We Need A Way To Make Pugs Shoot Objectives.
Posted 27 December 2014 - 10:59 AM
This NEEDS to be fixed and I think the way to do it would be to have damage done to generators and turrets count to your total damage and thus your cbills as it seems unfair for someone to go to the work of shooting these and not get credit unless they get the killing blow. Not sure but I do not think there is any sort of reward for hitting generators.
I would like alot of adjustments done to turrets themselves but that would be off topic.
So anyone else have any ideas, or support this one.
Posted 27 December 2014 - 11:55 AM
Posted 27 December 2014 - 11:59 AM
Posted 27 December 2014 - 12:18 PM
Personally I think the gate generators should be made more accessible, or there should be more ways to shoot at it. To counter that, buff its health by 100%.
Posted 27 December 2014 - 12:40 PM
Posted 27 December 2014 - 03:32 PM
Posted 27 December 2014 - 03:42 PM
You need a person willing to risk abuse and try to get it working as a team, and for the rest to obey the instructions, even them 2 or 3 will hang back in case they get paint scratched
Posted 27 December 2014 - 03:47 PM
Cathy, on 27 December 2014 - 03:42 PM, said:
You need a person willing to risk abuse and try to get it working as a team, and for the rest to obey the instructions, even them 2 or 3 will hang back in case they get paint scratched
You also have to make that abuse worth it. Make shooting the defenders also worthwhile, and the PUGS can go for the defenders while the groups go for the generators.
Posted 27 December 2014 - 04:59 PM
Posted 27 December 2014 - 05:12 PM
Posted 28 December 2014 - 01:11 AM
I personally do not like how on Boreal Vault a group of snipers can sit back in the middle of the map and snipe people on either side from one position. On top of that the way the generators on that map are attackers are forced into a VERY cramped area to even be able to open the gates. As a defender sniping people shooting the generator you almost cannot miss.
Sulphorus Rift on the other hand the generators are exposed and you can shoot them from many differnt spots so that defenders cannot easily focus fire. The down side is this map has few areas for defenders to get up by the gates to get actual shots on the attackers.
Its almost like the two maps are almost what I would like to see. Sulphorous Rift needs somethign for defenders to more easily fire back and Boreal Vault needs something so that Defenders have to work a little harder.
Either way, turrets and objectives need to give people more credit and not just the pilot that gets the final shot.
Posted 28 December 2014 - 02:20 AM
Really the game doesnt start til they are open, just have an aplha/beta/gamma turret that flashes to let the defenders know which side is under attack. After the first wave it rarely matters anyway, we just wait to see where the mechs are pouring in.
Posted 28 December 2014 - 02:21 AM
Herein you will find the list of all currently FRR aligned units. This includes FRR-loyalist units and mercenary units. The Official Government of the FRR, the Riksdag, encourages all units fighting for the FRR to register here. It will allow the FRR to better coordinate our efforts and enlighten newcomers to the FRR and her organisations.
These are units who spend almost all of their time in the FRR and maintain involvement.
The RoyalKungsArmé Reserve
The RoyalKungsArmé is foremost a coalition of major loyalist FRR units, founded initially by [ISEN], [2323], [MJ12], and [SoR]. The RoyalKungsArmé Reserve is a place where beginners, lonewolfs, and solo puggers can gather to receive training and group drop opportunities from various units before moving on to join an established FRR unit. The RoyalKungsArmé Reserve currently exists under multiple in-game tags: [RKA], [RSRV], and [-S0-].
Timezone: all
Contract: various
Unit Size: it's complicated
Teamspeak: frrhub.ddns.net:9725 ||| pw: Dragon
Website: forum post/overview // more information
Contacts: crustydog, Duke Einholt, Mech The Dane, Theaus, Mercier
Last updated: Dec 2015
[ISEN] Isengrim
Beyond the rim of darkling sky
where no house-born dare to fly,
In the empty void as deep as night,
There burns one ember flaring bright.
Forged of Iron and grimly wrought,
Knowing battle and bravely fought,
In olden ways they pick the best,
Each thegn proven by bloody test.
No room for weak or craven fold,
Only the willing and proven bold,
Heroes alone may boldly bare,
The Isen banner of bright declare.
Timezone: NA & AUS
Contract: Permanent FRR.
Unit Size: ~30 active
Teamspeak: frrhub.ddns.net:9725 ||| pw: Dragon
Website: www.waesir.com/hall
Contacts: Mech The Dane, Tarogato, Scurro
Last updated: Dec 2015
[2323] 2323 Reggies
2323 Reggies is a NA Time Zone, English speaking, Semi-Competitive unit focused on Community Warfare with it's primary rule being "No Drama". We like to have fun and win in CW. Our homeland is FRR but we do go on rotations occasionally in order to get those juicy CW rank bonuses for our members.
Timezone: NA (CST)
Contract: FRR permanent (with occasional rotations)
Unit Size: ~30 members (25 active)
Teamspeak: frrhub.ddns.net:9725 ||| pw: Dragon
Website: 2323Reggies.com
Contacts: Lord Creston, Duke Einholt, BitXer0, Divase
Last updated: Dec 2015
[1stH] 1st Hussars Remnants
Mostly casual unit with competitive elements.
Timezone: All
Contract: Permanent FRR, very limited outside FRR.
Unit Size: ~100 active
Teamspeak: frrhub.ddns.net:9725 ||| pw: Dragon
Website: http://1sthussars.enjin.com
Contacts: Pestolent, Pando Box, Starwolf1991
Last updated: Dec 2015
[-S0-] Sons of Odin
About: unknown
Timezone: unknown
Contract: Permanent FRR.
Unit Size: unknown
Teamspeak: frrhub.ddns.net:9725 ||| pw: Dragon
Website: none
Contacts: Theaus
Last updated: Mar 2015
[SoR] Skjaldborg of the Rasalhague
We are a FRR-loyal mercenary unit. We are lead by an elected council. Our focus is on fun group drops and CW. Being aggressive and "punching 'em in the ****" is our preferred tactic.
Timezone: EU (GMT), NA
Contract: Permanent FRR.
Unit Size: ~30 active players
Teamspeak: unknown
Website: www.theskjaldborg.com
Contacts: Boombuni, Tevnor
Last updated: Dec 2015
[MJ12] The Majestic 12
About: unknown
Timezone: unknown
Contract: Permanent FRR.
Unit Size: unknown
Teamspeak: frrhub.ddns.net:9725 ||| pw: Dragon
Website: unknown
Contacts: Colosos, DAEDALOS513
Last updated: Dec 2015
[BVNJ] 1st Blue Vengeance Naglfar's Journey
Blue Vengeance is a German-speaking unit. We are somewhere between casual and competitive. We have regular 12 man training drops and try to keep our edge, but we don't take ourselves too serious, or better, we don't take ourselves serious at all. ^^
Timezone: EU (GMT+1)
Contract: Permanent FRR.
Unit Size: 30+ active
Teamspeak: private
Website: www.blue-vengeance.de
Contacts: Toshiro Moto, Klappspaten
Last updated: Mar 2015
[5thD] 5th Drakøns
We label ourselves as Competent, not Competitive. We don't get tryhard about the game, but we do take things seriously when it comes to 12 mans, or especially now with CW out. We have a TS, a Steam group, and made a Subreddit. Contact one of us if you wish to apply.
Timezone: NA (EST)
Contract: Permanent FRR.
Unit Size: ~15
Teamspeak: unknown
Website: reddit.com/r/Yggdrasill
Contacts: Vhetra, Veralas, KVLTCLUTCH, Do I Care, SBDNinja
Last updated: Dec 2015
[OMC] Oceanic Merc Corp
Casual/competitive unit based in Oceanic Area. Our goal is to bring a tactical, positional style to the table that caters for the calm, deliberate players as opposed to the standard murderball rush teams.
Timezone: Oceanic/AUS (between GMT+8 and GMT+12)
Contract: Permanent FRR (move around for mechbays. but we always come back to FRR)
Unit Size: ~50 active (~10 CW)
Teamspeak: TS.OMCMWO.COM
Website: http://omcmwo.com/
Contacts: live1991
Last updated: Dec 2015
[-RH-] Royal Harriers
The Royal Harriers is a small unit consisting of IRL friends. We are a group of fairly competent players aimed to kick some clanners butts in CW. We are loyalists to the core. We do have an addiction to extreme mech builds, like quad UAC/5 JGM-DD. We like to try builds beyond meta, and only own Inner Sphere mechs.
Timezone: EU/MSK (GMT+3)
Contract: FRR Permanent
Unit size: 3 active (9 members)
Teamspeak: frrhub.ddns.net:9725 ||| pw: Dragon
Website: n/a
Contacts: EldenLance
[325] 325th Marine Speditionstyrka
Unit is comprised of 7 friends in Spain (In Tarragona a city of Catalonia). So we are Castellan speaking, and as a unit we are unable to communicate in English.
Timezone: EU (GMT+1). Unit drops most Fridays from 22:00 to 02:00
Contract: Permanent FRR
Unit Size: 7 active players
Teamspeak: ts3server:// ||| Spanish speaking teamspeak private Chatrooms.
Website: n/a
Contacts: Hug Kesse
Last updated: Dec 2015
[FRIR] Free Rasalhague Irregular Militia
Competent unit of relative newcomers, with a couple lovers of battletech lore. Mostly a group of friends that have known and fought together in other games, but don't worry we welcome new faces. Relaxed, friendly atmosphere in TS with coordination interspersed with banter or regular chat.
Timezone: NA / all
Contract: Permanent FRR.
Unit Size: ~12
Teamspeak: frisianfaggots.typefrag.com
Website: unknown
Contacts: Sandersson Jankins
Last updated: May 2015
[TPI] Reaper's Wraith
About: unknown
Timezone: Australia (UTC+8)
Contract: Permanent FRR.
Unit Size: 6+
Teamspeak: unknown
Website: unknown
Contacts: Bendeximo
Last updated: Jan 2015
[HWC] Haven Wolves Company
We are casual but not afraid to get our hands dirty in some nefarious way if necessary. Active mostly 16:00 - 12:00 GMT.
Timezone: GMT+2
Contract: Permanent FRR
Unit Size: ~6
Teamspeak: unknown
Website: none
Contacts: Onigami, Furball42, ShadowedR
Last updated: May 2015
These are units that frequently visit the FRR, but are mercenaries first and foremost.
[ASE] Aseveljet
ASE is an English speaking Finnish/euro merc unit, we usually stick with FRR when we are playing IS.
Timezone: EU (GMT+2)
Contract: details unknown
Unit Size: 120
Teamspeak: Invite only
Website: http://mwo.aseveljet.net/
Contacts: jasmu, Troopie, VXJaeger
Last updated: Dec 2015
[VRGD] Varangian Guard
Varangian Guard is a Russian-speaking unit that often returns to the FRR.
Timezone: UTC+3
Contract: unknown
Unit Size: ~54
Teamspeak: ts.vanguard.ru
Website: unknown
Contacts: FightFox
Last updated: May 2015
[PHL] Phoenix Legion
If you need support in attacking or defending please send a PM to one of the Contacts. I will post our TS data later on for direct support requests. Our online times are usually between 19:00 and 24:00 hrs (CET) daily. During the weekends also during daytime. We currently field enough players to have multiple 12-man-games every evening.
Timezone: CET (UTC+1)
Contract: constantly moving
Unit Size: 140+
Teamspeak: unknown
Website: www.phoenix-legion.de
Contacts: Edema, derFiend, Tunes of War, White Hunter, Warchild Corsair
Last updated: Dec 2014
[BoR] Brotherhood of RANDleSt
We label ourselves as casual, not competitive. We don't get tryhard about the game and accept EVERYONE, as any member fielding the [BoR] tag is allowed to invite recruits into our unit, especially now with CW out.
Timezone: All
Contract: unknown
Unit Size: 40+
Teamspeak: eu1.mech-connect.net ||| no password
Website: http://brotherhood-of-randis.clans.de/
Contacts: Brother MEX
Last updated: May 2015
[Oden] Oden Battlemech Regiment
Unit is based on RL friends in Sweden and as such is a Swedish speaking Unit.
Timezone: unknown
Contract: unknown
Unit Size: ~10
Teamspeak: unknown
Website: n/a
Contacts: Carle Wrede
Last updated: May 2015
[OLD] Old Dragon Battle Group
We are a casual merc corp that is likely to remain contracted to the FRR for the foreseeable future. Mostly fighting along the FRR/GB border. We are open to players of all skill and experience levels over the age of 25 (most everyone in MWO). Most active from ~20:00hrs EST to 03:00hrs EST. Though casual we've earned our keep thus far by winning more CW battles than we've lost.
Timezone: US, Australia, Norway
Contract: unknown
Unit Size: ~39
Teamspeak: unknown
Website: unknown
Contacts: Jonathan Paine, Divine Retribution
Last updated: Jan 2015
[331] 331st R.B.M.D. Minnesota Tribe
Competitive anti-clan unit. We will probably be residing in Rasalhague until the map gets reset.
Timezone: EU
Contract: unknown
Unit Size: 45+
Teamspeak: unknown
Website: www.minnesotatribe.eu
Contacts: ClaymoreRelliK, Ivanskij, Rushin Roulette, Grauluchs
Last updated: Jan 2015
[SNB] SchatteNBrigade
About: unknown
Timezone: GER (UTC+1)
Contract: unknown
Unit Size: 30+
Teamspeak: schattenbrigade.enjinvoice.com
Contacts: Nachtigall, Taxi Hayate, OXVII
Last updated: Jan 2015
[BoS] Brotherhood of Steel
About: unknown
Timezone: EU usually 20.00 - 23.00 o'clock GMT
Contract: unknown
Unit Size: ~19
Teamspeak: unknown
Website: unknown
Contacts: Zongoose, Markbrandhauber
Last updated: Jan 2015
[-M-] Monitors
We are the Monitors. We believe in balance, no faction can become too powerful. We help factions in need. Although our specialty is defense, we excel in offense as well. We are not mercenaries, we are not pirates, we signed with no faction, but fight for the betterment of all. "There is no Peace; only Balance."
Timezone: US (EST)
Contract: unknown
Unit Size: 10+
Teamspeak: unknown
Website: monitor.enjin.com
Contacts: Soulstrom, McGruberr
Last updated: Dec 2015
[RBRD] Rabtar's Raiders
Non-competitive, Competent. We do cycles between FRR and other factions. Hyper aggressive, love to brawl.
Timezone: EST
Contract: details unknown
Unit Size: 10
Teamspeak: unknown
Website: unknown
Contacts: Rabtar, Kurorahk
Last updated: Jan 2016
[-RC-] Red Corsairs
Red Corsairs is a mostly North American merc unit. Focus is on CW and leveling IS mechs. We are mostly from [JFP] which is a loyalist unit within CJF.
Timezone: NA
Contract: FRR - indefinite
Unit Size: ~5
Teamspeak: unknown
Website: unknown
Contacts: Seth, Ultramek, Helbrecht, Celtic Barbarian
Last updated: Jan 2016
Edited by Tarogato, 18 January 2016 - 08:40 AM.
Posted 28 December 2014 - 03:26 AM
EvilCow, on 27 December 2014 - 11:59 AM, said:
If rushing the generators is how the game is won then that's what PUGs should be encouraged to do. If our Canadian overlords disagree then they should change how the game is won to better match their vision of CW.
Either way I think we can all agree that camping the gate doesn't usually work.
Edited by Satan n stuff, 28 December 2014 - 03:28 AM.
Posted 28 December 2014 - 08:19 PM
LordKnightFandragon, on 27 December 2014 - 12:18 PM, said:
Definitely..., its too easy for defenders because theres basically 1 spot they need to watch behind the gates.
Edited by k05h3lk1n, 28 December 2014 - 08:20 PM.
Posted 28 December 2014 - 08:25 PM
Posted 29 December 2014 - 05:38 PM
Posted 29 December 2014 - 08:20 PM
Posted 29 December 2014 - 08:29 PM
so, stop legging your teammates near it... use your artys and airs on the defenders' intercept paths.
Cementi, on 29 December 2014 - 05:38 PM, said:
nope...no tag...no narc... they are immune to these marking devices... tested it a number of times.
Edited by Navid A1, 29 December 2014 - 08:30 PM.
Posted 29 December 2014 - 08:33 PM
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