Journal entry # 218
This seemed like such a simple gig at first. Sign on with the Mariks for a bit, make some easy credits on garrison duty and cash in at the end of my contract. Think it'd be easy right? Nope no sooner than i signed on some spammers or clanners, whatever they were- i thought at the time, sure know better now invade the FRR and steiner and like that was some kind of signal fighting broke out everywhere.
in the beginning no one knew who to trust so us mercs got all the lousy jobs. First real assignment- go off to FRR and try and stop the clanners. I figured we were the sacrificial lambs while the so-called real troops got organized, or they were afraid the Davs bought us all out and we'd turn on Marik. wasn't a pretty sight, they pretty much rolled right though us. Was real glad when i got called back to Marik space to some place called Zion for a bit.
My post was back and forth- like the mariks the davs seem to use their mercs as fodder, we beat off a wave of them so the "real" Davs could come in and pick up the scraps. Wasn't too impressed with the tactics- was kinda of a line up and charge until they can;t kill us fast enough thing. but hey it worked.
Apparently i actually earned some brownie points with the bigwigs because after getting out of Zion just in time i was relocated to Wing as a fill in for the 313th stationed there. actually seeing tactics in use was a first in my travels. Using their tactics we stymied a Steiner attack and drove them from their positions before once more holding off their reinforcements. But we were a lone bright spot and soon the call to get offworld was made here as well.
Had a quick run over in Wasat against the davs again- wasn't pretty.
looks like new orders are here again- where are they tossing me this time?