Alek Ituin, on 12 March 2015 - 06:41 AM, said:
Do you plan on removing their damage penalties VS Mechs? Otherwise, they're simply not worth the tonnage.
I think it would add a unique flavour to the weapon, being able to damage IS more than armour, without any crits being taken into account.
Of course, not 0 damage like the light rifle would have. Don't know what would be appropriate.
Light rifle is 3 damage for 3 tons, with a 360M unbuffed range and unbuffed 18 rounds per ton. It could be doubled and still not meet the current AC number of ~150.
Perhaps just -1 damage to armour, which makes the LR a better AC2, though likely with a lower RoF and shorter range.
At 8 tons and 3 crit slots, the King Crab could mount 6 Heavy Rifles for (without reduction) 48 PP FLD, for the same heat as 6 MLs. Only a ton per gun makes it run dry fast, though it does have a pair of MLs as backup. A 540M range makes it reasonably ranged.
It could add something different to the game. An IS only weapon.