis believed killed on Tukayyid but is later rescued, Demona Aziz rebels and forms the Word of Blake. New service contracts signed with each House but Marik, Free Worlds League signs HPG service contract with Word of Blake,Hanse Davion dies, Myndo Waterly assassinated, Operation Scorpion takes place, Romano Liao assassinated, Sharilar Morinamed Primus of ComStar, Sun-Tzu Liao betrothed to Isis Marik, Sun-Tzu Liao named Chancellor, Thomas Marik named Primus-in-Exile of Word of Blake, Word of Blake signs contract with House Marik
3053: ComStar begins announcing troop movements, Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission replaces Mercenary Review Board, Terran Peace Summit takes place, University of Blake begins construction
3054: Takashi Kurita commits seppuku, Theodore Kurita named Coordinator
3055: Melissa Steiner-Davion assassinated
Expansion Two
3056: Archon-Prince Victor Steiner-Davion takes command of Federated Commonwealth, Federated Commonwealthofficially created, Ryan Steiner assassinated
3057: Capellan Confederation and Free Worlds League invade Federated Commonwealth, ComStar opens vaults of history to public access, Isis Marik moves to Sian, Joshua Marik dies and is replaced with a double, Katrina Steiner named Archon ofLyran Alliance, Lyran Alliance formed, Refusal War between Clan Jade Falcon and Clan Wolf
3058: Black Dragon Society and others attempt to assassinate Theodore Kurita, Cameron St. Jamais named head of Toyama Sect, Draconis Combine forces installed as peacekeepers in Chaos March, Invasion of Coventry, Sun-Tzu Liao kills Demona Aziz, The Word of Blake takes Terra, Thomas Marik discovered to be a double. First Whitting Conference results in founding of Second Star League, with Sun-Tzu Liao as First Lord. ilKhan Ulric Kerensky deposed and later killed, Smoke Jaguar Lincoln Osis elected ilKhan, Natasha Kerensky killed on Twycross by Jade Falcon MechWarrior Joanna, Clan Wolf loses Refusal War,Crusader faction Wolf remnants become Clan Jade Wolf, Warden faction Wolf forces leave with saKhan Phelan Ward for theKell Hound capital world of Arc-Royal, Warden Wolves become Clan Wolf-in-Exile, Phelan Ward reverts to his original name of Phelan Kell and is elected Khan of the Wolves-in-Exile, Vlad Ward kills Jade Falcon Khans Vandervahn Chistu and Elias Crichell, Ward renames Jade Wolves as the new Clan Wolf and is elected their Khan, Marthe Pryde elected Khan of Clan Jade Falcon.
3059: Clan Burrock absorbed by Star Adders, Harvest Trials among the Clans. Star League launches Task Force Serpent andOperation Bulldog against Clan Smoke Jaguar. Clan Nova Cat declares their allegiance for the Star League. Smoke Jaguars forces in the the Inner Sphere flee to the Homeworlds. Clan Ghost Bear begins relocating their population and assets to the Inner Sphere.
3060: Morgan Hasek-Davion murdered. Task Force Serpent assaults Smoke Jaguar homeworld of Huntress, Smoke Jaguars annihilated, Great Refusal ends the Clan invasion, Star League embassy set up on Strana Mechty, Nova Cats are Abjured and attacked by other Clans and forced to flee Homeworlds to settle in the Draconis Combine, Diana Pryde wins her Bloodname, Katherine Steiner-Davion assumes regency of Federated Sun,Capellan-St. Ives Civil War begins
Expansion Three
3061: Star League forces return to Inner Sphere, War between Jade Falcons and Steel Vipers results in Vipers abandoning their Inner Sphere possessions, Word of Blake's Precentor Martial Trent Arian assassinated & Cameron St. Jamais succeeds him, Jeffrey Calderon killed on Detroit, Grover Shraplen becomes Protector of the Taurian Concordat, Second Whitting Conference held on Tharkad, Theodore Kurita elected First Lord, Victor Steiner-Davion joins ComStar as Precentor Martial.
3062: Trinity Alliance formed. Riots on Solaris VII, First Babylon Diet, Ghost Bear/Combine War begins, Arthur Steiner-Davionkilled, Victor calls for war to depose his sister, FedCom Civil War begins, Draconis March forces invades Combine.
3063: Marian Hegemony conquers Illyrian Palatinate, Julius O'Reilly becomes Caesar, Kristen Marik dies, Capellan-St. Ives Civil War ends with the annexation of the latter, End of Ghost Bear/Combine War ends.
3066: Word of Blake Protectorate is formed, Ceasefire between Draconis March and Combine, Formation of Fronc Reachesand Calderon Protectorate, Fighting continues in the former Federated Commonwealth, including battles on Tikonov,Tharkad and New Avalon.
NPC Units
Maps & Planets
N/A - will be updated as this thread evolves
Campaign and Mission Philosophy
The way missions will work out is there is an IS side and a clan side and you will choose the side you want to play the mission will be the same mission but in a different perspective. Also you will have two ways to play the end of each mission and a total of 4/8 playthroughs to complete all the content let me explain.
Two ways to end the match: First way is to be a pilot that plays though these major lore battles and completes a set of objectives. Once the set of objectives are complete if the side you are playing on is to be wiped out according to lore, as in losing the battle. Then the commander will come over the radio and tell you that your unit has a drop-ship in route to pick up the unit for Repair and Rearm. You will then be given a countdown of 5 min or so (time for the mech to make it back to the drop-ship to be picked up) option to accept if you choose not to get on the dropship it will leave you and you will still "complete" the mission but you will be rushed by unlimited number of mechs from IS/Clan till you die thus living out the lore or living and not dieing by choice. If you get on the dropship you will get a little audio snippet that explains that on your way back to the base your unit lost the fight as pertains to lore.
4/8(IS,Clan) Playthroughs:
Light - You will play as a scout, locking targets using "R", UAV, NARC, Laser Lock, etc. The NPC's will die if you do not do this. Of course you can still kill mechs and fight, but it will be A LOT harder to complete the mission if your NPC's aren't given your assistance. You will also be using the command wheel to create a kill order for your NPC unit.
Medium - You will provide backup and finish off targets that get away from your Heavy and Assaults. Your light mech NPC's will provide locks, location data, UAV's support etc to help you choose where your help is needed on the field
Heavy - DESTROY the enemy team use all the information gathered by the light and mediums to mow though the battle or sit back and reign missiles down on the enemy. You'll have more mobility than Assaults so you wont have to plan your path of attack as well but you won't be able to idle off in the back either.
Assault - DESTROY the enemy team use all the information gathered by the light and mediums to mow though the battle or sit back and reign missiles down on the enemy. Slow and methodical is your path to victory your lights and mediums will be over run if you're not there to to stop the enemy's assault force. Use the information gathered to plan your path. After all you're slow get caught wandering off and your unit will be wiped out and you'll be left all by yourself.
Missions IS & Clan
Mission 1
Training mission
Personal Hanger Map / Target Dummies
Mission 2 1st Cutscene Invasion
Invasion Part 1 Clan Wolf Invasion corridor - Clan Wolf
Clan Wolf
Mission 3
Invasion Part 2 Clan Jade Falcon Invasion corridor - Clan Jade Falcon
Clan Jade Falcon
Mission 4
Invasion Part 3 Clan Ghost Bear Invasion corridor - Clan Ghost Bear
Clan Ghost Bear
Mission 5
Invasion Part 4 Clan Smoke Jaguar Invasion corridor - Clan Smoke Jaguar
Clan Smoke Jaguar
Mission 6
Battle of Wolcott Part 1 Operation Sakkaku
Planet: Wolcott (Draconis Combine)
Map Template: Verdian Bog
Clan Smoke Jaguar
Mission 7
Battle of Wolcott Part 2 & Aftermath Operation Sakkaku
Planet: Wolcott (Draconis Combine)
Map Template: Verdian Bog
Clan Smoke Jaguar
Mission 8
Battle of Luthien – Operation Dragonslayer
Planet: Luthien (Draconis Combine) 35°C (Temperate)
Map Template; Industrial Complex
Smoke Jaguar & Clan Nova Cat
Mission 9 2nd Cutscene Clan Grand Council
Battle of Tukayyid Part 1
Planet: Tukayyid (Rasalhague Republic) 40°C (Arid)
Cities: Dinju Heights, Port Racice
Map Template: River City, Crimson Strait
Smoke Jaguars
Mission 10
Battle of Tukayyid Part 2
Planet: Tukayyid (Rasalhague Republic) 40°C (Arid)
Cities: Joje Tost
Map Template: River City, Crimson Strait
Nova Cats
Mission 11
Battle of Tukayyid Part 3
Planet: Tukayyid (Rasalhague Republic) 40°C (Arid)
Cities: Spanac, Luk
Map Template: River City, Crimson Strait
Clan Ghost Bear
Mission 12
Battle of Tukayyid Part 4
Planet: Tukayyid (Rasalhague Republic) 40°C (Arid)
Cities: Kelly Springs, Kozice Ranch Station
Map Template: River City, Crimson Strait
Clan Steel Vipers
Mission 13
Battle of Tukayyid Part 5
Planet: Tukayyid (Rasalhague Republic) 40°C (Arid)
Cities: Urcunat, Kosice Prime
Map Template: River City, Crimson Strait
Clan Diamond Sharks
Mission 14
Battle of Tukayyid Part 6
Planet: Tukayyid (Rasalhague Republic) 40°C (Arid)
Cities: Humptulips, Olalla
Map Template: River City, Crimson Strait
Clan Jade Falcons
Mission 15 3rd Cut-Scean End of the Clans VII & Solaris VII
Battle of Tukayyid Part 7
Planet: Tukayyid (Rasalhague Republic) 40°C (Arid)
Cities: Brzo, Skupo
Map Template: River City, Crimson Strait
Clan Wolf
Word of Blake, Contracts, & Solaris VII
Difficulty Settings
Battlemech AI: 75% accuracy, Alpha's you if you over heat, uses cover and hides if you have "ranged weapons" loadout. Shoots you at range if you have "Brawler Loadout". Knows if you have an XL-Engine and will prioritize shooting side torsos. If no XL-Engine or running Clan will shoot CT/ Highest DMG weapon at 5% / 95%
Battlemech AI: 90% accuracy, Alpha's you if you over heat, uses cover and hides if you have "ranged weapons" loadout. Shoots you at range if you have "Brawler Loadout". Knows if you have an XL-Engine and will prioritize shooting side torsos 100%. If no XL-Engine or running Clan will shoot at cockpit / CT at 25% / 75%
Cutscene One:
Cutscene Two:
Cutscene Three:
Edited by Imperius, 23 December 2014 - 11:32 PM.