Here is an idea of how it could happen:
For 1-8 weeks there could be an event “Operation Revival", which will come almost out of the blue for everyone, no advertisement or warning from the Devs, apart from some hints in some of the news feeds that something strange is going on in the Northern Periphery leading up to this event.

So what happens is that during this Event 20% of all Standard Public Matches will become Inner Sphere vs Clan fights. But no one will know if it is one until the match actually starts (Spawn timer has ticked down to zero).
Example: Standard Match 12 vs 12, Draconis Combine vs The Free Rasalhague Republic. The players are waiting for the Timer to tick down and they are making their plans on how they should proceed in the match and Trolling each other in the Chat.

But as soon as the match starts an Incoming Message on all frequencies begins:
“Attention Freebirths. I am Star Colonel Nicolai Malthus of the Jade Falcon Clan. Two Full Binaries stand ready to conquer your planet. What forces dare appose us?........ You dare to ignore my Batchall? Prepare to feel the wrath of the Falcons Claws.”

While this message is being received, the players will also see two dropships land on the other two sides of the map (East & West), and they will then be informed by the sexy computer voice that these dropships have unloaded 10 mechs each. This will cause a huge amount of surprise, horror & excitement.

There will be much player spam in the chat when this happens:
W T F!?!?!?
Hoooooollllly Sh*t YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!
Clans are here Finally! Woot!
Who are clans? What’s going on?
^ Noooooob!
As soon as this happens the original opposing teams become friendly, turning the match into an EPIC 24 vs 20, IS vs CLAN Royal Rumble. Veterans/Team Leaders from both teams will have to quickly communicate with each other and their now combined teams that are on opposite sides of the map, on how best to confront this grave new threat.

These Clan Mechs will be AI (and Dev) controlled. This AI doesn’t need to be that great and this will simulate the Clan Warriors arrogance in the knowledge that they and their Mechs are superior in all ways compared to the IS barbarians, this means that there is not much need for tactics from their point of view. Although I feel that the AI should have some decent accuracy. 5 Mechs (a Star) from each of the East and West sides will go North and 5 Mechs from each side South to engage and destroy the IS players.
Defeating these Clans Mechs should be an extremely difficult task for those teams that don’t co-operate with each other. Which should lead to most of these engagements into becoming crushing defeats for the IS players.

But if the IS players are able to win the match, they should then be rewarded with some nice Clan Tech as Salvage, Loyalty Points and a large amount of C-Bills. Maybe something like the top three players will get the following Salvage rewards, for example:
1st Clan Large Laser
2nd Clan Medium Laser
3rd Clan Small Laser
Once the Operation Revival event is over, Clans will become an optional choice for players to join if they wish to do so.

And the Devs can then use this basic AI they created for this Event for Practice PVE "Instant Action" Matches in the Main Menu.

Well that my 2 C-Bills. Feel free to Quiaff, Quineg or Batchall any of the above suggestion.

BTW: This is the amount of team work that should be required to take down the Clan Mechs.
EDIT: After giving it some more thought, I think I like the idea of 2 Binaries of Clan Mechs, which is 4 Stars which equals 20 Mechs, versus the 2 IS Companies, which is 6 Lances which equals 24 Mechs. Hopefully the Devs can give the Clan Mechs some decent AI that can perform acceptably against the players, and by acceptably I mean absolutely crush them at least 80% of the time.
I have now edited the above suggestion replacing the 2 Trinaries with 2 Binaries of Clan Mechs.
Edited by lllWAVElll, 28 June 2012 - 05:46 PM.