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Lone Wolf Among Mariks

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#1 jper4


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Posted 25 December 2014 - 06:49 AM

((OOC just consolating some earlier posts in the marik news thread- plan to keep going with updates as i muddle through CW- try not to derail things too badly on this one will ya :) )

Journal entry # 218

This seemed like such a simple gig at first. Sign on with the Mariks for a bit, make some easy credits on garrison duty and cash in at the end of my contract. Think it'd be easy right? Nope no sooner than i signed on some spammers or clanners, whatever they were- i thought at the time, sure know better now invade the FRR and steiner and like that was some kind of signal fighting broke out everywhere.

in the beginning no one knew who to trust so us mercs got all the lousy jobs. First real assignment- go off to FRR and try and stop the clanners. I figured we were the sacrificial lambs while the so-called real troops got organized, or they were afraid the Davs bought us all out and we'd turn on Marik. wasn't a pretty sight, they pretty much rolled right though us. Was real glad when i got called back to Marik space to some place called Zion for a bit.

My post was back and forth- like the mariks the davs seem to use their mercs as fodder, we beat off a wave of them so the "real" Davs could come in and pick up the scraps. Wasn't too impressed with the tactics- was kinda of a line up and charge until they can;t kill us fast enough thing. but hey it worked.

Apparently i actually earned some brownie points with the bigwigs because after getting out of Zion just in time i was relocated to Wing as a fill in for the 313th stationed there. actually seeing tactics in use was a first in my travels. Using their tactics we stymied a Steiner attack and drove them from their positions before once more holding off their reinforcements. But we were a lone bright spot and soon the call to get offworld was made here as well.

Had a quick run over in Wasat against the davs again- wasn't pretty.

looks like new orders are here again- where are they tossing me this time?

#2 jper4


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Posted 25 December 2014 - 06:56 AM

Journal Entry #224

I hate the clans. Everytime i get sent over there i get tossed with some militia forces or random mercs like me we get slaughtered. FRR space, steiner space- yeah i actually did a turn out there believe it or not. was all the same. One group was so underprepared we could barely get through the gate of their base. Apparently Timberwolves and Stormcrows are the only mechs the clans make, someone claimed he saw a dire whale once but that sounds like that ancient fable of Nooby **** with the crazy sea captain or whatever it's called.

So yeah i can;t wait to get out of here. the FRR isn;t so bad- maybe i'll take a tour with them someday but Steiners are pretty full of themselves- until they need you to come save their borders. Scuttlebutt says the Steiners trying to get Marik pilots to come to defend their front so they can attack the Marik border. That's why i won;t sign on with anyone for real- politics- who can be bothered?

at least i finally got orders to come back to Marik space for a bit. be a relief.

#3 jper4


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Posted 25 December 2014 - 07:09 AM

Journal Entry #233

Thing are looking pretty rough these days. finally got a few minutes to catch up. Being pushed back no matter where i end up. hopefully the stink of defeat doesn;t start getting attached to me- gonna make it tough to get a better deal if they see me as some sort of loser. only a few more days left on my contract now. will have to see if things turn around some.

Started out on Ventabren, for some reason i always get roped into these counterattacks- don;t they realize how much cheaper it is for me to sign on to defend a strong position than attack it? but no have to kick the davs out of entrenchments again. once again i'm part of the merc fodder rush- kinda getting sick of that and we fail miserably. so they fling me over to Derf now- wish they'd keep me in one place- all these transport fees are adding up and when command ******* you out for not winning with a rag tag bunch of misfits on your side and doesn;t pay you the full amount it hurts even worse.

Derf- quite possibly the worst group of stragglers and leftovers i've seen- some mechs were missing arms before the fight even started. one rookie didn;t even know what we were supposed to be attack. i was half expecting to see a lance of Urbanmechs on our side as we prepared to "attack" Use the word loosely. our side was so bad the defenders actually got bored and started hopping over their own defenses to get at us because we were so bad. they barely managed to get one gate open before the flankers hit us. was probably the worst slaughter i've seen- dropships refused to land to drop off more troops because our LZ had already been overrun. i had to redline my jenner's jump jets just to get onto the dropship because it wouldn;t land to pick up survivors the fire was so hot.

at least i'm heading back to marik space again. hopefully my luck will change.

((OOC edit- almost caught up now- just need yesterday's fights and i'll be able to pick up with fresh battles)

Edited by Tanar, 25 December 2014 - 07:11 AM.

#4 jper4


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Posted 26 December 2014 - 08:09 AM

journal entry # 236

Duhbe, people must have really been running out of the good names by the time the settlers got this far. The stress of conflict is defintiely getting to people these days. first battle took place in the arctic, of course the ol FWL "send the mercs first" technique is in play though at least we had a lance of regulars in this run. But unfortunately we had a couple of commanders with equal ranks both claiming seniority and issuing completely opposite orders. i stuck with the regular's commander since he had a lance, other guy was on his own. we drop and the other guy sees we followed the regular's orders and lost it. Last i saw of him was his highlander running off away from the battlefield. could have used the firepower since the first wave nearly took out all the secondary objectives- extra assault would have pushed us over the top. other side rallied and drove us back afterwards. turns out a couple lances of regulars were defending that spot. figures.

Got out of there and relocated to the sulpher springs, at least for once i'm on the right side of the walls. didn;t matter as we ended up with with the second line troops again. you'd think tht'd be fine we're on defense. but our mish mash of mechs couldn;t do much against the heavy/assault rush that bore down on us from all entry points. sure we put up a fight and managed to keep up with the murder rate but in the end they pushed us back and the base was lost. commander- different guy this time, ordered a counter attack. garritroopers vs garritroopers, the defenders naturally won and i got pulled out again. steiners i found out in transit took the system.

as punishment i guess they throw me out to Savinsville to bail out the kuritas, yup clans invading again. Kuritas didn;t really like mercs much to begin with, so i had tried avoiding any duty here. commander there doing the usual "die with honor- show no mercy" spiel- like i'm going to die for the side that's not even paying me. Oddly when our force gathered there was only 2 kurita pilots there at all and i had the sinking feeling as my merc fodder senses started tingling. the guy in command- another merc, had the right idea and seemed to have his head on right. take out all the gates, push through gamma with snipers at beta/alpha to keep them honest and get the secondary objectives cleared. ok fine, an actual plan.

unfortunately, our side was worried about paint scratches. the "decoy" forces decided to move in and take out their two objectives and were ready to move on primary- except the two lances at gamma were still outside the gates unwilling to push in and take out the objective orbital scans showed was right around the corner from the gate. sensing a chance for a big payday despite having the wrong mech for it, i rushed my LRMtaro into the base figuring at least the heavies and assaults cowering would follow. i get to the objective and nearly take it out solo while a lance is firing on me before i had to get out of there. of course everyone else is still sitting there. commander is screaming at everyone for their timidity- maybe he was a kurita after all. but yeah these guys were bad.

managed to get back to the drop point and swap out into something heavier- repair bills for the taro are going to be ridiculous. more LRMs in my battlemaster and ready for a straight run at the objectie from beta, taking out defenses as i go. thing's pretty slow but hey everything should be fine by the time i get there right? hell no. ready to move in when the commander is still screaming at the cowards with us after he tried to repeat my run with as much success. thing's smoking like crazy but still up and running. i wait, the cowards still hiding, so finally i sigh and try to make the rush myself- lights by alpha STILL waiting for a chance to take out the primary because of gamma squad.

here a t-wolf, there a t-wolf everywhere a t-wolf, getting shreaded but FINALLY take out the objective so we can make a run at primary. barely get out alive AGAIN. that was the high point because the t-wolves got bored and started shreading gamma farce. commander was beside himself. kinda felt bad cause his plan could have worked had anyone there besides the two of us had any testicular fortitude. that was the highpoint of our push. retreated with huge repair bills on my end while the gamma farce folk were crying about a decal getting knocked off. clans could have this rock i'm outta here.

#5 jper4


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Posted 26 December 2014 - 08:42 AM

journal entry # 238

after the disaster at Sainsville i realize my contract's about up. After what they keep sticking me with i'm half tempted to leave the FWL and try my luck elsewhere. except i had those two mechs to repair after the kuritas stiffed my pay again beause "lowly merc failed in his task as expected and kurita doesn;t reward failure". only place i have any bonafides are in the FWL so reluctantly i head back to sign another contract. Of course i wasn;t going to let them give me the newbie rate, i've sunk enough credits into defending their worlds to be given a better deal.

the paymaster wasn;t as impressed though making noises about how if i was any good i'd have been hired to join the FWL permenantly or least have gotten into a merc group with a positive reputation. things went downhill from there. in the end all i got out of him was that he'd give me a rank of Sergeant in the military and a 1% pay increase from my last contract. whoop-dee-do.

hope i can actually get assigned to some place where the average pilot's IQ is higher than a locust's tonnage.

#6 jper4


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Posted 27 December 2014 - 09:37 AM

Journal Entry # 244

who would have thought that a place called Byesville would be the place i'm stationed at the longest? not that i had much choice in the matter. wfor whatever reason the FWL fronts were all quiet right after i resigned which left me either the Dracs again or the steiners- the arrogant vs the snobs- great choice huh? finally settled on the Dracs and found myself here- ok i flipped a coin.

As usual, despite signing on for garrison duty i find myself up at the front ready to hit a clan outpost. Was definitely not the front line troops for either side. mechs were dropping left and right, one of the bigger mech casualty counts i've seen in quite a while. of course we failed and were chased back to our drop ships for an evac.

Do you think they'd give me a break? nope not the dracs, instead of landing at base camp i land at a different front. the real surprising thing. Actual Drac pilots, in fact an actual unit. of course i never got all their alphabet soup decals down so who knows if those -RC- guys were house troops or just some mercs signed on with them. Gave me a slight bit of hope that if the dracs were willing to actually use their own troops instead of leaving it to the mercs it might actually be an important holding we were about to hit. i was actually right, a couple of feints along the valleys while the main force punched our way in. clans had pulled their front liners away from here and we were actually killing them faster than they were taking us out- that never happens. In the end we secure the objective and pushed them out.

scuttlebutt said the dracs were holding across the planet so we got back to base camp finally, i got paid shockingly and didn;t even have a big repair bill to bite into it. got some needed shuteye until the alarms started blaring again. Apparently during my nap the clans got ticked off they actually lost a position and swarmed in with their front liners again. got rustled up and flung off to the closest lost base to try and retake it before they could entrench. wish they picked a warmer spot though.

as usual the twolf/stormcrowers were everywhere but at least we seemed to have missed the front liners. of course there weren't any dracs with us either so once again we got the short end. the big surprise was that the clanners must have decided to use the camp as a training grounds for new pilots or something because once again we drove them back and rolled through them even easier than the last fight. dropships wouldn;t land to drop off their reinforcements we pushed the front so fast. did see a couple Mariks from BWC i think it was, who must have been as bored as i was at the quiet front and came up to help out. in any case another win and another big payout- salvage was pretty good this time, almost made up for one of my earlier disasters.

at this point though the dracs were getting pushed back, planet was on the verge of being lost. got thrown to a different front nearby- someday someone will build a base in a warm non rotten egg smelliong location. you people have entire planets to pick from, find someplace more pleasant already! The BWC duo were dragged into it as well though we were in different lances again. This one was a bit more back and forth, got caught in a slugging match for the early going, surprisingly we gave better than we got while a light snuck in to take out an objective. had to regroup before pushing again but again we drove deep into their lines and secured some secondary objectives before they managed to rally and force us back again but barely beyond the gates as they were losing people faster than we were. finally got some assaults to join the front- lrmtaros aren;t the best at that sort of thing after all and we finished the job, caught them scattered and punched through the middle of them, they had to retreat and we secured the target.

of course that was when the general evacuation alert was given, the clanners were taking out everything else along the way and if we didn;t retreat now we'd be stuck on planet when it was lost. fortunately we didn;t run across any resistance on our way back- guess those crow/wolves aren't the quickest pursuing units- think i saw a kitfox though, didn;t think they made lights in the clans anymore. made it back and waved bye bye to byesville- a planet that lived up to it's name since the dracs were waving bye to it as well.

back to marik space now. sure we lost the planet but i'll always remember byesville fondly- made more credits there than anyplace else to date. and that's what everyone's here for in the end right?

#7 jper4


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Posted 30 December 2014 - 11:29 AM

journal entry #255

this is more like it, back in the FRR against the clans. but at least this time all the big walls and nasty turrets are facing away from me for a change. also see quite a few merc units represented, all must have gotten bored like me on the home front- one guy actually took up knitting to pass the time- and came up for some action. couple davs showed up but at least they got put in another lance. unlike the dracs, a few vikings actually showed up to defend their planet so we actually got good rations this time around. that town a few klicks back was very hospitable, think i'll have to go find that Avi gal again once i finish cleaning up here.

anyway the clans sent the second stringers again- ever notice the best units always seem to be the ones we have to fight through walls and laser turrets to get to? which was fine by me. got the lrmtaro out, always work well on defense. enemy came in a bit tentatively, that's how i knew it wasn;t the regulars- they just charge and crush everything in their path. also, there was a nova with these guys. in any case they tried hitting everywhere atnonce but didn;t coordinate too well so we'd kill off one group by the time the second one got a breach and so on with the third.

again they weren't very aggressive, our guys could move from point to point, pin down whatever they had at one gate, then move back to our original spots when the next group peeked inside. finally someone must have said something after the first two waves got beaten back because they finally did a double rush, got one of our shield generators that powered the energy shielfds to keep them from bombing us from orbit and a t-wolf managed to sneak through the far side of the base to get out a second just before we got him. i had run out of ammo a while ago so was just pinging away with my ML at this point, no time to get back to the depot to reload. took out a couple clnners who weren;t paying attention to me when the last big rush came from the center. we handled it and after that it was a matter of chasing down the stragglers.

easy enough payday and only had 1 mech to repair this time. Avi's gonna love to hear the story of my brave defense of her home i'm sure. better get there before that dav pilot i saw eyeing her gets to her first. i just hope she's not like her cousin Olga who demanded any guy wanting to buy her a drink had to beat her three brothers at arm wrestling first...


#8 jper4


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Posted 02 January 2015 - 10:25 AM

journal entry #263

looks like the bigwigs have finally decided to actually go on the attack along the steiner front. some place called Wing. ran across a few mercs i've run with in the past on this run so at least i know we have some decent pilots for a change. scuttlebutt claimed the steiners were reoganizing their front and a quick push should be able to drive them back and out of the area. of course the guys not making the drops are always confident that resistance will be light. if i had a credit for everytime i heard that i wouldn;t have to pilot.

well turns out i probably should have played the comstar lottery because believe it or not the intel was right. we dropped in and the enemy had already abandoned the base. defenses were simple enough to deal with and got myself the perfect assignment. easy credits and minimal repairs.

we were told to push on from there only this time we met resistance, some mercs or regulars, who knows? anyway they were camped out waiting for us. plan was the charge of the Light Brigade- don;t think they recalled how that actually turned out though. sure we hit some secondary targets but didn;t come close to the main goal. biggest mistake we made was only openning one of the gates so the next wave got crushed since they knew we were coming that way. tried going for the other gates but momentum had been broken. we forced our way in to do some damage to the main objective before we got driven out for good before we finally had to retreat but nothing they couldn' repair in a few days i don;t think.

heard some good news filtering in elsewhere along the front but dunno how things ended up before i got called off on another assignement, will have to check later and see how things turned out down there.

((ooc- probably won;t be updating as frequently since the holidays are over- i usually only play thurs/fri- little bit sat sometimes so the pace will slow down some. comments welcome as long as it doesn;t turn into a thread derailment thing like other threads have :) i appreciate the likes so far :) )

#9 jper4


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Posted 03 January 2015 - 05:38 AM

Journal Entry #266

finally got to join an actual push on offense. command had been been looking to flank the Davs for some time and finally settled on some place Tsinghai for the target. apparently they heard the davs were pushing elsewhere and wouldn;t be able to reposition their untis in time. of course they decide to send in the merc first. fortunately for a change the intel was right. that's what twice in a row now? wonder who the new guy they got working there now, someone better give that guy a talking to. accurate intel is going to mess with more pilots' heads than anything out here. don;t they know how that's going to affect a merc's natural cynicism?

anyway after we rolled through the first target, unless you count that one guy with the bazooka tyrying to hold the base as a defense, orders came to keep pushing across all fronts. of course the bigwigs can't keep from messing with things so only about half the mercs from the first run were there for the second. This time a part of some company RRB was up against us. was a tough fight since we had just barely taken position ourselves so defenses weren't up to par. was a big time brawl but we barely managed to drive them back and force them to retreat.

before i could catch my breath, our survivors were whisked away again. guess the bigwigs were actually serious about keeping the pressure up, but as usual they couldn;t keep everyone together. did find myself with some of the 313th again trying to hold another location against a unified force from SMC, they might have had a merc or two but not many. Their initial push was a quick strike and by the time we could fight them off we were forced way back on the defensive, barely were able to have enough people to watch the gates. i had the most misearble luck here. everywhere i went seemed to be the place they were pushing from and i took a ton of damage. Weapons taken out right off the bat. even when i switched to LRMs i'd find a lance of snipers taking shots at me. was horrible. we held off a bit longer but in the end a wave of assaults punched through our thinned and irregular lines and i hitched a ride with the 313th to get the hell out of there.

my last fight- since i was down to my last couple of mechs seemed promosing at first. lance of the 313th a lance of 331st and me with some fill ins against a similar mixture of Davs- AFFS was one of the insignia i recognized- actually heard of those guys- very popular on the Dav propaganda programming front. Unfortunately today i learned what happens when an equal number of different companies have completely different objectives. 313th was ready to push to the objectives but little did anyone realize was that the AFFS had apparently killed a pilot of the 331st earlier in the day and the 331st was out for blood. so while a couple of lances were trying to move up, another was dead set of fighting every last mech out there. As it was the Davs were effectively using their snipers to pin down any sort of advance in the beginning before finally the 313th tried forcing a charge. it failed and we were driven back. tried again with the same result.

at this point some bickering began between the 313th and 331st (i personally think it was over whether the 1 should come before or after the 3- long standing grudge and all that- glad the 133rd wasn;t there too or i'd have just called the dropship back home right then and there) really broke out as the 331st failed to suppoort a 313th poush like they had been expecting. at this point everything broke down and the davs came out and droves us all back to the dropships and we escaped the battlefield.

only good news was that team marik actually pulled it off, BWC rumored to have led the final push to drive the Davs off planet so for once the Davs lost a world to us instead of taking one of ours. can't wait to see the spin on the pirate streamed "Davion at War!" broadcasts for this one.

personally i barely broke even here. made out well in the beginning but those last few fights cost a bundle. will have to see how the next few fights go. contract's running out. maybe i'll go sign on with the vikings for a short stint. Arya, Anya, Ana whatever her name was is probably missing me by now.

#10 Crusader627


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Posted 03 January 2015 - 08:02 AM

Keep up to the good work, dude. This thread is a nice break from all the inter-faction politics in other threads.

#11 Joe Decker


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Posted 03 January 2015 - 12:28 PM

View PostTanar, on 27 December 2014 - 09:37 AM, said:

made it back and waved bye bye to byesville- a planet that lived up to it's name since the dracs were waving bye to it as well.

The best Sentence I ever read ^_^

#12 jper4


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Posted 07 January 2015 - 09:40 AM

Journal entry #281

Boredom. who who have thought after so much early activity along the front things just ground to a halt. Scuttlebutt claims both sides ran out of mechs after covering the surface of Wazan with mech parts from horizon to horizon. (note to self- when the dust clears head over to wazan and see what i can salvage down there. maybe i can make an urbanmech for giggles and get some replacement parts for my regular mechs. will save replacement costs). Anyway haven;t had a paying asignment in days, unless i plan on going to Steiner space- like i'll help them any. both sides need to regroup i guess, but even the Steiner front is quiet.

contracts runnning out soon anyway. i'd cut and run right now if i didn;t spend all this time trying to build my rep here. no one's gonna hire a merc who cuts and runs on his contract. But i think this time instead of re-upping im gonna take a quick run among the FRR for quick tour. action's still rumored to be going on there and need to keep my edge. a short tour in the land of stormcrows and t-wolves is about my limit though- last time i was up there i dreamed of stormcrows for a week.

besides once i'm gone i'm sure the FWL will come back to me with a better deal to get me back with them. and having some rep elsewhere in case things go bad is always handy. yeah. sounds like a plan.

Edited by Tanar, 07 January 2015 - 09:40 AM.

#13 jper4


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 10:53 AM

journal entry #283

so i finally get a call to action. ironically enough on the FRR front to defend against clan push #37264 or so. some place called Goito. for once behind the walls instead of trying to break through them. Apparently this was a side show for both sides. not one FRR pilot was with us and i saw a few different merc units from other places represented. don;t think the clans sent their best either- only saw 2 stormcrows for every t-wolf instead of three. even saw a nova out there. couple lights for ecm cover but where we were cover wasn't really there to help hide behind.

i loaded up on LRMs this time- always work better on this side of the wall than the other. they tried a big guy push to start. worked pretty well, for us anyway. not enough speed to get to their objectives and though it was a battle of attrition we ended up with the upper hand, only minor damage when a couple of flankers came through the other side. they regrouped and tried again with some ECM. seemed to go the same way as the first push except for the ecm covered lance that took the scenic route while we all focucesed on the mechs with the bright paint schemes blaring trumpets as they marched. someone should have noticed it was the decoy i suppose. we took heavy damage on our defenses and lost two of the generators despite starting to pick up an edge on mechs.

had to reload by this point and we made the mistake of falling back a bit too far to defend the objectives. let the other side push almost halfway into the base before we could really get eyes and locks on them, they took out the last shield generator when they split their mechs, again the right side heaviest to ecm coverage and we fell back to the last line. fortunately that last push was their swansong, remaining mechs on their side were mostly lights. they did some serious damage but with all remaining defenders waiting for them we managed to hold. barely but we held. a few more heavies in that last wave and we might not have.

yeah i think a short stint with the FRR might be the best for me. marik front is a ghost town. both fronts seem to be suffering major intel failures as attacks are launched against mechles targets or people just staring across the lines at each other daring the other side to move. maybe when i come back things will have heated up again. but still, better count my credits, i don;t trust the marik attache here, i think he skims off the top of the merc pay deposits. of course no one is going to listen to me if i complain. business is business they claim. like a merc of all people doesn;t know that..

#14 jper4


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Posted 09 January 2015 - 10:26 AM

journal entry #289

Finally some action. Got some rcommendations after the first Goito battle, the FRR wanted me back again against a push from BEAR. actually a few vikings showed up this time but i could tell by the stormcrow/t-wolf swarm that we were facing front liners this time. They punched through the defenses with the initial push and from there it was pretty much a stalling action- trying to do as much damage as we could to buy ourselves time to retreat so they couldn't pursue. Managed that much at least but it was close, they had almost swooped in behind us to cut us off before one of our scouts (poor guy) noticed at the last second.

i guess as punishment i was sent back to marik space and was thrown to the mech graveyard- Wazan which as usual was under heavy pressure. Got tossed into a bit of a makeshift line. some BWC- a lance and change and a SRPH guy trying to mind the shop for his side, they had control of the base. but we were up against an organized unit from SMC. Light swarm over all the walls and our slower mechs couldn;t respond until they had taken out the defense generators. After that it was Goito all over again, pushed back the next couple pushes- even tried metting them far from the base to damage them before they could get there- didn;t work too well, before they finally broke through- couple guiys on our side were getting mad because they thought they were toying with us- and we had to make a run for it.

Got relocated to a different front- well ok my dropship got redirected midflight. Apparently the dav push was uneven and command throught they found an openning to exploit. The SMC units were pushing much faster than the mercs on the side of them which left a spot behind to try and cut off the SMC spearhead. Only had a jenner prepped at that point so was hoping command was right for a change. shockingly they were. a lance from HRS dropped with us and we swarmed through the broken down defsnes and swiped the base out from behind them. Dunno if the rest of the plan worked as far as cutting off SMC went because we were thrown back to recover shortly after the garritroopers showed up. did find a mostly undamaged LRM 15 launcher and a couple MLs among the wreckage. Go salvage!

Finally got a bit of a breather and repairs were just about finished when i was called out again. BWC unit needed some fill-in mercs to replace holes in their lances as a company of the 31HR from the Davs led their mercs to another battlesite. another back and forth battle, this one more of an attrition battle than any sort of fancy tactical fight. was may the most tonnage win. fortunately this time it was on our side. was a close fight, main planetary defense turret took quite a bit of damage but we finally managed to drive them back. T-bolt arm actuator may have found it's way into my hanger...

contract ran out right after the fight and command wanted to give me the same deal as last time since "i'd been uninvolved with the fighting fo so much of my current contract that they saw no reason to increase their offer." oh and they wanted to keep me on Wazan. Been living up to it's name. FWL held off the initial surge from the Davs but they're at it again today. even with salvage it'll be tough to break even with all the repairs if i stay on the mech graveyard.

Think it's time to become a viking for a bit.

#15 jper4


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Posted 09 January 2015 - 02:48 PM

((currently signed on with the FRR for a week so the story continues here


don;t worry i'll be back though :) ))

#16 jper4


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Posted 23 January 2015 - 10:50 AM

((i'm back!))

journal entry #316

Well after my stint with the FRR it's time to get back to Marik space. besides it's better for my liver down here. trying to out drink a viking berserker wasn't one of my brightest ideas even if his sister was kinda hot. Anyway the good news is that i got a little extra this time around since the paymasters realized my services ARE actually wanted elsewhere. The bad news is that i think someone gave me TOO glowing a review because i got fed to the wolves since i've gotten back.

Speaking of which, yup my first assignment was back to kurita to take on the same t-wolf/stormcorwing/ecm balls of doom i came back to the FWL to get away from. but it doesn;t look good if you complain to the guys in charge before the ink dries on your contract i've found so off i went. and it went down even quicker than the FRR did. bunch of mercs against the RGCB that i had the misfortune of running across before and the results were the same. they just swarmed all over everything under ecm cover and before we knew it they had taken everything out. our "glory" was that they needed the lead elements of the second wave before they could completely overrun the base.

Finally after this fiasco i manged to actually get to defend a FWL world for a change. good ol' Wing- i think i've spent half my career either there or Wazan. this time a couple of merc lances JMCI and SRPH were along for the ride while i was as usual in the "leftovers lance" where i ran into an old battle buddy from the 313th. Didn't think this was too bad until the enemy showed up to full a full regiment of GIFR from Steiner. apparently there was a big sale on thunderbolts while i was away because it seemed like no matter where i went someone was shooting at me with an ERPPC and they hadn;t even gotten over the walls yet. half the first wave of defenders were down before they even bothered trying to get past the defenses. by the time they were through the first line was wiped out and they hadn't lost a mech. second wave FINALLY started doing some damage but that was when they rallied by one of our reinforcements sites and were taking out mechs before they could land. ended up being a rout and about all we did was manage to make them take a little bit longer than expected to do so.

barely got out of there in one piece but that was good enough for GIFR because they followed us to the next base where we had mostly second line units and one lance fro BOS that was in transit when they hit us. i tried passing along the intel i picked up from before and the BOS guys seemed to be familiar with their tactics. we tried to play full defense except for some of the other lone wolves who tried to push them back and died horribly for their efforts. Pretty much played out the same way except there was a bit more delay as we tried to take maximum advantage of the turrets to slow them down while we defended the generators. the range difference and ecm thwarted that tactic though. did take them an extra wave and a little more time to drive us out but after the pounding from the first two waves we were too damaged to stop the light swarm and barely got out again.

needless to say as i left the planet at that point to try and get my mechs fixed up i heard a couple hours later that we lost Wing. maybe the Davion front will be less t-bolty. see what kinda of deal i can get down there...

#17 jper4


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Posted 31 January 2015 - 11:31 AM

journal entry 327

Man it's been crazy lately. they got me flying all over the place i don;t even have time to catch up. finally on the way back for some R&R though. About time- been stuck on Kandis way too long now. Credits have been decent there for the most part though. odd to come back to FWL and spend more time in the FRR than when i was in the FRR but i don;t get to pick my jobs.

First job back and the Steiners were already making a push. Got hotdropped onto Dattack where the 12DG was making a push against FWL defenses. Ran across a lance of the 313th again there- i'm starting to think they have someone hacking the system to have me end up with their guys. seems like they're on almost every FWL space drop i find myself at. Fortuinately we got to play defense this time around. Wasn't a full contingent of the 12DG though- saw a filler lance in with them, must be stretched thin i guess. In any event the fight started out well for us as we pushed them back the first couple of times. By the time they made it to the objectives in the third wave they were down too many mechs and we managed to play our numbers edge into a win.

Then they threw me back to the wolves as soon as i got back to HQ, back to the FRR to help a lance of the WDMC and some filler forces hold off a lance of the CWGG and their fillers. I have noticed a lot more mixed up units lately, either everyone's getting stretched thin or a lot of mechs are in the repair shop that they need mercs to replace the holes in their lines. surprising i was only one of two non FRR pilots defending this time- usually it's the other way around. Home field advantage paid off though as we drove them back and held the line. someone must have figured out the anti-stormcrow/t-wolf defense techniqque up there though looking at the map it seems it's a bit late.

Back to the FWL again- wonder if i can count these towards my frequent spacer's light years and bump myself up to first class next vacation? Looks like the pesky 12DG was at it again though this time in full force on some place called Alchiba. All we had were a bunch of mercs, most of whom didn;t even have a unit- more lone wolves than usual to stop them. Command has passed along word that the Steiner push was starting to run out of steam so we just had to keep them in play, bleed them, and stall long enough for fresh troops to arrive and drive them off planet. of course it would be nice had they gotten here first. But at least there was no idiot in charge telling us to fight to the last breath- like mercs are going to do that anyway. Good thing too because they were more organized than us. Fortunately we sighted their first push early enough to rally- was a battle of attrition where the first two lines on both sides pretty much took each other out with minimal losses to the objectives but they just kept coming and our third wave was caught too slow out of place and they rolled through our last two waves to drive us out of the base.

That failure got be booted back to the FRR and kandis where shockingly i was left at for quite a while. The first attack on our position was a bunch of mercs against our bunch of mercs. The clanners did have a lance of the PHL with them but they couldn;t get the rest of their guys organized and we successfully held them off with only minor damage done to the base. That apparently got someone mad on their side because the next attack came soon after with lances from both the CWI and CWG joining forces. Our forces were still mostly the same bunch as before and we were caught completely offguard by their double ecm light covered pushes from opposite ends of the base. Their first wave nearly took out everything in the base and when they brought the crow swarm after we were left fleeing for our lives as the base went down with barely a fight.

Naturally the FRR command blamed us foreigners for the defeat and ordered us to retake the base the next day. The clanners must have moved on because there was no sign of either the CWI and CWG at the base when our mishmash of lone wolves approached the base. Nothing fancy- bulldog our way through the gate and pull the enemy to one side while a handful of lights went after the generators. Worked as planned- two generators were taken out before we were beaten back managing to match losses mech for mech. Second push went the same, hard push right to take out the enemy while a lone light tried to take out the far side generator. He also made it but two mechs were guarding it and he came up short, but we were pushed back again and the last generator was still running.

I had managed to make it back to my jenner and volunteered to finish the generator off while they hard pushed to the main objective from the right once again. the rest of the unit helpfully informed me that the fate of the mission was entirely in my hands at this point (you'd think one of them might have come along with me but it seems everyone here forgot their lights in the dropship). so once they attacked i went over the wall...and found 3 enemy mechs waiting. I mistimed the jump so the last hill in front of the generator was a bit too tall for me to hop but fortunately it did provide cover from 2 of the enemy and one of the turrets. sprinting around the corner i went full alpha on the generator while laser fire tore up the ground around me and warning lights on my console started flashing. Took a second shot as i rounded the generator to get away from the enemy behind me and it went up in smoke. The bad news was that i had three mechs still shooting at me and as i sprinted away two more were coming from the center of the base. Everything was lit up now as i charged the generator itself. Jumping in the air i fired one final alpha at the main objective when all the alarms went crazy and i ejected just in time to see the legs fall off my jenner and the rest of the unit coming in behind the enemy and finish off the objective forcing the clanners to retreat.

Things got a bit awkward when my chute got caught on the planetary defense cannon on the way down, but fortunately it wasn;t firing anymore. The rest of the unit cut me down- after taking photos and posting them on spacebook. I hear i'm up for most embarrassing moment of the week this week.

All i want to know is where i'm going to find replacement jenner legs at a reasonable rate out here. gonna have to wait til i get back to the FWL for that. At least that gave me an excuse to leave Kandis- nice enough place, but pretty expensive to fight there...

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